How much should I charge motorized Bikes?

thank you, and i know about those complaints im a mechanic so i always get the classic "my car did this perfectly fine until you did that oil change"
can i make my own contract and give them a copy to keep and i keep one with there signature, saying something like i am not liable for any injury, loss, damage caused by selling this bike to you or something? or does it have to be through a lawyer, because if i have to get insurance , which i have no clue how much it is, then im gunna have to charge outrageous prices just to make a wee bit profit
First off, Nikko, I applaud what you're doing. Good on you.

With that said, I'd charge them 300$. You'll spend from 150-200 for the engine kit, and whatever is left for the labor. I'd make sure that you get them to sign a "hold harmless agreement" to make sure that no matter what, you can't get sued. But Good on you, man. You can have your own business. And once you can make enough money to get started, you can buy walmart bikes for 100$, and motorize them, and sell them on craigslist for 450. You would make a few dollars, plus you would be helping the enviroment since they'd be getting 100-150 PMG.

Keep doing what you're doing, bro. Haters gonna hate!!
thanks man, means alot. how could i furnish a hold harmless agreement, could i just print some on paper and have them sign 2 copies, on for me and one for them? or do i need to get a lawyer that is exactly what i want to do
Google it, and if you don't find it, go to a website like legal-zoom and pay a few bucks for it.
These guys are right, though. If something happens, you're responsible. If someone pays you for goods or services, then you're are liable. Hold harmless will do just that. Make you become un-accountable for anything that happens. They should check the bike before they ride anyways, right?
yea, i did one for my neighbor and i of course rode it and checked everything 2 times before i called him to get his bike, and even then i warned him about the precautions and dangers, but i can understand getting sued, and parent would do that if there kid died or got hurt on something someone else built for them. and i tried finding one online for free but didnt have luck.
Just search this forum for the liability waver and print a few out. I also ha e a few kit and would like my friend to be Interested in these MB's. I would buy universal front motor mounts cause some tubes can be rather big. Also if you get one sold you could offer upgrades like Head Studs W/ Nuts (Grade 5)
Intake and Exhaust Studs W/ Nuts (Grade 5)
Clutch roller mod.
yea i was thinking like maybe asking if they want heavy duty bolts and such since the stock ones suck, especially the sprocket bolts. and yea i can mount to any size frame basically as long as the engine fits in the frame im fine. thanks for the tips
My "80cc bicycle engine kit" the zbox has bigger front mount.
I have a grubee skyhawk 66 and. Zbox 49cc and the front mounts are way smaller. I had to buy universal U mount.
yea i had the same problem, i think alot of people do, the only bikes that have skinny frames are road bikes and older mountain bikes, i work at an auto shop so i just cut a piece of metal and drill 4 holes in it, 2 for the original mount holes and 2 for the U bolt, they really need to start more kits with bigger mount sizes, or at least interchangable ones
people keep coming up to me asking me to build them moto/bikes.
i would like to but.
because of the laws on motorised bikes in florida, i am not.
hey nikko im in california to, long beach (los angeles area)to be exact where are you located im looking to get a bike with a motor already on or buy a bike and have you put a motor on it
It takes an easy 300 to get a china motor working like it should with aftermarket parts. To profit beyond that is just not reasonable, and I'd rather make a friend than make a buck. For that reason, I don't charge. I do require that people watch and learn every aspect of the build, so they realize what maintenance will be required.

People buy them expecting a motorcycle with pedals. It is not - it's a bicycle that you get to ride once and tune twice.
ok, I'll jump into this one late...

I'm a Kalifornia builder... or was... houses, mostly smaller projects, custom stuff, but did a buncha tracts when things were going strong.

abt 3 times cost of the materials for a really quickie estimate on what the labor may costs may run. and that's NOT bolt together stuff which only requires assembly.

Having assembled just ONE kit, and knowing today's costs and living expenses here in our glorious Kalifornia state... I'd say $200 to assemble a kit from THEIR parts, fire it up and run it down the street once.

NO battling with carbs, funky china parts, and cheapo falling apart wallyworld bikes included.

And N, someone IS gonna sue you in court. This IS Kalifornia. It IS 2011.
You could be sued walking out of your house, or even if you stay IN your house. It's just the way things is!

The china kits are made SO simple almost anyone can assemble one.
If they choose not to assemble it, ask $200. They pay or do it themself.
No guarantee, no warranty, and accept no liability.
...and NOT a bit of that is worth squat because sooner or later, someone is gonna sue you! We'll see you on JJudy or JJBrown... lol

There's some really high quality builders of MABs outthere who are nice enough to post their work here on the pages... Gosh are they inspirational !
Perhaps one day you shall be among them.
Good luck

...and don't get rustled when this or that member may be gruff with you... a lot gets lost in translation when communicating through a keyboard. and if they DID mean to insult your ugly dog, bike, or whatever, WHO CARES????
It's just a computer screen and a keyboard!
Maybe they just grumpy that day... it STILL makes no difference!

Darn near everyone here are a buncha fun junkies or they wouldn't be messin round with these ht china girls anyway!
It takes an easy 300 to get a china motor working like it should with aftermarket parts. To profit beyond that is just not reasonable, and I'd rather make a friend than make a buck. For that reason, I don't charge. I do require that people watch and learn every aspect of the build, so they realize what maintenance will be required.

People buy them expecting a motorcycle with pedals. It is not - it's a bicycle that you get to ride once and tune twice.

Yup! .......
Nikko I feel your pain here. All B.S. aside here, If i had $350 into a new bike and motor kit installed on the bike. What would someone charge for it on craigslist? Screw all the sueing and lawyers and stuff. Lets talk price only. So anyone, whats your$?
I have a top quality bike with all the best stuff that is up for sale, that will also get you where you want to go with no issues. But who want to pay what it's worth, most people want something cheap but expect it to last and run with no issues. If you want reliable, speed and looks it's going to cost. That's the bottom line.
CCC has made the point...

the china factory has made something for most people.

If you can provide service for some people, and keep the ball rolling, you'll do OK.

I once built choppers for little more than beer money. Jesse James got him an actress, TV time, and then traded that all in for an inked diversion!

No matter what you do, someone's gonna scoff at it... cater to those who are willing to spring the extra bucks for your services. and insist on reward for your efforts!

Some MAB rider wants to sell his bike? 25% of the sale for a consignment...
There's money to be made connecting people with the goods they'd like to have, NOW! Many will NOT wait.

It's all good.