Texas law


New Member
ok guys here in college station the campus precent 3 is now inforceing and stoping and harasing any one who rides a mb

a man named spencer jials is behind it all who is with the town comity
(i cant spell right now on meds)

but they are trying to get it passed that they will be forced to get all things to be a motorcycle Fing BS striaght up BS if you ask me but they are going with the motor assited scooter thing but you most prove you have all that it ask for in the code

so im working on it and also i have a meating with spencer in two weeks to show him a MB in person b/c he said he has never seen one

any one in texas care to petion the things that they are doing well join in because if it happens here it could be comeing to you soon
Re: HOLY CRAP texas law

The City of Tucson had some challenges with MBers a few years ago. Roland at Spooky Tooth Cycles posted his efforts at city hall on his blog. He and others showed up, spoke up and stood up for all of us.
Way to go Chaos, hope you get some support.
Re: HOLY CRAP texas law

Turbo/chaos and others:
I was one of the ones stopped last week by the Campus Police here at Texas A&M University in College Station. I was given a warning, and clearly told that Mr. Giles, who apparently heads up the Precinct the university is in, had indicated that motorized bikes were illegal unless they met all requirements of a motorcycle. The written warning said I was in violation because I had no inspection, no motorcycle license, no registration and no proof of insurance. Frankly, it was a complete farce. When I told the officer the bike was legal because it met all the requirements as a motorized scooter he basically called me a liar. "You can say it only 38 cc, but can you verify that?" My answer was polite, but firm: "Can you verify that it is not?" When I was stopped I was going only 20 miles an hour, and obeying every traffic law. I was in a bike lane. I was even wearing a helmet.
Turbo/chaos, give me a call and I will go with you to meet with Spencer Giles. "Bill on the red Schwinn"
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Re: HOLY CRAP texas law

Better hope they don't want you to prove it's under 50cc.
They can verify it's not, can you verify it is?
Re: HOLY CRAP texas law

i dont know if its just me but its my belife that as long as your not causing a problem . than there is NO problem if you need this to get to work/school/store and you are in the bicycle lane or moving with traffic using hand signals and being as courtious as you can to other drivers ( some times its hard i know) then its what you have to do . its like the saying let sleeping dogs lie . if i was in texas i would gladdly (think i spelled that right) go with you to the hearing.
Re: HOLY CRAP texas law

Unless the guy who sold me the motor and installed it is pulling a fast one on me, it is 38cc. I will admit that without a stamped displacement on the engine, it does ultimately boil down to my word against his.

The ironic thing about this is that up to just a few days ago the town was very friendly to motorized bikes. I was starting to see them all over. It is a college town and there are thousands of regular bikes and probably a half-dozen motorized bikes that I see regularly. Why the campus cops decided to get heavy handed is strange. I have gone by dozens of cops over the past four months. I believe it is because one nut modified his motor and sprocket, then was caught doing 50 on a campus side street. But his stupidity should not cause all the rest of the law-abiding folk to be painted with the same brush.
Re: HOLY CRAP texas law

I'm in Corpus Christi, Texas. I had lunch with a Captian of the traffic today. He said that you ride your bike as you should, We have no problem with your bike! Obay the traffic laws. YOU set a better example. You make sure that we are BICYCLISTS and not of any other sort. Hey, DoNuts help rotfl A teaspoon of kindness go's a long way my friend. You show respect, you get it. Cops always win.
Re: HOLY CRAP texas law

The police at Texas A&M must be needing to raise some quick and semi-legal tax funds. The cops are not always right and might does not make them right. They have some power but if you can reason with legislators you may be able to get some satisfaction in better defined laws. I think all too often the laws are weak and very restrictive. Arizona gives the motorized bike legitimacy if it only goes 20 mph. Most people can pedal a bike 30 mph so why this restriction? I think it keeps the ability to tax by ticketing.
Re: HOLY CRAP texas law

So the Texas Laws don't have any specific reference to motor assisted bikes? What dose the Federal laws say pertaining to them?
Re: HOLY CRAP texas law

Oh, yes. Texas has VERY specific laws on motorize bikes (defined as a "motor assisted scooter." Those laws specifically list what a motorized bike is and my bike meets each and every criteria. That is why I was so upset for being stopped and told my bike was illegal. In my mind, to stop motorized bikes with no good reason is form of profiling--you look guilty, so therefore you must be guilty.

I continue to ride, but stay clear of the campus. Ironically, just today a colleague reported to me that she had a meeting at the main administration building on campus and there, big as life, was a motorized bike (not mine) chained to a bike rack outside the building. Maybe the tempest is past. I have a mind to ride on campus and see what happens!
Re: HOLY CRAP texas law

I was told my bike didn't fit under the motor assisted scooter because it doesn't have a deck to stand on. A scooter is supposed to have a seat to sit on and a deck to stand on. That's what the cop up here told me anyway.....................
Re: HOLY CRAP texas law

I believe the officer who told you that was in error. While I do not make a practice of arguing with someone who packs a gun, at the same time, the Texas law, which I am looking at as I write this, clearly says "or". It says, "a deck design to allow a person to stand or sit while operation the device." It is my understanding from others (although I do not have this in writing from Austin), that the DPS has interpreted this to mean that if a motorized bike has a seat, it is has a deck.

The problem is that these motorized bikes, by not being licensed and registered, become fair game to anyone's opinion of the law. I have decided that I will ride mine until ticketed, and then contest the ticket, if goes that far. If I win the case I keep riding. If I lose, I guess I park the beast, or sell it in Austin, where they leave motorized bikers alone.
Re: HOLY CRAP texas law

Here is the Texas DOT web site and law

Definition of a moped – A motor driven cycle whose speed attainable in one mile is not more than 30 miles per hour and that is equipped with a motor that produces not more than two-brake horsepower. If an internal combustion engine is used, the piston displacement may not exceed 50 cubic centimeters and the power drive system may not require the operator to shift gears.

Texas Department of Public Safety - Motorcycle Safety Unit