G'day All,
My son & I have just put together our first motorized bike, we used a kit from Z Box Australia, 70cc, when we try and depress the the clutch leaver its as if your at the gym & trying to acheive incredible Mr Universe muscles in the forearm, far out brussle sprouts, we have ensured cable is not being restricted, greased all the areas as per instructions, re adjusted clutch as well as it didnt release from the start, no help from guy who sold it to us, any assistance would be great, as my next step iss placing a 4 foot extension bar throught the little pissy lever, sorry for long post buts its my very first,in this life anyway
My son & I have just put together our first motorized bike, we used a kit from Z Box Australia, 70cc, when we try and depress the the clutch leaver its as if your at the gym & trying to acheive incredible Mr Universe muscles in the forearm, far out brussle sprouts, we have ensured cable is not being restricted, greased all the areas as per instructions, re adjusted clutch as well as it didnt release from the start, no help from guy who sold it to us, any assistance would be great, as my next step iss placing a 4 foot extension bar throught the little pissy lever, sorry for long post buts its my very first,in this life anyway