
I actually read this whole thread........

***If you want a real quick way to get a ton of regulations put in place on M/B, start ''DIALING IN'' your 2 cycle engine on a bicycle sitting on a urban residential street.......

OR, crowd together in ROAD RALLIES with a whole pack of similarly situated persons, to draw a ton of attention and hassle down on yourselves -

Thanks for taking the time to write your post. I appreciate the view from the "other side", I think you offer up what amounts to a lot of common sense. I'm not from IL but follow Moped/MB laws and regs from around the country because the issue remains the same and would like to continue to enjoy riding my bike.
I think what you are failing to take into account is that this law was 101% NOT created to give road privileges to DUI offenders.

This law is 101% the creation of hippie environmentalist types and NO ONE who created this law did so to deliberately restore some limited driving privileges to DUI/revoked drivers... I can guarantee that in platinum.
Some of the posters seem to be deluded that the state legislature intended this to assist / apply to those who were specifically banned from the roads..

The codicil in the act defining a L/S Motorized Bike that for PURPOSES OF THAT ACT takes a motorized vehicle and artificially moves it into a category with NON-MOTORIZED vehicles is almost certain to get retracted at some point or modified,

the very first time that someone with a revoked/DUI conviction tries to cite the law after they drive drunk, ride on a sidewalk and hit some kid, get into a crash, etc.. and then try to fight the charge by suggesting he is protected by the law despite his known license status being revoked on public roads..

at that time, if even needed, the state legislature will voted 100-0 to restrict specifically anyone with a revoked/suspended license, OR EVEN WORSE,

may well decide that ALL OF US even with a valid license now need to pay a tag fee, register the bike, get a safety inspection etc..

all because someone who is generally irresponsible anyway tried to grift onto a law that they then abused like the other laws that got them revoked in the first place.

The reality is, EVEN UNDER YOUR BEST ARGUMENT, the specific LOW SPEED M/B law is so restrictive that very few M/B really meet the letter of the law in legality,
and any police force with a radar gun,
which is all of them,
can take you confiscated bike and get a speed on it over 20 MPH with no effort..

On top of that the legislations' artificial placement of the LOW SPEED internal combustion engine M/B in a category with NON-motorized vehicles does not anyplace in its text Immunize Revoked/Suspended drivers from sheltering under it in the elements of the legislation-

arguing that for your purposes this Ill. law makes your 37 MPH capable M/B it fully legal for you to operate a internal combustion engine vehicle on a public road is certainly not true.

The law is designed to protect the operator(s) from-
insurance or
licensing provisions that would apply to children or adults who are otherwise not already banned from the roads,
from being cited/arrested for failing to obtain a Scooter classification (L license in Illinois..
What it does not do is protect those who the courts deliberately stripped of their rights to operate a internal combustion powered vehicle on a roadway.

Judging the legality based on what a cop did, or did not do, when you passed them at some time or location(s), or one stopped you is a reallly poor idea.

Police have personalities that are a cross section of the general population, and some do not care,
it its 0639 hrs, or 1430 hrs.. you are not going to get stopped in most cases since the guy/girl wants to go home.. not arrest or ticket you..
some are angry personalities,
some dont want to get involved in anything complicated, or that will interfere with them going home on time,
some want to get into personality conflicts with anyone they sense is challenging them or is in need of a ''altitude adjustment''-

Your admission that you wanted to ''protest'' and parade past the cops in a MB wolfpack, with your legislation print out is exactly what my initial opinion was..
You are not covered under this law, although most people under most circumstances can probably bluff their way through in a lot of cases, UNTIL word gets around at the monthly traffic court dates about someone in a local town who handled a similar matter, and then there will be training update done at roll call,
and the cops in that jurisdiction will be trained to what to look for and how to write/arrest/charge you under the new law..

The type of stuff you are doing with the Road Rally of a pack of DUI offenders is like a ENGRAVED INVITATION to the police, who are all members of county risk management / shared training entities,
will get them to train REAL FAST and cause everyone else headaches-

if you guys are such outlaws, then prove it- dont claim any defense in this law, and ruin it for us.. outlaws dont need to hide behind a law.. when you get caught, just tell them you are a outlaw and take the consequences.

the bad behavior will get the law tightened to cost those of us who dont try to show off or ''protest'' to the local authorities, along with you.

i would simply like to see the letter of the law re: when your rights are "stripped" by the court where it states that you are not to operate an mb? It may be a loophole and I'm sure there will always be those who decide to break any law inacted , however unless or untill there is a spefic law re this type of device , how can one be cited for riding without a dl when one is not required ? All other debate aside I feel noone is addressing the matter of the profiling of MB riders by police with witch they have had prior contact?
The same can be said of riders like file who have a DL don't ride stupid and are still being harrased by police because of the type of transportation they pick vs an actual infraction?

Forgot to mention that this is america and it is legal to protest police action as long as you dont break any law in doing so . With our right to assemble and defend ourselfs against unlawfull action by citing state law , sure sounds like the civil rights we all learned in school.
BT : I have no intention of starting a new boxing match here, your OPNION on the matter is nice to hear and somewhat noteworthy however, all you realy seem to be intrestred in is towing the line of you police training....
If there is a law in black and white in the IL. Vec code , site it!
If you did read the whole thread you seemed to have missed the sprit of this debate in the first place, we are trying to ride within the law as written .
People who are going to break the law will do so regardless of what is presented here . One of the main complants from the police officers I know is that some people are ignorant of the local laws , were attempting to educate and involve others to be legal .
Any police officer who wishes can stop a person for virtualy any reason they see fit walking ,driving, or riding. ONLY a judge can make ruling on the tickets issued ,as it is not the mandate of police to interpret the law .
I feel you argument is being "dumbed" down in an attempt to liken it to other things within your realm of experince , and (imo) this is not the case here.
Just the multiple reff to skateboard alone show me your trying baskett apples and oranges together and call it good. Minors who set out to harrase and destroy private and public property hold NO bering on this conversation .
The vast majority of riders are law abiding ,tax paying adults with there driving. Privagles intact . Not kids or felons trying to " get away " with something. And as a matter of fact there was great debate by the rep's in springfield about the DL restriction, and was removed from the draft legaslation as the main sticking point. As I pointed out in the instructions to police for 2010 .
So once again as far as my research goes( and yes all the relavent info is public knowlage) there is no steadfast law in the IL vec code to back ANY of your claims as to being "stripped" by the court . If there is I'm dying to see and digest whats avalible and will be glad to be in error if that is the case.
I appoligse if you felt "flamed" by my comments (and for my horrible spelling) my goal is only to examine what the letter of the law is and determine what rights are presented to us within those laws. There are with out doubt many condradictions in the law as written, both in horsepower deff and in speed determination , but it's the best we have .
On a personal note I find it very disturbing that people are so fearful of law enforcement that they simply cower down and submit to unlawfull harresment because of the reputation of the law comunity as "out to win at any cost" or "cant fight city hall" attitude.
So to reiterate ,the DL restriction has been lifted, police have been instructed as to that fact, and riders are still being stoped because the officer in question has proir knowlage of there driving status or is the only violation they can find.
Please address this issue with any legeslation relevant to this issue
I reference skateboards due to the fact that offenders are not required to cause any damage to charge/convict him of standing on a piece of wood in many jurisdictions,
even though the (standard) skateboard is not a motor vehicle..
and it would be looney to suggest licensing or registering every skateboard.

merely being in possession of a skateboard in a lot of areas is enough to violate laws or ordinances. This is because those who possess them in many cases only think/act in accordance with their own personal whim from day to day and it results in a backlash.

I cant count how many times I have talked to kids and said that I do not wish to ticket them, confiscate their board, haul them to the station,..
if they will agree to go to a empty parking lot in a shuttered business nearby which is NOT in the downtown CBD, at which point NO ONE is going to care what they do..

The same kids will promise that you will never see them again downtown and the next day they will be back in the most central, open area of downtown in the center of the CBD, with the same merchants calling to complain that they are tresspassing.

This is because a significant part of the skaters motivation is to be seen, show off, get attention, have others see their tricks...etc..

If you want to get seen, and be overt on a M/B, or protest- it will result in the same complaints, and the squeaky wheel will get itself greased.

Also, be aware that in Illinois, any local municipality can have MORE RESTRICTIVE LAWS than the state law, it simply cannot have more lax laws than state law.
If you are in the Chicagoland region (I cannot speak for central Il/ Downstate) almost all local municipalities have adopted the IVC into their municipal code, as this results in 75% of ticket revenue going into the municipal coffers, with only 20-25% to the county court,
whereas in the past the municipalities only got the 20-25% of fees/fines and the courts kept the vast majority of the money when the state IVC was being charged.

Because of this,
when it comes to something obscure like a L/S Mb, its very very likely you will not be charged with directly violating the IVC, but instead with a ordinance violation from the municipality which CAN change elements of offenses from the IVC as long as they are tighter/harsher/more restrictive.

The first time someone on the city/village council gets a call from a constituent that a loud MB keeps riding up and down their street 'dialing in' their carb..
it will go before the monthly city council meeting and they will simply ban anyone from doing that.

While I agree with you that the courts and/or legislature will be the final decision maker on whether a suspended/revoked driver can operate a L/S Mb on a public road,
any Illinois police officer can legally under 11-1509 stop you and compel you to submit your bike to a inspection with no 'probable cause' level of justification.

Since almost no motorized bikes are truly Low Speed in accordance with the IVC requirement of under a 20 mph speed limit, you would fail to shelter under the law on that basis.
Any failure to comply with any other equip/rules of the road requirements from a ''bicycle'' under Ill law, or failure to comply with signal/roadway positioning mandates, or the many other bicycle specific rules of the road, could also justify the claim that you do not meet the legal definition of a Low Speed motorized Bike as protected under the statute.

You would then default into a category requiring a class L endorsement if you have a motor, and exceed the very low thresh-hold for what is protected under Section 1-140.15.

What is going to happen is that the initial test cases will not take long, and in that interlude, some cops in some/most places will ignore you or refrain from taking any action about something they are unclear over, and dont really care about,
but once the test cases are tried and resolved, it will either result in the courts defining restrictions under the new law and confident enforcement from that time on by almost everyone,
or it will result in the state legislature revisiting the law to correct abuses or problems in its wording.

In either case anyone playing around on their neighborhood street with this sort of vehicle may lose along with the knuckleheads who brought un-needed attention to the issue.

I will say, that for someone in Rural areas of Sterling or Springfield to face tickets/charges over this sort of vehicle on a gravel farm road is preposterous to me, and I do think that this is either a agency that is looking to generate revenue for anything they can write,
or its a case in which someone is trying to beat a suspension/revocation restriction using this sort of homemade vehicle, and the cops in the area are aware of the persons lic. status.

ONLY a judge can make ruling on the tickets issued ,as it is not the mandate of police to interpret the law .
I feel you argument is being "dumbed" down in an attempt to liken it to other things within your realm of experince , and (imo) this is not the case here.
Just the multiple reff to skateboard alone show me your trying baskett apples and oranges together

If I were this poster or the moderator I would remove the attachment that has this persons SS# on it.

You will have dozens of illegal aliens using your identity to get employment, or criminals using your identifiers to counterfeit SS cards or apply for loans.

You should really photoshop over any personal identfiers except your first name if you are going to post some document online.
I live in an unincorporated Part of Illinois but it's basically City Limits with out sidewalks or curbs We have State County Police . I think if I don't Push My speed more then 20MPH Stop at the Stop Signs and don't go to Giant on an Engine size I should be ok . I did see two young Kids Last year Flying around town on Motorized Bikes . But only did see them that one time ?
BT: I have no interest in furthuring this debate with you .
I do not feel you have presented any new or relevent info and seem to be more intrested in "baiting " me into an argument then moving forward to better our rights or make a contrabution to the defense of our fellow riders falsely ticketed for riding without a DL. (loophole or not).
I do appericate your thoughts and concern for keeping one knuckle head from ruining it for all of us (at least we agree on one thing):) but we will just have to agree to disagree on the rest .
Thanks for the time and input , however I will requse myself from further comment untill such a time when my input may be of use for the greater good.
Can we just get our bikes licensed as motorcycles and ride them. Their are hundreds of custom chopper shops in IL. Their getting all of their bikes licensed. It would not bother me to put plates on my bike to ride legally.
Were in Illinois are you guys I live in cook county and ride my Motorized Schwinn every were and so far this being my second bike Have had no problems with the law ive also noticed alot more of these poping up. Law or no Law Im going to keep riding!!!!
You have to remove the pedals in most states to get a VIN, but then it's not really a motorized bike, it's just a tiny motorcycle.
I'm in Cook County too. Palatine. My issue is I want to build one of Pats Sportsman Flyers (its a board tracker look alike) and be able to occasioally take it out for a easy spin around the kneighborhood with out getting arrested or having it impounded. Though it has pedals, and a small engine. Im sure the local fuzz would gripe about it and call it a illegal motorcycle. I guess my biggest question is how DO we we get these things plated to be on the safe side. I don't mind paying for plates ,registration, insurance, and wearing the proper protective gear... I just want to be able to go out and not get hassled or loose the bike to a sticky fingered politician or a dirty cop... and I'm not saying their all dirty or crooked but knowing my luck I'd find the bad apple for sure.
Mb mike : thats not lickely to happen under the current law. I have made many requests of those in power to explain this to me and the net result has been , if it was not manufactured as a motorcycle with a vin and fed saftey sticker from factory. It canot ever be "morphed "into antthing else ever. They do not change class ,just become ilegal to operate at all.
I know this is a super long thread but almost every aspect of this debate has been covered at some point. However any and all info is subject to interpratation.
I have a question as to weather anyone has found out if you can ride these on the prarie path. I've called the forest preserve police and they gave me a number to call the illinois transportation guy here in Du Page county. When I talked to him he said he wasn't sure and the only place I would get bothered would probably be the forest preserve trails because they're monitoredby the forest preserve police and like I said they told me to talk to this guy, lol. I'm confused and don't know if it's legal or not. Yes it has a motor but it's not a motorized vehicle it's a low speed bicycle?
As far as I have been able to find out (and here in lake county) if it's a multi use trail open to all users especialy snowmobiles then you can ride it with motor . The fact that they alow other non motorvec (snowmachine) seems to be the sticking point . i've found that it's the horse crowd that calls to complain when they get buzzed by MB ,most other trail users don't care.
can someone please email me a PDF file of the paper law so I can carry it around with me. For some reason... I get that 404 error when I click on the link. Thanks in advanced!

email: saibaby74@hotmail(dot)com
hey guys,even tho i live in california now i still drop in on this thread from time to time to see whats new back in illinois (home sick? eh i dont know,lol) but ive been in contact with some old friends back out there that are hearing about anti MB'ers googling up this thread and cutting out pieces of it to show to cops/city counsel/village hall and anyone else they feel like they can get to listen. i think we have shown enough here about the law and figured out roughly how it is inturputed,but people with complaints are saying we are abusing this law.

sounds to me like a bunch of old guys telling us to get the **** off their lawn and "if that football lands in my property one more time ill keep it" kinda crap. ive gotten into it with quite a few people on the street about my bike,mostly its been stuck up older people who thought they were gonna teach me something new,but after learning about them complaining to city hall, i believe it because of the attitude they had with me back on the street.

i actually had an old broad (eh close between 55 and 60 years old) jump in front of my bike to get me to stop on a multi purpose bike path,if it would of been some one younger i would done something really bad just on the principal of it,anyhow shes yelling and screaming at me about that my bike is a motorcycle and its not allowed and blah blah blah,meanwhile i try showing her the copy of the law which she rips up on the spot and i say ya know what,you dont like it call the cops. NOTE: MY ACTIONS ARE MINE AND MINE ALONE,I AM NOT ENCOURAGING ANYONE HERE TO BREAK THE LAW OR MAKE BAD DECISIONS LIKE I DO. the point is that people like this woman i encountered have nothing better to do with their time (possibly retired so they got all the time in a day) than to go thru all their channels to reach someone with some power to do something about it.

if the city posts an ordinance that they didn't have on MB's its mostly like coming from these old,lonely,miserable people who have nothing better to do with their time than to make everyone around them as miserable as them.