
exactly what my worrie is. then when you mix in my criminal record i dont feel that a judge would be leanient with me. i appear to be looking at 365 days i county and the individual fines for the tickets. i dont know if i want to chance this . i have kept my ass out of prison now for 4 years and would like to keep it that way.

Any ideas on turning a dewalt 18v cordless drill into a bike?
Chas If you do have to do time for traffic violations get them to send you to state prison not county If you get up to a year and half if they send you to State Prison not county you will be out in 60 days State doesnt want you there over crowded County gets paid for every day they have you so they want you been both places State is better by far not that either is any good less of two evils.
I live in Kankakee county Il. and the local paper just posted an artical about off road vehicles not being allowed on public highways, including golf carts, off road motorcycles, neighborhood vehicles, 2 wheeled motorized cycles, and childrens battery cars, they did not specify 2 wheeled motorized cycles. I take the china girl to work every day about 10 miles round trip. Have seen a few cops early in the morning, but they have not bothered me yet. But now if they read the local artical they will probally be suspicious. So I printed out pages 17 and 18 of the new Illinois laws, hope it works.

I'm east of Momence near the Indiana border. It's unusual that Momence allows (allowed?) golf carts on the streets in town.

I saw the article you're probably talking about. It wasn't in the Daily Urinal, but that little local "flier" paper that comes in the mail every week (the Herald?).

I like how they always claim it is due to "an increase in the number of complaints". Illinois finally (supposedly) passed a law to allow motor-assisted bikes. Momence was always lenient with "little fart" vehicles on the roads. Now here's an article talking about a crackdown on everything smaller than a Yugo.

Lawmakers can't get their shiit straight and/or intentionally make laws too convoluted and contradictory to be followed.

We have to give up the unattainable goal of being a "law-abiding citizen", and life will be much less stressful.
I'm east of Momence near the Indiana border. It's unusual that Momence allows (allowed?) golf carts on the streets in town.

I saw the article you're probably talking about. It wasn't in the Daily Urinal, but that little local "flier" paper that comes in the mail every week (the Herald?).

I like how they always claim it is due to "an increase in the number of complaints". Illinois finally (supposedly) passed a law to allow motor-assisted bikes. Momence was always lenient with "little fart" vehicles on the roads. Now here's an article talking about a crackdown on everything smaller than a Yugo.

Lawmakers can't get their shiit straight and/or intentionally make laws too convoluted and contradictory to be followed.

We have to give up the unattainable goal of being a "law-abiding citizen", and life will be much less stressful.
I know where your at, leaving out this morn, to do some tubing down the K3 start off at the state line bridge, I have friends on 17000 rd. on the river. We might be motorbikin tonight to one of them taverns, mugs and suds or the other one closer to the line if we dont get to drunk on the river al day. Going to be some girls at one of them joints. If you see 2 dudes and a cooler floating down the river give a beep.
I know where your at, leaving out this morn, to do some tubing down the K3 start off at the state line bridge, I have friends on 17000 rd. on the river. We might be motorbikin tonight to one of them taverns, mugs and suds or the other one closer to the line if we dont get to drunk on the river al day. Going to be some girls at one of them joints. If you see 2 dudes and a cooler floating down the river give a beep.

Ah, the old state line bridge. If you notice those black sabbath and robin trower logos on the steel beams, I painted those.

If your friends on 17000 are on the north side of the river (Illiana Heights), that's my side. I don't get to Mugs and Suds too often because it's on the south side of the river. Also, it's a little too upscale for me. I like the seedier bars with interesting clientele. I used to go to the state line inn on 114 (not far from the bridge) but I think it's still shut down. Now once in a while I'll be in Rich's (Buckhorn) in town on Dixie. But I don't do the bar scene very often.

Back on the MB topic, I've only seen one gas MB around here. A brown and white Huffy with a chinagirl kit cruised through Island Park a few times (I'm there often). One day we traded BS for a few minutes. Maybe that was you?

If you ever see me I'll be on a very shiny yellow 70's schwinn continental 10-speed with a homemade little rear-mounted motor. Feel free to stop me and shoot the poop.
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For those who have followed this thread and anybody joining in, I thought I'd update my situation.

The basic gist of my situation is this: No license do to DUI, my fault. Eagerly awaited new law last January as requirement for driver's license was dropped in new law. My attorney warned me that even if the Sec. of State did not require a license I couldn't operate anything with a motor; gas or electric. Nougat went to a lot of effort to communicate with the Sec. of State in Springfield. The Sec. of State's position is that the legislature passed the law, but the police enforce the law, so the Sec. of State defers to the Police. I tried to talk to the police, but the officer I tried to talk to tuned me out and was a real jerk. As soon as I said motor-assisted bike and no longer needed a driver's license, he said the legislature never passed such a law and he walked away.

So this morning I was in court to see the Judge as part of my probation. Because I was the last on the docket I got the courage up to ask the Judge if I could ask a question. I've hesitated and not asked in the past because I don't want to hear a NO, figuring I'd plead ignorance if I never asked. The Judge said I could ask, with the States Attorney right there. I explained the old law, the changes in the new law, and my attorney's warning. Then I asked the Judge if I could legally ride with my DUI conviction. Judge K**** said he was familiar with the change in the law. He also agreed the motor-assisted bike was not a motor vehicle and he recognised that the legislature has removed the requirement for a driver's license. The Judge called over the States Attorney to ask what he thought. The States Attorney said that since I had not been ticketed by the police it would be improper for him to comment on a hypothetical situation. The Judge agreed with that and told me he could not offer an opinion either as it would be "improper for him to do so". Two or three times he reiterated that I needed to be very familiar with the statute and follow what it says. But in the official position as Judge he will not interpret the statute to or for me.

He then asked why I needed a motor on my bike, told me he pedals up to 3 hours at a time and loves it. I said at 59 I can't do the hills, he said he's 57 and encouraged me to get in better shape. That was all very conversational and he was concerned and genuinely nice.

From his repeated statement of how I should really be familiar with the statute and follow it, I have to conclude that unofficially he agrees with the simple logic. Not a Motor Vehicle + Driver's License Not Required = Legal Riding even if you have a DUI.

What I don't understand is how I can ask the Traffic Court Judge and the States Attorney and GET NO ANSWER.

How can you ask the the highest possible local authorities if what you are going to do will break the law and the answer is literally ASK US AGAIN AFTER YOU ARE ARRESTED? That is insane!

It seems that it is an endless circle between the Legislature, the Secretary of State, the Police, the States Attorney and the Traffic Court Judge with no one in charge and everyone passing the buck.

I really expected a straight answer, one way or the other, from the Judge. I can't believe I'm supposed to risk jail and the investment of hundreds of dollars, plus possible huge fines because no one in authority has a straight answer.

Very bizarre, incredibly frustrating and to me, unfathomable.

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i would of used the quote box but everything was too long,so this is directed at catfisher, i know this may seem to simple to answer your question,however i would base this on all the criminal stuff and legal matters ive been thru for the past 15 years.

the states attorney wont give you a conclusive answer cause even if you were in the right,and if this type of case went up in front of them and you were in the right no matter what,they are going to fight to prove you wrong. remember as a simple rule of thumb, state attorney = BAD GUYS. they dont get paid for being nice and letting people ride,they get paid to slam people with convictions. even if to get you reduced sentencing or a small fine,as long as you take their deal they win cause it equals a conviction. they wouldn't give 2 flying F***s if you didnt break the law and you were innocent,they just want to get a conviction unless you can provide enough evidence to clear you of the charges against you. so for them to go into depth into this conversation would be moot.

i know, i may sound way disgruntled and get carried away on the way the legal system here in Illinois is, but, not only have i seen what they can do and get away with,but ive also been through the ringer with them over mundane stuff like this.

good call on asking the judge tho,hes the man in charge.

as a side note to this, a customer of mine i built a bike for in the south chicago suburbs just got slamed on his bike for no drivers license and no insurance. i asked him to stay in touch with me to let me know what happens in court,if he gets ahold of me i will keep you posted on how they approach this case to give us a better defense if it happens to one of us.

also.... we all need to be aware of this, somehow they sneeked in this statement on the DMV website that was never included in the law update

"Low-speed electric and gas bicycles may only be driven on streets where the posted speed limit does not exceed 20 miles per hour. They may not be driven on sidewalks."

found here under the bicycle section.

so if they wanted to get this anal and knew where to obtain this information in a court case they could possibly use it against us if we were caught on a street where the posted limit EXCEEDED 20 MPH.
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Clinton Investigating Motorized Bicycle Ordinance

The City of Clinton could soon crackdown on motorized bicycles.

The coming of spring combined with high gas prices has led to an increase in the number of motorized bikes on Clinton streets, and officials see them as a safety concern. Clinton Police Chief Mike Reidy explains the contraptions consist of a bicycle frame with an engine attached to them. He says police have received several complaints about riders operating them unsafely on city streets.

Just had a chat with former IL. States att. City ord. That contermand state law are not legal under IL. State const.
This is just more BS in an attempt to generate $ . There is already a state law that requires a city with vec restrictions to post signs at all entrys to there jurisdiction. Once they gota spend a few grand following laws we already have , that may slow there roll.
Anyone who rides like a jerk deserves a ticket (sorry city ord. Voliation ,because it's not a motor vec!) don't take the right away from everybody!
Anyone who rides an mb knows how badly people in car drive everyday, they need to concentrate on drunk driving ,speeding,and double yellow violations. Not worry about there so called "many complants" re:mb riders.
Jim: For me to use this in the "Letters to the Editor" section of, I need your street address and phone number....they
won't be used when we post your letter.

Please provide me your street address and phone number, and I'll be happy to
post your letter.

Kindest regards,
Randal J. Miller, President
Miller Media Group/Regional Radio/Hometown Illinois Radio Network
Corporate Office: 918 E. Park, PO Box 169
Taylorville, IL 62568-0169
Phone (217) 824-3395
PERSONAL FAX (630) 225-5342
Clinton office: 2980 US Highway 51, PO Box 497
Clinton, IL 61727-0497
Phone (217) 935-9590
E-mail: [email protected]
Miller Media Group - Your Home For Local News, Weather, and Advertising!
We serve our communities accurately and responsibly by informing and
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----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:52 AM
Subject: Your article

Dear sir : I am writing to you in regard to your article,
The City of Clinton could soon crackdown on motorized bicycles.

The coming of spring combined with high gas prices has led to an increase in
the number of motorized bikes on Clinton streets, and officials see them as
a safety concern. Clinton Police Chief Mike Reidy explains the contraptions
consist of a bicycle frame with an engine attached to them. He says police
have received several complaints about riders operating them unsafely on
city streets.

I have a number of problems with this story ,firstly any local ord. That
countermands state law is invalid under the IL. Const. , second there was no
mention of the new laws enacted regarding motorized bicycles. Third this
article was very one sided in that you seem to only be concerned with what
the police have to say not the hundreds of mb riders in our state.
Also the phrase "contraption" is unwarented even as a quote. We as a
community spend countless hours working on our bikes and ride them with
great pride in our craftsmanship.

In my opnion this sound like a case were someone who is against our use of
public roadways ,has taken the time to call the local police repeatedly to
complain. Thays there right , however it is not ok for our rights to be
trampled in the process.
I ask that you print a public retraction of those comments that are
offensive, print an article that clearly outlines the IL. State laws and
make some attempt to allow the rides viewpoint to be included .

I am in frequent contact with other riders across the state and nationwide
,we are not a bunch of screwballs trying to get away with something , we are
everyday people who thru our own witts and skill have found a way to travel
public roadway in a safe and fuel conservative fashion. Not to mention that
we have the law on our side in this debate!

I will be glad to follow up with any other information you may need ,and
await you responce .

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter
Jim Buche

going to jail in Illinois

well i got a dui last year in iowa so i was "revoked" in iowa, i was driving my bicycle on st. patties day, sober! in illinois. and i was pulled over , after being pulled over for 2 hours while the cop sat on his cell trying to figure out what to charge me with he came back with the worst thing he could which was driving while revoked . he then questioned me without tellin me i was under arrest asking all sorts of questions about the bike. then i had to pedal home while he followed he threatened me with towing my bicycle! i then had to throw my bike in the car and take it to the police station where he proceeded to take pictures of the bicycle and me . since then i went to court got a public pretender and i have to go back tom, to plead and i don't know what to do! i need info, advice, anything that can help!please help me out!.flg. oh the state offered me 30 days in jail thats the offer on the table what would you do?
There is NO direct correlation between horse power and cc's ,there is NO deff. Of horsepower in the Il. Vec. Code. This is all double talk and BS!
An induivual municapality canot suppercede state law!
The law as it's written contans an impossible set of conditions, witch no motor can achive.
the S.A.E. Deff of horsepower min canot be meet buy one of these motors ,so horsepower zero.
And most of all this is a hybrid device without the human as first gear the motor is prety much useless.
We need to band together as a politcal groupe and fight for or own rights!
This sport or hobby needs to take a page from the nhra and self regulate before this goes any further. Why not issue or own mb dl , any kind of org. Will have to be delt with by the state.
None of us want the "porly skilled" riders out there eather.
Sorry for the double tyrade, i just can't get past being "_____" about this !
How can this not be seen as profiling? The numbers just don't bear out . The main complaint from law enforcemnt has been people riding while susspended or revoked .... And those are there statements not mine.
Look at it from a statics viewpoint , how does such a small population of people on mb warrent so much police attn? Theres noway there are that many riders who need to be stoped for a ligit traffic infraction these quote un quote reports seem to confirm .the streets weren't suddenly flooded with dozens of riders.
Is it just me or is all the up roar in the smaller police dept.s around the state with a lot less to do then in more urban areas? Now i'm sure if you been sheriff in a place for a long time and something new comes around they may feel threatend but a laws a law , they gota get with the times or get outa the way! It's not there place to interpret the law and they know that,only a judge make interprtations of the law in a ruleing , and how do they get people in front of a judge??? Write them any ticket they can and force people into court.
As with any new law or technology there is always growing pains ,we fought long and hard to have the dl removed from the bill ,thats the will of the people . The same people who the police work for US!
Please carry the new law with you when you ride , if you get a ticket fight it with the help of others who want to retain our right to ride, write somebody a letter make your opnion heard and most of all ride cool and think of others who want to ride there machine in peace and legal
Motorized bicycles sometimes cross moped line, police say
By Tony Reid H&F staff writer

DECATUR - Motorized bicycles sound like a win-win.

As gas prices accelerate toward $4 a gallon, these regular pedal bicycles fitted with little gas engines can zip riders around effortlessly while achieving 100 miles per gallon. And, best of all, many of the bikes' fans believe, you don't need a license, insurance or registration to ride one.

The Decatur Police Department, however, begs to differ, and they're ready to write the traffic tickets to prove it if motorized bike riders hit the road without a driver's license, insurance and registration.

At issue is one question: When is a motorized bicycle a "low-speed gas bicycle" and when is it classified as a moped?

The police, quoting Illinois law, said a "low-speed gas bicycle" has fully operable pedals and a gasoline motor of less than 1 horsepower. Its top speed must be limited to 20 mph while carrying a person who weighs 170 pounds. If that is an accurate description of your motorized bicycle, you can ride it - on the road only - without a license, insurance and registration as long as you are 16 or older.

Read More... Motorized bicycles sometimes cross moped line, police say

Like most endless threads we will keep rehashing the same arguments. I am still preparing to build, both financially and mentally. I have worked thru my DUI re-education, probation ends in a month; but I won't be driving for 2 or 3 more years. If you have followed this thread you know I recently tried to get an answer from the judge on exactly how to build within the law and I got no answer.

It all boils down to the difference between what Illinois law legalized versus the actual bikes being built. I said about a year ago that the china girl bikes will eventually cause the revoking of the new legalized bike laws. It is well established in mechanics and in the courts that a 25cc gasoline motor produces approximately 1 HP; the electrical equivalent is 750 watts. Any motor assisted bicycle built with a larger motor, gas or electric; does not qualify under Illinois law. THERE IS NO VALID ARGUMENT THAT WILL MAKE A CHINA GIRL LEGAL.

I am sorry the state has not and will not ever allow bigger motors. It will not happen, the state is modeling the law after Federal Statute which is only 1 HP.

The cheap economics of the China Girls and the HF's make the motors attractive; but they don't come close to being legal and never will be legal. So for those of us who want to build a truly legal bike, within the tight confines of the law; we will be screwed by the poisoned atmosphere of all the illegal bikes pretending to be legal.

Just stop claiming that 49cc or 66cc bikes fall within the law, they don't and never will.

Show me the case with The IL. Vec code deff of horsepower . Show me some proof .
Once more lets stick to the law. There is no relationship between cc and horsepower period. Thats according to the sae, they wrote the standards for the industry.
If there is some case law or something in the vec. Code you can direct me too please post it.
i'm sorry to be a jerk about this but i'm not dicussing opnion here , i want to see the law that deffines horsepower and how that came to that number .
I have the good fortune to have an engineer of fifty years (as a card carring member of the sae ) who has worked in the small motor ind.for decades . Will you take his opnion as to what the deff of horsepower is....the courts routinley calls people like this to testify in cases with this exact type of argument.
So if theres some "well known " law or at least a deff. Were is it?