Has anyone ridden coast to coast?

I can see it now THE GREAT MOTOR BIKE RACE ACROSS AMERICA.It would be a way for the dealers like Bike Berry,Spooky Tooth,Fire Belly etc.to build a bike and see how far they could make it across the usa.Bragging rights,cash prizes,sounds like a bet.HARLEYS DAD
Think of the possibilities. The publicity. The book. The movie deals. The merchandising.
Seriously though, I had the thought last night that if no one else has tried it, maybe I would. My wife says it'll probably kill me. I said well then, at least I'll go down doing something I love and trying to accomplish something worth accomplishing.(c)
I tried to get a scooter importer (several different ones actually) to sponsor me in a coast to coast ride to "prove the reliability of Chinese scooters". It was a joke.

No one would step up, even though I offered to pay my own way. I just wanted the scooter for the ride, then to return it for "evaluation" afterwards. NO TAKERS, PERIOD.

If you wish to do it on your own, it would be quite an undertaking. And expensive. Hope you are independently wealthy.
If you wish to do it on your own, it would be quite an undertaking. And expensive. Hope you are independently wealthy.

Independently wealthy? If you haven't seen the film, "The World's Fastest Indian" go out today and get it. In 1963, New Zealander Burt Monro traveled half way around the world, on a shoestring budget, to set a world speed record at Bonneville Salt Flats. He did that with no sponsorship, on a 1920 Indian Scout that he had purchased new and spent 42 years modifying. And, at the time he set his first land speed record, he was a 67 year old grandfather. After he began to make a name for himself, he started getting offers of corporate sponsorship, all of which he turned down because he wouldn't let anyone else touch his bike.
What I'm talking about doing rather sounds like a walk in the park, compared to what he did.
the first transcontinental trip with a motor powered vehicle was done on a bike in 1903. my friend rif recreated the trip in 2003. he rode a bike as authentic as he could make, he even wore period clothes . he wrote a story about the two month trip. his screen name is unclepunk13 on the other forum. the story can be googled. it is a great document done by an outstanding american. mitch
Independently wealthy? If you haven't seen the film, "The World's Fastest Indian" go out today and get it. In 1963, New Zealander Burt Monro traveled half way around the world, on a shoestring budget, to set a world speed record at Bonneville Salt Flats. He did that with no sponsorship, on a 1920 Indian Scout that he had purchased new and spent 42 years modifying. And, at the time he set his first land speed record, he was a 67 year old grandfather. After he began to make a name for himself, he started getting offers of corporate sponsorship, all of which he turned down because he wouldn't let anyone else touch his bike.
What I'm talking about doing rather sounds like a walk in the park, compared to what he did.

In fact, it's one of the few DVD's I own, along with "On Any Sunday", and "Live Aid".

Good luck.
A trip from North America to South America ( can't remember if they made it to Tierra Del Fuego or not) was documented by a couple of guys on 50cc mopeds. :D
Cost is very minimal if you want to camp out in unorganized areas or peoples back yards ken keifer has a pedal bike site. i tried it last year slept with indians, a guy put me up in his hayloft, stayed in a guys camper-stayed 2 nights-in a backyard--someone paid for a hostel for me on san juan islands can anyone from there identify this nice couple--he is an airline pilot she works as a ambulance attendant


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Cost is very minimal if you want to camp out in unorganized areas or peoples back yards ken keifer has a pedal bike site. i tried it last year slept with indians, a guy put me up in his hayloft, stayed in a guys camper-stayed 2 nights-in a backyard--someone paid for a hostel for me on san juan islands can anyone from there identify this nice couple--he is an airline pilot she works as a ambulance attendant

Yeah, that's about the way I pictured it. Talking about long distance travel on a MB, one obviously isn't putting comfort and convenience first.
Coast to Coast, heck Im 47 and I would do it. even a coast to coast relay would be fun, going from state to state picking up motorbicycling.com members that meet up in the major cities along the way.
Back in 1984 I supported Jim Elliott in the Race Across America or RAAM. It is for Bicycles and Jim got 4th place in 10 1/2 days. Pete Penseyres who won in 9 1/2 days in '84 did it in 8 days 10 hours 2 years later, averaging 15.40 mph and sleeping 2 hours a day and riding the rest of the time, as a 40 plus year old engineer from San Onofre CA. I never rode that far myself but would consider doing it by motorized bike now days.
Ultracycling: Hall of Fame - Penseyres
Above is a great article about the legendary Pete P..
Ken Kifer was killed by a drunk driver back in 2003.

I too would undertake a coast to coast MB pilgrimage at a worn but able 58,,,,except for the inherent danger of so many secondary roads with little or no shoulders. Especially important if you wish to tow a small trailer with the neccessary gear. Strobes and flashers mean little to speeding idiots with no room to maneuver.
Would appreciate advice from readers in planning routes that afforded the basics in surviving the trip. Is there a way to research the actual dimensions or shoulder size for the safest roads?? Lots of frontage roads west of the Mississippi, but the south is largely narrow secondary routes that you litterally gamble your life on. Would especially enjoy suggestions from bamabikeguy on route choices, and self preservation. If Alabama back roads are anything like the ones here in coastal South Carolina, he is indeed a very brave man.
It seems that I have possibly ignited some interest in the idea of a coast to coast MB ride. I am a crusty, tough old bugger at 58 and I just might put this sort of thing on my bucket list. It would be great as a group ride. There is safety in numbers. Yes, there are sure to be a number of places where riding a single MB would almost be suicidal. Check out some R.I. and Cape Cod bridges sometime; two lanes of traffic doing 80mph and no shoulders! A group of MB riders would certainly be more visible and not so easily intimidated. Maybe we've got a workable idea here. Let's run with it.brnot
RAAM Course instructions are online at Race Across America
This route is well researched and goes with the prevailing winds, West to East. They have done a ride every year since 1982. Info at site is detailed about route with following info about each time station.
Timing Station 01: Lake Henshaw, CA 54.7/87.9 from last TS
54.7/87.9 Total Distance 2757.0/840.3 elevation
Route Starts Oceanside CA / Ends Annapolis MD
Volunteers man all timing stations for RAAM and each team has at least 1 or more support vehicles that carry stuff needed to keep going and run interference on narrow roads. I remember the closest Jim came to harm was an aggressive dog that I kept the car between his teeth and Jim's bare legs. Done as a supported race or ride the event has been safe over the years.
How long time would this coast to coast ride take aprox? I live in Sweden and am interested. Would be a superb opportunity to explore another country.