Hello from Texas


New Member
Hi, I'm Austin. I live in Garland, Texas with my mom, dad, and sister. I'm almost 16 and want to start learning how to drive, but lately I've been looking at motorcycles instead of cars since they have better mileage (and frankly, motorcycles are cooler than cars :) But my dad says that most motorcycles today are very powerful, having engines that are 1000cc's and above. He recommends that I learn to ride on a much less powerful engine. I've decided he's right and I looked around the internet and I've decided to build a kit bike. I have a 2004 schwinn stingray which I would love to make into a motorbike. I've come across a few problems though: 1) I need a motor 2) I need a motor mount 3) I would prefer both to be cheap (we're in a recession, you know.) 4) Last, and maybe most important, does anyone here know of the laws in texas (or the U.S. in general) regarding the legality of motorized bicycles?
Thanks for any help.
Hi stingray'04rider I too am working on a occ motor bike for the first time. 1) I got my motor kit off of ebay but there are the adds on the side that sell them too. 2) go on ebay and get barry's mount its 46 bucks with shipping but it is really nice and thats the one im using. 3)this project is going to cost between 260 to 350 or more. 4) I live in conneticut so i have no idea sorry. Oh there is something else you need to know if you get a kit your going to have to get more chain and you will either have to bend your exhaust or get barry's for 75. I bent mine and am going to save up for barrys exhaust. (ps im 16 too.) Hope this is a big help,

Bike Monster
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Welcome to the forum. I have been counting on conforming to the goped section, which is 39cc max and limited to roads with a speed limit of 35mph or less. I'll let you know how it goes.
Hi I Thought You Might Like To See My Bike 8)


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hey, a quick question. how about fast can you get on it? i need to know what kind of gear ratio i should use on mine. (p.s. it looks nice)

Well i actually don't know yet i haven't finished it. it just looks that way i still have to make the chain work. i have heard that they do between 25 to 30 miles top .trk