Indian Tadpole

Hello Mr. B,

Thank you for the great connection to the great photos on Facebook. It provides even better details to a lot of the engine.

Are you any closer to getting a chance to work on your tri car?

Hello Curt,

We plan to try and get Bike Camp going earlier this year so what needs getting done is done and it frees us up for more travel next summer.

Here are the measurements for the bottom of the camel back gas tank for the tri car. Count in 4 lines on the bottom of the grid pattern and that is 0" where the line meets the bottom of the cardboard. then counting to the left along the bottom at each line measuring up from the bottom 5/8", 1", 1-3/8", 1-11/16", 1-7/8", 2", 2-1/16", 2-1/16", 2", 1-7/8", 1-5/8", 1-5/16", 1', 7/16", 0". This will bring you to the bottom corner of the cardboard.

Lay out and size of the cardboard is above these measurements in the thread.

Steve. Tri-car Build/DSC_0001_zpsewjyb0wo.jpg
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Here are the measurements for the top of the tank. Count up 5 lines on the right of the grid pattern then measure in 7/16 and mark it. This is the start of the tank. There is a photo on Facebook showing what I mean.

The first vertical line on the right measure up from the bottom of the grid 5-7/16" then to the left measure 5-15/16", 6-7/16", 6-13/16, 7-3/16", 7-1/2", 7-5/8", 7-13/16", 7-13/16, 7-3/4", 7-5/8", 7-3/8", 7-1/16", 6-9/16", 5-7/8", 5-1/8", 4-1/8", 3", and the last three numbers are measured from the left side in, 3/4", 3/8", 1/8". I had to split the top measurements to two photo's because I ran out of space on the first one.

Measure from the bottom of the tank to the top of the tank on the right hand side and draw a line to the two and you should have a complete tank pattern. Let me know if you have a problem so I can help or correct it.

The start of the tank information can be found in post 1609 of the thread.

If you clicked on a Photobucket link and it's not there try it on the post linked to it here. It's 12.30 and I'm beat and I eliminated some photos that I shouldn't have.

Steve the oil tank is turning out really nice. I envy you the nice angle iron & plate box break! Old school. Rick C.
Thanks Rick, I was wishing I had a small pan brake when I was doing this but then I realized that the purpose of the whole build was to see what a person working in a garage with a small welder and some simple hand tools could build. It wasn't meant to be a Cracker Jack job

I had an employer when I was 16 who owned a garage and one of his favorite comments was when I had a problem was "You found your way into the problem now find your way out." It has stood up against the ravages of time especially with this build.

If you can dream it, you can do it.

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I have posted a bunch of photos on Photobucket. They are in reverse as usual and if you look at the photos there are comments on the bottom. Some have smaller print underneath because the larger print only allows for so many characters.

It will take you from the completed shell of the tank to the form I made to make the tank. If there are any questions or comment don't hesitate to mention it here or PM me by clicking on my name at the top of the post and choosing personal message and I'll answer them.

I'll post some more tomorrow.


Forgot the link. Tri-car Build/DSC_0026_zpsuk8da0rh.jpg
Hello Mr. B,

Thank you for the great connection to the great photos on Facebook. It provides even better details to a lot of the engine.

Are you any closer to getting a chance to work on your tri car?


Sadly no. Other than collecting parts all of these projects are in slow-motion, so many other “life gets in the way” priorities right now.

Lately I’ve been thinking of maybe finishing some of my ideas as replica’s (tributes) instead of original concepts.
I think they might have some resale value then, and then I could more easily justify the expense and time needed to finish them…

I wonder if Excelsior ever made a Tri-Car? :- )

I'm glad to see you're still making steady progress!!!
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Life always seems to stand in the way. I think building replicas would be rewarding in many ways and at the same time building what you want for yourself. Replicas pay for your time spent building your own bike.

My brother and I were in the garage working and he asked me if I would have built the Indian tri car again knowing what I know now. A really tough call in so many ways but I would have to say no. While it will be an attention grabber for sure it and I'm looking forward to everyone seeing it, trying to build a close as possible copy of something like an Indian motorcycle even a fairly obscure one and have it believable is too much of a strain especially when your work background is restoring antiques. Being me doesn't help the situation either.

If I were to build another tri car or advise someone on what to do if they wanted to build on I would suggest the following.

Use a high quality frame and accessories. My choice would be the Sportsman Flyer. The other one would be the frame that Culver City Classics uses and the name escapes me now. High quality builds with a good reputation. It saves time and in the end money.

The front seat can be an existing one modified to fit. It is the focal point of the build and not a place to have just anything and period correct is important. A good antique wicker chair with a foot rest attached would be a good example. I just enjoyed building mine but it was somewhat complicated build and had me thinking about what to do. It was however a lot of fun to do and I'd make another one just for fun.

Seat springs. The ones on the tri car do work but if it was to happen again the prime candidate would be springs from a buggy seat. Around $100 a pair plus shipping and it's done. My thought is that a strut rod with heim joint running from the front axle to the foot rest would leave the seat motion in place and not allow the seat to tip forward. It may not happen but that may be a cure.

I'd buy the same hubs from the maker in England if he is still in business and if not 20mm mountain bike hubs with disc brakes would replace them. There are many other small things that I change as well but the list would go on forever.

I have never heard of an Excelsior Tri Car but I strongly believe that outrage should be corrected in the coming months. Two bikes in one and not a lot of work to do it.

Three tri cars running around at Davenport? Boggles the mind doesn't it.

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We have a high end wood working and automotive tool company here in B.C. called K.M.S. Tools and their monthly flyer came a few days ago. They have a propane torch with self ignition and a a 5" hose and a bag to carry it around. There is a voice coming from my right shoulder that is saying go ahead buy it. Your old, retired and single and you need it and time is running out to do what you want to do.

I know the voices in my head are imaginary but darn it they keep coming up with some great suggestions.

I got some more done on the oil tank today but it's Thanksgiving week end in Canada and I'm trying to sneak out during kitchen duties to work on it. Try and get photos of it tomorrow.

Tell em it's Canadian Workontadpole Weekend. I just made up some Coq au vin, not that I'm in your neck of the woods, but just so happens.
Couldn't resist showing this build. Kind of looks like Rick C, Silverbear and fasteddy went to the Ely town dump. When Rick C. builds there is a lot of tasteful brass and copper accents. The other two guys are known to stick anything on that they think will work.

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Couldn't resist showing this build. Kind of looks like Rick C, Silverbear and fasteddy went to the Ely town dump. When Rick C. builds there is a lot of tasteful brass and copper accents. The other two guys are known to stick anything on that they think will work.


Only cause you two always beat me to the cool stuff Steve!! Now you've also:-|| found photographic proof that both the Elf Lord and his electromagnetic resonance chariot both survived the explosion of Krypton and are living with the yard Gnomes in county Claire Ireland,:-|.... Rick C.
I guess the toilet bowl float end part was re-purposed, because it is not needed anymore with the pressure sensitive valves used now. No place for the flapper?
Couldn't resist showing this build. Kind of looks like Rick C, Silverbear and fasteddy went to the Ely town dump. When Rick C. builds there is a lot of tasteful brass and copper accents. The other two guys are known to stick anything on that they think will work.


I like it...