Indian Tadpole

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I haven't done anything about the hubs as yet. One benefit about old age and maybe the only one, is that I've learned not to make a move until all the facts are in.

Since I'm doing two builds at once and planning a third it does get hard to follow. The hubs and spindles are going on the Indian tri-car that I'm building. The moped wheels are/were going on a velo that is in the preplanning, parts gathering stage.

What diameter are the Kawasaki axles? Silverbear and I have purchased front axles from a person on ebay that have go-kart style hubs with a 3/4" axle. I'm not sure how long the axles are but I can measure it tomorrow if need be. My guess is that they were made for golf carts but were never used.

The DMR hubs did look like very serious hubs and I was surprised that they weren't available on this side of the pond. Think I'll order a set and then have the machinist make some spindle sets incase the madness spreads to someone other than Silverbear and I and they want to build a powered trike. Old story I guess. Once the machine is set up it's almost as easy to make a hundred parts as it is to make one.

Time to get back to the tri-car while I'm waiting for parts for the trike.

I have been looking all over the net for a decent spindle with bearings in them but with a 3/4" king pin. No luck but I was in the trailer looking for something and saw the velocar axles that Silverbear and I bought and there was the answer to the spindle question.

I took the hubs off the axle and there are tapered bearings in them with a 3/4" bore. As you will see in the photos below I cut the wheel mounting flange off and will sand off the rest with a flat disc. I used an abrasive cutting blade in an angle grinder to do this.

I'll have a machine shop turn some axles to match the disc brake hubs that I'll order this week. I have some spindle brackets that I have welded up and as soon as they are done and the spindles less the axles are ready I'll post more photos.


I haven't ordered the hubs yet but I'm going with the ones you recomended from the bike shop in Indiana. I hope he still has some.

Finally some decent weather and I could get back at it. I finished the spindle holders but have to drill out the holes for the king pin to 3/4". I can't find a 3/4" drill bit anywhere near where I live. None of the tool supply places or Home Depot have one and Lowes has finally and bravely put one miles away from everyone so that's out.

I have to into Vancouver Wed. to get the old golf cart hubs turned down smooth to get rid of the area were the wheels mounted and I'll stop in at Lee Valley Tool Supply and get one.

Hope to have these completed by next weekend and welded on to the axles. I'll work on getting the rest of the tri-car frame done meanwhile.


I find that hole sawen holes end up being bigger and therefor would be slopy. Have you tried ACE? .................Curt
Thanks Killer.
I forgot all about hole saws. Trouble is I have all ready drilled a 5/8" hole and have nothing to center it on but I'll look into getting one or a set because there are a lot of times I could use them.

You can put two together like a 5/8 inside of bigger one on the same pilet bit it will center that way. Not suer if the 5/8 will fit the 3/4 or not but should..........Curt

PS your builds are realy looking AWESOME
No Ace hardwares here. I do have fond memories of them from when I lived in the U.S.
Don't know why the drills are so hard to find around us but they probably don't stock many of them so they get cleaned out quickly.

Our area has grown into million dollar and up houses so they call the repair/lawn people and don't do it themselves. Our local Home Depot is geared more to home decorating than construction. Just a sign of the times.

No Ace hardwares here. I do have fond memories of them from when I lived in the U.S.
Don't know why the drills are so hard to find around us but they probably don't stock many of them so they get cleaned out quickly.

Our area has grown into million dollar and up houses so they call the repair/lawn people and don't do it themselves. Our local Home Depot is geared more to home decorating than construction. Just a sign of the times.


OK didn't know that. I can send you one they have them at the local Fleet Farm..................?......Curt
Thanks Curt.
I'll get one on tues when I got to Vancouver to get the hubs turned down.


fasteddy,while Your with Your Machinist,have him turn up some 5/8" stock,with a 1/4",or whatever size center bit Your hole saw arbor holds,Drill a center hole in the stock,then use as a locater for the 3/4" great!....Tigmaster....

Thank you for that wonderful idea. Simple and efficient and I have some things that I've been putting off that will now be possible since a hole has already been drilled that needs to be much larger than I have a drill for.

I did find a 3/4" bit and bought it but anything over that it's hole saw time. Look out world, the old guys loose amongst you.

At long last we had a day when it wasn't raining and I got to weld up the front axles for the tri-cars. I've been dreading doing it in case something went wrong but it came out pretty nice.

Been a long time since I did this much measuring and checking and rechecking to make sure everything was right, square and level.
Well worth it though.
Now can I move on to get the rest of the front end done and in place so I can add the motor.


Ureka, the sun came out late today. This has been one of the worst years for rain in a long time. Every day and some times all day and night.

Got the tubing fishmouthed. Thanks to all who mentioned hole saws when I couldn't find a 3/4" drill. Bought one and use it to cut the tubing into a fishmouth to butt them together. Lots of filing and fitting and filing and fitting but it worked out well
With luck and a dry day I'll be able to get it welded up and some photos taken.
