How fast can your 80cc really go?

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I have what Dax calls his 70cc kit. All stock with a 40 tooth sprocket from Creative Engineering. My bike only does 22mph max on level ground. However, I can climp a steep paved hill at 18-20 mph.
Does a 44 tooth really change your speed? Could I do 30 with a 44?
I tell ya how to attain higher speed...take my 3rd world trailer hookup to the home depot at the top of the mountain and load up on cement.
if you wanna really easy way to break 50mph, just get a giant sprocket in the front on your pedal side, take your motor up to top speed, and then start pedaling.

after all, these are "pedal assist" bicycles...
are you sure? don't you have to pedal away from a stop? if you do, it's pedal assist. unless you have one of those fancy jackshifters...
I could also take a running start, and jump on the bike. Then it wouldn't be pedal assist :P
Or I could fry my clutch every time I wanted to start... Someone really needs to make a better clutch....
My engine seems to have speed issues when it feels like it. lol. I am certain I have an air leak somewhere. I'm going to try to get an "O" ring from sick bike parts, see if that helps. I wish I could ride as fast as some of you say you can! My bike seems slow in comparison @ 32.4 mph.

How fast can you get to sudbury guys? Lol, at 50 mph that is! Anyone interested?
Mid - Late May, 2010


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My engine seems to have speed issues when it feels like it. lol. I am certain I have an air leak somewhere. I'm going to try to get an "O" ring from sick bike parts, see if that helps. I wish I could ride as fast as some of you say you can! My bike seems slow in comparison @ 32.4 mph.

How fast can you get to sudbury guys? Lol, at 50 mph that is! Anyone interested?
Mid - Late May, 2010[/QUOTE

Yeh nah see what you've done there is you've posted a realistic figure. You either have a gps or are familiar with the fundamental workings of a Tape measure to measure ya wheel correctly. rare indeed
I have two gps speedometer applications on my blackberry, and I made sure I set up my speedometer on my bike properly upon initial installation. I have compared my bike speedo with my blackberry gps applications, I reached 52.8 km/h, or converted, is 32.8 mph, sorry guys, I was a little off on previous post.
with stock muffler, carb, 44th sprocket and stock anything else you can imagine.... i got 28mph on a flat road... checked by iphone and school mph slow down sign... THEN ADDED NITRO AND GOT TO 34MPH
My engine seems to have speed issues when it feels like it. lol. I am certain I have an air leak somewhere. I'm going to try to get an "O" ring from sick bike parts, see if that helps.


"O ring"? like for your carb/manifold? If so - just about any hardware store worth calling itself one has them in quite the selection for a few pennies each :D
Well, it's official, I've broken down, once again. The screw holding the small sprocket on the right side of the engine came loose it's final time. It was off completely, and stripped on both the bolt, and the threads on the engine. It was very dirty on the inside, where the threads are on the sprocket. A new screw can't be put in since it's stripped. I'm either going to have to get a new engine, or dissect this one, and replace the whole sprocket. Neither of which I can do right now. I guess I'm taking the bus! They do about 60 km/h, pretty fast! LOL, I'll probably get a 48cc, I'm curious how it performs.
with stock muffler, carb, 44th sprocket and stock anything else you can imagine.... i got 28mph on a flat road... checked by iphone and school mph slow down sign... THEN ADDED NITRO AND GOT TO 34MPH

I got the same results from adjusting my carb properly.
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