My brother bought a new 1969 Chevelle with a 375hp, 396, 4 speed. There were rumours around town that when you hit 4th at 100 mph the back end fish tailed badly. The best part was our dad had to co-sign for the financing so part of the deal was mom got to use it when she needed it.
I'm standing in the showroom floor with my uncle who sold them the car about 3 weeks later and I hear the Chevelle coming and it's flat out peddle is on the floor. I said to my uncle here comes mom knowing she had the car and sure enough there goes mom doing about 65 in a 30mph zone hunched over the steering wheel. Trailing behind her by a lot of seconds was a 1958 Ford full of high school kids hanging out the window urging the driver on.
When I got home I asked mom what the kids had done to deserve that. The look of shock that turned into a look of cunning in seconds was priceless. She said the kids had pulled up beside her and yelled, "Goose it, Granny as the light changed. "So I gave it to the little Bast*rds." She was well known for not taking crap from anyone and more that one person told me about the old lady in the Chevelle who they had seen or had gone against not knowing who she was. Another time a old fella hit his horn just as the light changed and she dumped the clutch and sprayed his car with gravel and rubber.
She was 60 years old when they got the car and 5' 1-1/2" tall. We found out years later that they only made 400, 375hp, 396 Chevelle's. They had a "Chambered." exhaust which was nothing more than a straight pipe with dimples pressed into it. You knew it was coming blocks away.