HT bicycle engine exploded diagram?


New Member
Is there any place on the web that hosts an exploded diagram of your basic Chinese 2-cycle engine? I got one with my kit but it is very hard to read. I would like to know what I am getting into when I open one up for maintenance. Thanks!
Re: HT exploded diagram?

Grubee has some exploded views in the parts section. Their site won't let me link directly to the page. You have to go to Total Products. Select 2 Stroke engine. Then one of the motors. I think I clicked Skyhawk and exploded views part way down the page.
Re: HT exploded diagram?

Thanks! That was just what I was looking for! They are actually the same views that came with my kit "instructions" but I can expand them into visibility through the magic of computers. However I am confused by something I saw there. On the "About Us" page they say:

"USA NOTE: It is important to know that oil mix 2 cycle engines as of Jan 1 2006 can no longer be imported into the USA and some European countries. Regardless of cc displacement, 4 cycle engines EPA approved are now all that is allowed to be imported into the USA."

Now how can that be since we are obviously still getting a supply of 2-cycle engines?
Re: HT exploded diagram?

"Existing 2 cycle engine stock is still available in some USA WD inventories and when depleted will not be replaced", would apply to all "old" inventory...
Now the kits are EPA approved they are ok to import I believe....
Re: HT exploded diagram?

From what I understand it was going to be law, but got rescinded. So no worries.
Re: HT exploded diagram?

Yes, the "law" was an internet rumour of sorts, or greatly exagerated upon, and taken as gospel by another bike forum, who promptly denounced all two strokes....only to wake up to a breakfast of crow and egg peeled from each other faces.
Re: HT exploded diagram?

I thought the ban was on direct imports and that it could be brought in from a country other than China, but that imports direct from China were banned unless EPA certified.
Re: HT exploded diagram?

You peaked my interest and just looked around a bit. Seemingly a group in California petitioned to have 2 strokes banned and rumour then bloomed. The power of mob fear I guess. I can not find any thing that it was close to passing in Cali or even a thought at fed level.

Just got a IM from a woman I have not spoken to in a yr. Telling me Yahoo would be closing down due to costs.
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