Indian Tadpole

Steve I think I know what you're thinking. Weather good, but I feel lousy. Next you feel ok weather bad or waiting on delivery. Have everything you need & weather shuts you down etc. etc. At least getting the clutch back is a big plus in the equation.

When all is said and done I think your employment of the 3 D clutch on the tri car shows excellent insight on your part. Not many would have snapped on how that one part could solve a difficult design problem. It is an extremely elegant solution!! Rick C.
He is indeed busy Curt. He's probably the only one in the area and he sharpens different blades as well and people who can do that seem to be few and very far between any more.

I have a feeling you've been there Rick. I've just pushed through the pain with The Epic and took a chance that with the parts already here and the longish weather window we were supposed to have I'd take a chance and do it. I'm feeling better for it health wise so I'll just continue on with the Indian until it's finished.

As my English grandmother would say as fall took hold. " I'm afraid we've had the last of the summer wine." I always thought it must have been a sweet wine indeed.We have had some of the nicest fall weather I have ever seen out here. It was in the high 60's yesterday which is unheard of here on the North Wet Coast for this time of year. Tomorrow is supposed to to be good and the day after that as well then grim reality is going to take over.

I'll have The Epic's frame welded up and prepped I hope and the paint will have to wait until next spring I think. I'll have everything fitted that has to go on it and ready to go by late winter and when the weather improves again I'll finish it which won't take long.

As soon as the clutch gets here I'll start to get the Indian tri car finished. There are a few things that I want to redo on it so this will be a good time as I finish it up. I probably should stop the i dotting and t crossing and just finish the build and call it good but as usual I have to bear the burden of perfectionism. At times it's a heavy and at times useless, burden.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how the clutch works. I'm certain that it's the answer to the problem of what to do for a jack shaft and it worked on Brian's Harley build so that was good to see. It will be fun to watch the looks on peoples faces as the bike is pedal started like the originals.

Steve I'm hoping you have or will receive the 3 D clutch soon. Pedal starting the Predator was one of the main reason's for deciding to use the 3 D, but not the only one. Rick C.
I heard from them today Rick. It was going to be shipped this after noon though I haven't received a conformation that it was mailed. I'll see if I hear anything tomorrow.

Clutch has been mailed. Brian is the owner and only employee and probably the only machinist and welder fabricator in the area. He's overly busy and with winter coming all the people who need their snow plows ect that broke over the last winter are now in a panic to have them repaired. Large jobs triumph over the small ones.

Now it's on me to finish the tri car. Buggah.

And getting cold out, did you get it up there? We had a record cold for this time of year, never got above 20 F for couple days. Although not that cold for winter, just a tad to soon.

Sure glad its done, should be the last big hurdle, on to the finish line. THE BEST PART............Curt
We've had a strange winter so far Curt. Received our usual early November snow fall and the last of it was gone in three days as usual and there has been a lot of dry sunny days as well in the low 50's. Right now it's dark and overcast but dry and in the high 40's

Twenty five miles north of us the ski resort open yesterday. They are on the top of a mountain and you can see people skiing from parts of downtown Vancouver. It's called Grouse Mountain Ski Resort and I'll include a link to it.

Looking forward to finishing the tri car and getting the electric tri car close to completion as well. Should be a busy winter.

I guess I like snow enough that I went up the mountain and brought back just enough to make a small Mr Bill style snow man. I sits around the base of the humming bird feeder support. Lasted about a day:(

I guess I got the work done on my valve job on the Briggs done soon enough and now trail rode tested it out, I would like to see the lawn covered in snow.


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Beautiful mountain that I promised myself I'd ski some day, Whistler, was wonderful though. Killington, Vt. was another ski destination I missed. My family all love to ski and we were able to enjoy that activity together for many years. Like Curt snow loses it's appeal when one is forced to shovel it. Rick C.
It was fun till i got up in years, then it was a chore, later it was hard on the old body. Now have a tractor with blower, makes it fun again, I do our short block the street 3 or 4 drive ways, in less then a hour. LOL

I have been up to Jasper Canada and on down through the national parks up there 3 times, just awesome beauty. Sorta like Colorado area only amplified, be on words. If we go again will have to meet up with Steve............Curt
Did you ski Whistler, Rick. I hope so because it's a beautiful area. Now extremely expensive like the rest of British Columbia but beautiful. Having been born, raised and lived with snow for most of my life the only way I enjoy it any more is when it's in calendar photos.

If you get up this way Curt we'll meet up. The winter weather has finally caught up with us. Monsoon rains yesterday and today the winds are making the 80' to 100' fir trees in the yard shimmy and sway like a hula girl. Still above 40F which is normal here.

May get some sun on Friday and hopefully I can get out and get the welds on the frame for the Epic ground into shape.

I was thinking of taking my bike back out to ride trails again. Saturday I tested out the work I did on the valve lash of the intake and it had no problem starting when I got the engine hot. Tomorrow Tuesday it is supposed to be no rain or snow, and if I have the energy maybe. Problem is I won't use the dryer on some of my riding gear and it still hasn't dried since I washed the mud off from the last time out. Weather decides for me, but the park actually have a specification for closing which is if more than 2 inches of rain falls in 24 hrs. Then if it stops they wait 48 hrs and then decide if it is usable if no rain since.
Yes Steve Whistler once & Banff/Lake Louise on another outing...all spectacular! We enjoyed big mountain skiing & runs that tested. These fit the bill. Our Rockies are wonderful, as are the Sierra's of California and the Wasatch & other range of Utah, but the panorama of the Canada ranges are quite different...staggering & unending variations in their enormity it seems. Wonderful memories. Rick C.