The Schwinn kit is almost finished guys.
I bought the bike in January, after the poll, and it has been just sitting for the past few months.
I got a lot of feedback in February that the Jaguar may be discontinued. For a short period Target online showed them to be out-of-stock, and many of the stores didn't have them.
Anyway: it seems they are plentifull now, so the kit for this bike will soon be available.
The only thing left to manufacture is a rear sprocket.
I made a fixture today for the CNC so that I could make sprockets fast.
I'm also waiting for Neoprene vibration isolators of the correct durometer to arrive from the supplier. They should come in this week.
MB Monkey is getting the first production kit. I've made 20 for this first run.
As soon as I'm done I'll update the website with details and pricing. It's going to be priced, VERY reasonable!
This set-up is going to make installation a breeze, and alleviate many of the future problems that are common to the Chinese In-frame engine kits. The new guys who are building a bike for the first time, (and use this kit), will never know what they missed...
I'm also going to be doing a kit for the OCC Schwinn chopper bike.
The Schwinn Spoiler kit is also a current work in progress.
As long as there is interest I will keep making stuff based on popular demand.
Thank You to everyone who has purchased my machined parts. It is truly appreciated!