helmet question

I use this in gloss black
Welcome to Fuel Helmets

I used a bike helmet for the first few months. Got treated like a cyclist. The day I put on this helmet, drivers took much more care around me. Almost night and day difference in traffic treatment.

The choice in helmet is large but I wanted to have full face protection as well as a visor to cut out the wind, dust from larger trucks and bugs. With normal full helmets you have a hard time doing anything with your mouth without taking the helmet off, mainly drinking. So modular helmet was the way for me to go. Couldn't be happier.

Thanks! I was hoping some one else found that too. A MC or the like helmet worked better as a clue that we were not on an ordinary bicycle. (but rather an extraordinary bicycle, snork) Really liking EB over MB. Can we use the term "SB"? Super bike LOL, that is 2 much.

Chips X--I am merely the messenger. I have sever dents in my skull and 62 stitches from my own mishap. I got off but the kid didn't.
Just not worth the gamble.
Thank you for making a choice. May well save your loved ones from having to make one for you.
Life support or not.

Re: What type of helmet do you suggest?

I would go with a motorcycle helmet. I have a Half-helmet but more protection is better. Of course I also rarely exceed 18 mph on my bike. Also, your best defense is what's inside the helmet. No amount of head protection is going to help if you ride out in front of a semi!
Re: What type of helmet do you suggest?

I would go with a motorcycle helmet. I have a Half-helmet but more protection is better. Of course I also rarely exceed 18 mph on my bike. Also, your best defense is what's inside the helmet. No amount of head protection is going to help if you ride out in front of a semi!
I wear a half-helmet too :)
in our climate, it is about not overheating the melon as well !

lately with it being so hot (110+) I have been dipping my ball cap in the pool, then put the helmet on over the cap, and go for my ride
I was wondering about that in the warmer parts of the world. Would a vented bicycle style helmet work better. (hmmmm, marketing opportunity, snork) Can a DOT helmet be drilled or slits cut and not lesson their ability to work?
Its really not a question,when it comes to protection more is better.I am however the biggest offender when it comes to leaving my helmet at home,I will admit it is stupidity.In CT we still have a choice to wear one or not but thats not the issue.I have developed a healthy respect for these engines,mabey were not doing highway speeds but the sudden stop sure can hurt,I have been fortunate to walk away so far......be safe,if you see me without one please break my b###s
thank you to everyone who replied to this thread and shared their opinions. i ended up using a dot full face helmet and it saved my life. :) so thank you guys so much!
Cord.--Years ago I lived in a small town in the mountains of New Hampshire and there was a center for people with head trauma there.
Met a young man who went for a short bike ride and didn't wear his helmet because it was only 3 blocks away.Someone opend a car door and it took him 10 min. to tell me what you just read in seconds.
Hit his head on the curb.
He went to schools all over the east to tell them the story and give them a chance to see the result of a moments lack of safety.
He was in my books, a hero to turn his misfortune to someone elses good fortune.

I've been struck by lightning.....TWICE......direct hits on my head......I'm still alive.....numerous surgeries.....titanium spine......plastic and stainless steel shoulder.....kevlar plate in my head.....wish I had been wearing my helmet.......
