I'm New, but got carried away



New Member
Aug 12, 2008
Hi Guys, my Name is Bill better known as ralex999. I am new at this but like many of you, one look at a motorized bike and I had an "oh Wow" moment. A buddy of mine built one up and showed me one in the back of a truck and I knew I had to have one. So I bought my first kit off of ebay, talked my kids into installing it for me and the rest is history. My kid is now importing them from China in bulk, hired a race mechanic to install them and now he builds the coolest bikes on the block. He has now built up about fifty of them and there doesn't seem to be any end to what can be done. I think the resurgent's of "old memories" and everyone who ever dreamed of hanging a lawn mower engine on a schwinn has touched the lives of a lot of baby boomers who are now turning sixty and want to recapture just a glimse of youth. Nothing like seeing a bunch of old geeser's cranking up their "schwinn's" and taking a ride with style. I think this is going to be the greatest revival of the fifties that anyone has seen since restoring old cars. Well, I am going to lurk here in the shadows and make an appearance everyonce in while to say Hi.... Take care and happy motoring...
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Easy Rider

Santa Cruz Scooter Works
Jan 15, 2008
Nice to have you with here Ralex999, Sounds like you've had an interesting backround in all of this. If you have time post some of your son's work. I can apperciate and would love to see some of his work.


Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
Welcome to the forum. Like everyone else said, pictures pictures, we want pictures.:D We're glad you joined us. You should get your kid to join too..............


New Member
Aug 12, 2008
Hi guys...Being new has it's draw backs. I would love to post some photo's but not knowing how, I will do my best to get some up. We may have to have someone send me an email with your email so I can reply with photo attachments and have someone help me post the photo's. My son has basically been building Schwinn's, as his old man litterally was raised on one. We have settled in on the beach cruser known as the Windwood and my personal favorite is the Schwinn's Searcher, a comfort bike with a cross between a mountain bike and "baloon tire" rebirth of years of yore. We have built up a half dozen 70 cc's (more like 67.9, but whose counting) and mounted them on Huffy Sante Fe's. I really do need to post a few photo's of the front wheel that collapsed on one and wrapped the fender into the wheel, totally collapsing the front wheel and send my son into ordbit doing about 30 miles an hour (yes, he was clocked doing that on a 70 cc). He was fine, but still has reminder's of the incident called "road rash". Wow. I have read some of your post on beefing up the front fender, but all I can say is: DON'T under any circumstances leave a front fender on a Huffy Sante Fe. The Schwinn does look like the front fender was engineered with a lip preventing it from biting directly into the tire, but it could possibly happen with any of them. So for now, Let me just add until I get time to post actual accident photo's and figure out how to do this, be so very careful with front fenders on motorized bikes. Don't do it! Take the damned front fenders off. Please. The life you save might be your own. Ride safe guys and here are some of my happier photo's of some really cool bikes....
Bill, better known as Ralex999
The stuff is built in China, but it took and American to make it better....
P.S. There are some photo's at Green Earth Choppers
if the ones I am going to try and post do not make it. Happy motoring....
