Indian Tadpole


Thank you for the alert. I hadn't seen it but if the tri-car works I would certainly build another one with this style of front end. If I last that long. :)

Looked up fenders for the tri-car and Niagara Cycle had some black ones on sale for almost half price. I bought some and they should be here in the next week or so. It will be interesting to see if they are as good as the Wald fenders Silverbear has on his American Flyer.

Tomorrow I'll call a bike shop that Ricksrides told me about to order hubs for the tri-car. Once they are in hand I'll have to see what there is for wheels and spokes. Silverbear told me about some wheels that were available from BikesUSA. I bought one and he laced it into an older Bendix rear hub that he had and it looked darned nice. If the hubs are 12 gauge I will order two front wheels and lace them in for the front wheels on the tri-car.

Looking forward to finishing the build just to see how it handles with a passenger in the front seat. Have to find a new victim to "volunteer". My brother still remembers that unfortunate incident from almost 60 years ago.
All I have to say is "Don't worry. What can go wrong" and the kid still turns white as a ghost. :)

Fast "Don't worry" Eddie
This thread has become what I feared it would, a grinder. You know what I mean? The guy shows up, post some print and a few photos and leaves you saying " Oh, he's still alive" but then he disappears again.

Yep, alive, well and just finished a superior bike camp of which the high lite was lying in bed listening to Silverbear scream at Anniimoosh, Wonder Dog of the North as she took after a 500 pound+ black bear. Fortunately the bear took off like a furred rocket with business in the next county and the Wonder Dog returned with duty done. After breakfast Silverbears heartbeat returned to normal and the day went on.

Rick of Rickrides told me about his trike front hub supplier and I was going to call him and order a pair but first I was looking up Villiers parts in Britian when I came across a chap making hubs that would fit trikes, trailers ect. They weren't some candy colour or a weird shape that wasn't compatable with the build so I took the plunge. The total cost, for me in Canada, was $137 landed of the west coast.

They came yesterday and I must say that I was impressed. Made from 6082T3 aluminium (just numbers/letters to me but it sounds impressive) with a life time warrentee against manufacturing defects. His lifetime I'm sure or his businesses lifetime.
I'll post the ebay web site as soon as I figure out how to. He does say that he will make hubs to fit your need. The ones I got have the disc brake on one side and 2 discs brakes per hub are available.
Stainless steel 20mm axles are available with a nut and bearing spacers to help with the side stress at extra cost. Hubs alone are 64.99 British Pound with 15.99 British Pounds shipping and complete with axles ect they are 89.99 British pounds and 16.99 British Pounds shipping. You will have to use a currency converter to get the dollar price.

I'll post his web site tomorrow but here is some photos of what I got. This thread should be a little busier from now on as I complete the steering and front end parts over the next month or so.

I did ask him to drill the spokes out for 12 gauge and he was kind enough to do that for me.
Click on the photo and it will take you to Photobucket for more photos and I would welcome your thoughts on these.


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The hubs look great and were reasonably priced. No work done on my Indian since you left for BC as I am in firewood mode with the imminent approach of winter.

I did have a heart to heart talk with the wonder dog about sticking with things her size to chase... red squirrels and rabbits yes, bears and wolves, no She understands completely until the next time she sees a bear, then will forget she weighs 30 pounds and give chase. Sigh.

Looking forward to more progress on your Indian. Keep those photos coming.
Glad to see youre making progress bud, kudo's on the hub find they look like they will work great for ya. and yes Im still alive altho I wake some mornings wondering,lol. Progress has been slow on my projects. Im spending a bit o time with the Dr's over a ticker issue. I am feeling better most days. SB keep talking to wonder dog hate to see her become bear food
Hi Rick,
Just got out of the hospital myself this morning after being there from 10:30 wed. night.
Pancreatitis thank heavens. Don't drink often and my gall bladder is in good shape which the the two leading causes for it to happen.

Have they made any progress in just what is happening to cause your heart problems? The not knowing would bother me. At least then you would have something to work with.
I can imagine that you slowed up at the shop.
Hope things improve quickly and you are able to get back at doing things.

Come on you guys, get well so you can get back to making stuff and having fun. Some aspects of getting older are OK I guess and I don't mind (wouldn't make any difference if I did mind), but it isn't easy, is it? Last summer a friend of mine was laboring up a stairway, looked over his shoulder at me and in his football tough guy voice said "gittin' old ain't fer sissies!" True enough.
Yea glad your ok like SB says getting old is not for sisies. I can't waite to get new knee so I can go better insted of limping around all day. SB be carefull cutting wood I cut some when camping and 2or3 tree would have been enough but no had to get a couple more easy ones felt it for a week after. Sure glad your of Steve. Rick get well or better ......or both.......Curt
Get well fellows!

I’m finding much inspiration from your project F-Eddie!

I’m seriously considering making my 3rd build a tri-car, and have started stock piling parts to that possible end.

Of course I’ll have to finish my 2nd build first, and about 50 other projects. :-)

Keep up the good work and don’t let anyone call you a sissy!

Hi Kirk,
Thank you. To say this was a challenge would be an understatement but it is coming together and I hope to get up to the machine shop to get the spindles made this next week.

If you want copies of the seat patterns or any information about what I did please ask. It's yours for the taking.

I'll find out who the sissys are when I offer rides in the front seat. :) This bike should be good for at least 30mph.

Looking good, Steve.

Kirk, I'm glad to hear you're considering a tri-car build. Will you go for a particular make and year or leave things more flexible? Steve's build is shooting for the earlier Indian, around 1904 I think (not a copy for sure, but very much in the spirit of). My Indian Hiawatha is more of a fantasy bike simply in the spirit of an early motorcycle. I like the freedom to do what I feel like and to change horses mid stream if I want. It would be pretty cool next year to meet up with you down at the Blackhawk event and we could all ride around on our tri-cars. Woohoo!
I’m on the look out for a affordable antique wicker chair and once found I’d modify it & design the front end to suit...

Ha, I’d call it “Excalibur ‘04” of course!



p.s. Next year? Ha, my projects always take longer than that!


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Thank you Silverbear.
Yours is a fun build since we can bend it to what you want.
I wouldn't do a, built as close as I can to the original again. The original builder did it better and it isn't easy to copy and not as much fun as building what you think it should look like.

That is a a photo of a favorite of mine as well. We have a huge Chinese population here and of course a lot of people selling wicker furniture as well. I had thought of tossing the seat I built if it was possible to find a seat that was close to that one and building the rest out. I've restored a lot of wicker over the years and it would be possible to get a close copy of the seat.
I understand next year all to well.

Inching forward at long last. Front end is done and tomorrow I'll sand blast it and then primer. McMaster Carr just sent me some dribble about not sending parts to Canada because of international rules bla, bla, bla so I'll have to source bearing for the steering in Canada.

The end of the month when my cheque comes I'm planning on ordering two front wheels from Husky. At the price they want for them I figure if the spokes don't fit the hubs I bought, the rims are worth it and I will get spokes made to fit.

On to remaking the foot rests on the seats and trying to work out a way to make the springs that the seat sits on after that is done.


Looks great, Steve. If you can't find the bearings on your side of the border have them sent to me and I'll send them to you privately.Simple.
Thank's Silverbear. I may have found an answer to the problem myself though. Googled Fastenal and one showed up about 20 minutes away. Didn't know that they were in Canada so in a couple of days I'll go up and see what they have.
They do list everything that I wanted so I'll see if it's in stock or needs to be ordered in.

Excellent. I didn't know Fastenal carried bearings and such. That's good to know since I have one about thirty miles from here at Virginia, MN. Pay attention to the packaging numbers and write them down, please. At some point I'll be needing the same things.