Hello everyone!


New Member
Hi folks, nice to be here.

I live in Santa Monica, CA and try to get around on my bike, (cannondale f400) as much as possible...hate driving around here :-|| not to mention parking!!

A little nervous about my first kit as I have no mechanical experience... or tools...or garage, well, you get the point!

Anyways, can't wait to get motorized!
i was pretty nervous also when i built my first kit. actually kept putting it of for about a year. then finnally bought the kit and the 2 hour installation like they said in the directions took about 2 weeks lol. however it was not that bad and kinda enjoyable. nice part about putting it togather rather then buying a built one is you learn alot about them which comes in handy for repairs and feels amazing when it first fires up. welcome to the forum and glad to have you with us
Feel the fear then do it anyway!

I've been working on things that run since I was 8 and I'm 46 now. That first 2 hour bike kit took me 6 hours....but I did a lot of "mods and adjustments" while installing it. I could have done that 2 hour install in about 4....

Just take it slow during the build. Stop and ask questions - like me, you will have plenty, but you also will be surprised how quickly you make progress. (^)^5
Welcome to the forum my son lives in LA. he's an artist and being you live in Santa Monica you have most likely been to Venice beach. I love to go to the beach and Venice and Santa Monica is one my favorite places to go when I visit my son. He used to set up a booth on Venice but hasn't for quite a while
I can't wait for him to show up at my home cause I've got 3 bikes here that's motorized to play on. Anyway welcome and if you run into a snag on your bike yell at us as we might be able to help.
Hey Norman, thanks!

Yeah I know Venice pretty good, the beach bike path that runs from Pacific Palisades down to Marina Del Rey is about a 2 minute walk from my apt complex. I'm just a few minutes bike ride from the Santa Monica pier.

I used to work in MDR and would ride my bike to work down the bike path by the ocean-it was the best commute ever! would've been way better with a motorized bike though methinks!

Hah! Maybe you should bring those 3 bikes out here and the 3 of us could go for a ride!

I've been here 6 years and have NEVER seen a motorized bicycle on that path or anywhere out here.
I just finished my first build. The tools you need are minimal the information is all available here so ask ask ask.

When you get to the carburator assembly please stop and ask before you stick it in. I thought i knew exactly what I was doing and wound up with a clip in the engine. If it weren't for guidance from Norman I would be back riding elec bikes I built myself. It isn't difficult its just strange to us newbies. Those directions need a lot of explaining so ask ask ask. Trust me YOU CAN DO IT. If you have a set of wrenches and screwdrivers you are pretty much there.

The people here, unlike some other forums, will bend over backwards to answer that specific question you have. Most of them (not me) have tons of experience building bikes.

Coaster bikes are easy to adapt I think. I have no experience with mtbs though. And very very little with anything. Good luck and again YOU CAN DO IT
Boy I think your very lucky to be living there where you do. Me and the kid would rent a couple of pedal bikes on the north end of Venice and ride all over up and down the bike paths loads of fun and fun to watch the people. I've seen some strange things at Venice. I remember you used to be able to rent the little gas scooters at Venice, they don't anymore at least the they didn't last time I was there. The kid doesn't set up his artists booth there any more.
Hey check out his site. I'm painted as a gunslinger in one of his paintings titled "dead mans hand" look up gabeleonard.com on google I'm computer illerate for the most part and this is the address but when I put it in it displays weird www.gabeloenard.com for some reason it ooded right this time.?????
As for building your bike look at my bike pictures and others for guidance on the bike to use and be sure to ask questions all of us here are willing to help.
My builds have some major mod to complete mostly cutting or welding on the frame. With the right bike you shouldn't have to do that. I don't Know about you but I like cheap bikes cause if they get stolen you aren't out as much as you would be if you had a real expensive bike. I think motorbike mike is in your area he sells Wizzers which is a top line bike. You have also tons of talented people where you live so good luck and have fun. Don't be afraid to ask questions the only dumb question is one thats not asked.^5
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Norman, thanks for your sons link...his artwork is FANTASTIC! As a matter of fact I'm (going to be) taking art classes for the same.

If your son hasn't already, he should introduce himself at this site, ConceptArt.org Version 3.0, his work would fit right in!

The best way to post a link is to go to that site, go up to the address bar and copy ( press Ctrl + c) the entire url, then paste it in your post, (Ctrl + v)

I did that with your sons site and it came up with a different name in the preview/actual post than what the url actually says! *weird*...

Gabe Leonard fine art and illustration

I'm about researched out on the motorized bike stuff, I'll post a thread soon when I list out some specific rookie questions I want to ask. I'm thinking of Staton friction (maybe chain) or Gebe set up for my first.

I'll ask one question here though....I keep reading about "Happy Time" engines. Is that just a slang for chinese engines??