Huffy Cranbrook or Schwinn Jaguar

Hey Guys,
What about the Diamondback cruisers, like the Della Cruz? The frame
is made out of lightweight 6160 aluminum and has beautiful TIG welds
throughout! I really love mine, and I looked at several bikes over
2-3 weeks before I chose the Della Cruz. They come with a springer front fork that makes a nice smooth ride. Cost about $160.00
i cant wait.Im going to get a jag next week i like the bike and i got the perfect tank to go on it off an old Suzuki 50cc


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The Schwinn kit is almost finished guys.

I bought the bike in January, after the poll, and it has been just sitting for the past few months.

I got a lot of feedback in February that the Jaguar may be discontinued. For a short period Target online showed them to be out-of-stock, and many of the stores didn't have them.

Anyway: it seems they are plentifull now, so the kit for this bike will soon be available.

The only thing left to manufacture is a rear sprocket.

I made a fixture today for the CNC so that I could make sprockets fast.

I'm also waiting for Neoprene vibration isolators of the correct durometer to arrive from the supplier. They should come in this week.

MB Monkey is getting the first production kit. I've made 20 for this first run.

As soon as I'm done I'll update the website with details and pricing. It's going to be priced, VERY reasonable!

This set-up is going to make installation a breeze, and alleviate many of the future problems that are common to the Chinese In-frame engine kits. The new guys who are building a bike for the first time, (and use this kit), will never know what they missed...laff

I'm also going to be doing a kit for the OCC Schwinn chopper bike.

The Schwinn Spoiler kit is also a current work in progress.

As long as there is interest I will keep making stuff based on popular demand.

Thank You to everyone who has purchased my machined parts. It is truly appreciated!

I am SO excited! I lack machine tools and the knowledge, but that looks like something worth paying for. My engine doesn't sit right in my Jaguar, but I believe that this should correct any issues I have.

I have one question though, it appears that it moves the engine up high enough to put on a pull start or centri clutch, without having to install a wide pedal system. I don't really need nor want it to, it would be just an extra plus if it would.

Thanks and great job!!
Great news Jim,
My new Jag has been sitting and waiting since the poll for the same reasons. Target was very elusive to pin down for info on future Jag supplies. They never really answered my many inqiries, but once again they begin to appear in the stores. Amazing to me that the warehouse and stores seem to be seperate operations.
For those interested in production bikes to qualified buyers, and the first time home builder, this is a large step forward in promising successful and durable builds for the 2-stroke China girl. The mount looks adaptable to many popular bike models, and a good foundation for offering kits to fit them. Haven't built a chopper, but great to know your product will help me put it together better.
I'll be patient if I don't get my name in for the first run,,,,,so you might as well give me a rain check for the second.
I know I'm putting the cart in front of the horse but.... Do you think you could flip the motor on that mount and run the chain to the freewheel parts of a SBP shifter kit? I don't know if the motor will run "backwards" but I don't see why not?

Please educate the uneducated. :)

You'd have to re-route the clutch cable of course but what else would have to be done if it was at all possible.
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I thought of a potential problem. I think the timing may be off from the magneto. hmmm if it is true it might be more work than it's worth.
I thought of a potential problem. I think the timing may be off from the magneto. hmmm if it is true it might be more work than it's worth.

Yes...The magnet would have to be broached on the opposite of TDC, or the crank would have to be re-keyed.

I've actually though about this:

Make a new unit and simply mirror the engine cases, then the engine would not have to turn in the opposite direction. The engine would still sit in the frame the same way. The installer would be forced to make it work with additional hardware, or do without the pedals. A custom set-up could easily be done, and yes it would alleviate the jackshaft...but it would have to be designed for a number of frame styles. I can mirror image the new cases in my design program...simply 180 all of the components and done! I may try it this summer just for fun! :D

Make a new unit and simply mirror the engine cases, then the engine would not have to turn in the opposite direction. The engine would still sit in the frame the same way. The installer would be forced to make it work with additional hardware, or do without the pedals. A custom set-up could easily be done, and yes it would alleviate the jackshaft...but it would have to be designed for a number of frame styles. I can mirror image the new cases in my design program...simply 180 all of the components and done! I may try it this summer just for fun!

That sounds like quite a summer project! I looked at it again and that'd be the best way to do it. Even if you fixed the magneto you'd have to tilt the engine at a crazy angle to get the drive sprocket to line up with the main sprocket. Either that or get another pully and if you're doing that you might as well just go with a jackshaft!! :)

Looking forward to seeing your Jag kit!

There have been several questions about whether this kit would work with a pull start or centrifugal clutch engine without having to change the pedal crank to either wider or shorter arms. Will it? The pull starts are definite winners and the automatic clutches are very nice, especially for older riders. Not having to change the crank would reduce the labor and materials costs for these builds.
Mr. Jim,

I am working on my first build, a Huffy Santa Fe, same as Cranbrook. The only thing so far that fits has been the sprocket and adapter that I ordered from you and the motor mount from SBP.
Considering the Jaguar already has the front and rear brakes as compared to only the coaster brake on the Huffy, I would pay the difference for the Jaguar. Plus, I like the handlebars better. I sat on one in the Target store and it is comfortable for an old guy like me.

Maybe I should not be voting as my bike is not up and running yet. I am waiting on FedEx for a new clutch actuator arm since I wrung off the end fastener while trying to install the clutch cable. I have never seen such poor quality hardware in anything before.

Last of all, for those of us awaiting for parts, my Bojangles pal said FedEx and UPS are going to merge and the new company is Fed Up! I think it is appropriate.

D. J. Price Pedal Pusher
For the customer who has limited mechanical knowledge, and even less patience/tools...this kit will be a real value..trk


Sounds like me laff
Was looking, And thought, "you could get someone to do the Cranbrook, and you do the Jaguar, and compare :)"

But if that is no option, My vote is.................
The only big defferance I see (besides price laff) Is Jaguar has Higher rising handlesbars?

Good luck!
does anyone have the seat tube and the downtube width/size for the 26in cranbrook i am building a new motorbike and the bike has not came in yet but i need the sizing so i can start building the mounts.
does anyone have the seat tube and the downtube width/size for the 26in cranbrook i am building a new motorbike and the bike has not came in yet but i need the sizing so i can start building the mounts.
downtube on mine is 1.5" OD, did not measure the seat tube, just opened the rear mount up slightly with a spindle sander. made this front mount. (posted on the mounting techniques forum)