Dogtown Burner
New Member
All this info is really helpful. I am new to MB and have owned engine for less than a month (and signed up literally minutes before posting this!). I have very bad foaming problems in the fuel line. I shortened the fuel line so that it is almost stretched and my RPMs increased significantly. Have not tried riding w/o the fuel cap to check for venting problems. Still don't feel like the engine's turning full RPMs at WOT. Anything else I can try (besides replacing petcock, I'll do that as a last resort, short on funds right now)?
cap HAS to vent! the petcocks don't spew fuel out. they trickle. but the engines dont drink a ton, so it seems to work. as for stretching the line and it working better? only thing I can figure is that you released a vacuum in the line when you took it apart to trim it shorter, and the fuel is perhaps flowing correctly now. the rpms thing could easily be a rich mixture. try needle clip settings, drilling 2 nicely placed 7/16" holes in the black plastic air filter cover so that it gets more air. "the nostrils in the skull"". then the main jet. pistonbikes carries stock jets.