Inside the 2010 Grubee Skyhawk CNS Carb

The only aftermarket carb I have seen worth bothering with is the sha.

I gotta agree here... The CNS carb is just an over hyped chinese PW80 carb clone and it's not set up for these engines... they leak if you look at them wrong and tuning them is just a pain to put it lightly... Besides, it's just too much trouble for the little performance gain one might experience... If you're looking for a bolt on performance carb that fits your intake and will let you spend more time riding than tuning, the SHA is the best bet and the one sold at pedalchopper's site is the best one to get since it has a separate idle circuit that has an adjustable mixture screw so ya just jet the carb for the engine (if it's not already jetted right already) and set the idle speed and idle mix then all ya gotta do is ride and enjoy the extra power and far better low speed manners.

If it's all out performance you want and you can tolerate a little low speed rideability issues, getting a Mikuni VM18 with the right intake for the carb will give a good balance of Noticeable performance gain as well as decent low speed manners. These are a bit tricky to tune, but no where near as finicky as a CNS, and they will give you a really strong gain from midrange on up. Anything larger than a VM18 on the street will be very hard to tune and the power will be way above a useable rpm... Yes, you can go bigger, but that's best for track use only

Since I prefer riding over fixing air leaks and tuning I took off the CNS carb and put the NT carb back on, rejetted, and ride, but I gotta agree, the best bang for the buck for a very good running carb and excellent all around manners is the SHA, the power gain from switching to a SHA is really nince too ;)