Hey I'm new here.


Active Member
I just joined this forum today. Lots of info. Looks like that norman is a wealth of information. I have two motored bikes that I built, one for me and another for my Wife. They have the Chinese two strokes. I can't wait for warmer weather so we can enjoy them more. I'm mostly just a lurker on these forums but if I can be of any help I will chime in. Happy biking to all.............
welcome and glad to have you with us. i am like you and can't wait for the warmer weather. winters are way to long
welcome and feel free to give me advice anytime. I can use all the help that is available.
Welcome and hope you enjoy this as much as the rest of us do and I can't wait to ride in the warmer weather too. But I'll take it as long as I don't freeze to the bars and my eyes don't freeze shut. Or get hit in the head by a flyin exhaust sliencer now who would do a thing like that?
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You think I complain about the motorcycle helmet I have to wear now just wait till warm weather. I will probably turn into a crone.