Indian Hiawatha

Steve the small wood work contour changes made a world of difference and I'd been hoping for more metal on the exterior (just me) when painted I think the contrast with wood and wicker will be spectacular. Did I image you posting something about brass or copper appliques and/or fittings? Just something about metal.... Rick C.
Thank's Rick, The first photos were more for a reference point for me than public consumption but I just wanted everyone to see how I did it in case they wanted to try making one. The side panels allow everything to flow into place visually.

The red Silverbear choose for the Hiawatha is wonderful and and I wanted to try and get more of it showing. I'm thinking that copper or brass on the red would be a great finish. Not sure in what form as yet but a trip to the metal supply is in order soon.

The bike has a copper gas tank and a copper tool box that Tinsmith made. That should be carried on to the seat I think so it blends in.

There is indeed something about metal.

Steve I recalled the lovely parts created for this build by Tinsmith and adding some nice bright work to the chair could be very attractive.

When is the Davenport meet? I know it's among the best anywhere. Rick C.
I'm thinking brass accents to offer a little variety Rick and some more copper to continue the theme. Didn't get as much done as I had hoped. Friend stopped by and said he was buying lunch and while I'm not cheap, I can be easy.

Tomorrow should be a good day and I'll try to make up for the slack day. The pressure to make what I do match Tinsmiths work is a crusher and I hope I'm up to it. Of course what I do won't match the amount of work Tinsmith did so I'm pretty safe and I do know my limits.

As me old Dad would have said" If you don't like the heat,don't start the fire."

Davenport is August 31 to September 2. Most of the trading is done in the first day or two Mr. B said. Mr. B's photos always have an item or two that has me saying if I was there I'd buy that.

Steve, the seat is looking great. The next time I'm at the lake I'll take some pictures of the brass bed parts so you can see if anything I have will work.
Still moving ahead but nothing photo worthy happening. Milled some mahogany strips to cover the plywood on the sides of the foot rest. I'm going up to the metal supply on Friday and I'll get some copper sheeting to cover the side supports for the seat and foot rest.

Made some mahogany molding to place around the outside of the side panel to frame the copper. I think this will be the best place for it for a visual impact.

Copper is on the side panels and the mahogany trim is cut and ready to install. Need to get some glue so the mahogany can be glued on to the copper panels as well as nailed on. Should have photos by Wednesday.

Copper is on the side panels and the mahogany trim is cut and ready to install. Need to get some glue so the mahogany can be glued on to the copper panels as well as nailed on. Should have photos by Wednesday.


Haven't been happy with the way the plywood the seat is attached to is showing and I felt the wicker around the bottom of the seat frame needed to be hidden as well. Glued some of the copper to strips of 3/16" paneling that I found in the workshop and rolled the edges of the copper over the paneling to give it a finished look.

I'll get some brass screws and replace the decorative ones I used. It's inching forward.

Steve. build/DSC_0016_zpsgreusffi.jpg?t=1494207743