I had a Heart Attack

your lucky you got a second chance.. alot of people didn't. like the old surfer Dewey Weber said week's before he died, ''i shoud'a treated my body like a temple instead of a amusement park'' R.I.P. dewey. god bless you and your family. dennis
I'm feeling pretty good...
I'm on 6 different med's that make me feel a little weirded out, but what the heck I'm still here...
I might want to get checked out one more time but I really want to get back to work and believe it or not, miss the daily grind rat -wheel life back that I'm used to.

I'll ride again.................soon
your lucky you got a second chance.. alot of people didn't. like the old surfer Dewey Weber said week's before he died, ''i shoud'a treated my body like a temple instead of a amusement park'' R.I.P. dewey. god bless you and your family. dennis
One of my dad's favorite maxims was: "If I'd known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself."
Glad to hear you're on the mend, Tim. Dan and I were talking yesterday about meeting up with you at that diner one of these days if you're up to that.
Tim.. take it easy! don't go back to work or play until the doctor says your ready! i just had a friend who had to get back because work was busy and he had to get these jobs out! 2 day's later he almost died at work! 100 steps backward and a long way to go and he'll never be the same again. if your die at work, they will hire some one elts. not so easy for your family and friends to replace a loved one... sincerly dennis bell
Tim, i hope everythings going ok for you and your family.. god bless and take it easy. your not forgotten
I had my attack in November last year, non smoking, low salt and fat diet, not much drinking these days and it still happened. I was fortunate enough to be near Britain's best heart hospital at Papworth when it happened, got one stent. Was taken home 4 days later by a friend, and at 04:30, got more pain and a 2nd stent locally.

Recovery was slow but accelerated, now I can walk hard and fast for an hour and the only thing I really need at the end of it is a shower. Mind you, all the tablets you have to take make you rattle a bit as you go.
Hope someone reads this. In 1976 I learned from Dr. Carey Reams the reason why people have blocked arteries. It is due to salt build up in the body and blood vessels. Salt irritates the arteries and they put in layer after layer of cholesterol dance1to help compensate for the salt making them lose elasticity. The solution is to drink DISTILLED water at the rate of 4 oz every half hour during the day until 80 oz is consumed for people over 160 lbs. The rate changes for those less than 160 lbs and is your weight divided by two called ounces. I have done this since 1977 and when the VA did a carotid and cardiac ultrasound on me in 2009 they found I had NO PLAQUE in my 57 year old arteries. I know from personal experience that this works.
Depending on the type of blockage and your family history if you post attack guys are like me you'll be on fewer and fewer meds as time passes. Partly because you don't need them as your body heals and partly because if you weren't taking care of yourself before you are more than likely doing so now! One other thing to look into for us older gents is sleep apnea and the relationship to heart disease. A sleep study will tell you if you just snore or if you are damaging your heart when you "snort" yourself awake. Definatley worth the time and hassle. Think of a CPAP as a supercharger for your nose....
If you do not remove the plaque, either by chelation therapy or by following the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization, you will succumb to blocked arteries later. All bypass surgery does is restore some blood flow to the heart muscle - it leaves the rest of the body untouched. The same lifestyle that caused the plaque in the first place, if not abandoned, will result in the bypasses being blocked also - usually within 5 to 10 years.