Happy Travels

Anytime Happy wants to take the covered bridge tour and cross the longest covered bridge in America, send him this way. Mid September is best.
Well Happy had a quiet week and has recovered from his hangover. I've been having trouble with my ride so he has been helping me work on it. He has also been killing time surfing the web.


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Otherwise he has been taking it easy. Watching movies and relaxing in my back yard!


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I Have To Say; All You Members Are Doing A Bang Up Job With Happy. The Body Is A Perfect Addition. When Hiker Gets Back He Will Have To Make An Imoticon. He Will Probably Have Him Riding A Motorbike!! Lol. Ron
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Was just in IM with MB-Monkey and he had a cool thought. Do a vid of Happy's travels set to music. Would any one not want me to use the pics here? If any one would prefer I not use their pics posted here, just let me know. I will take them right off. (oh, vids and unposted too!)

Some thing like this; YouTube - I want to ride my bike

MB and I are thinking of using the song "king of the road" as Happy's theme song, but is up for discussion and vote.

Artist: Miller Roger (or as Fin points out, Roger Miller. I swear I just copied and pasted)
Song: King Of The Road
Album: All Time Greatest Hits

Trailers for sale or rent
Rooms to let...fifty cents.
No phone, no pool, no pets
I ain't got no cigarettes
Ah, but..two hours of pushin' broom
Buys an eight by twelve four-bit room
I'm a man of means by no means
King of the road.

Third boxcar, midnight train
Destination...Bangor, Maine.
Old worn out suits and shoes,
I don't pay no union dues,
I smoke old stogies I have found
Short, but not too big around
I'm a man of means by no means
King of the road.

I know every engineer on every train
All of their children, and all of their names
And every handout in every town
And every lock that ain't locked
When no one's around.

I sing,
Trailers for sale or rent
Rooms to let, fifty cents
No phone, no pool, no pets
I ain't got no cigarettes
Ah, but, two hours of pushin' broom
Buys an eight by twelve four-bit room
I'm a man of means by no means
King of the road.
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I'm pretty sure it's Roger Miller not Miller Roger, but I have no problems with you using any of my pics! If I've posted them here they are already out there for the world to see. (However if you make any profit I want a cut! :p )
Har! laff snork snork. I didn't notice that. "Miller Roger" (must be from his Asian tour)

But very cool, thanks Fin!

Any preference of song(s)? I really like that one and seems to go with Happy's personality. But now that you have got to know him and all.
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Mine weren't very imaginative, bad weather kept 'Happy' and me indoors, but feel free to use mine. As for music, is there any copyright stuff we have to worry about? I don't know anything about YouTube's rules on that. I know a local drama group here that I was doing some writing for almost got into some trouble for the music used in a play I wrote. We were told we had to get permission from the copyright holders to use their songs. Of course that was probably because we were doing the performances for the public and charged admission to see the play. Just cautious, that's all.
Song selection: The Long and Winding Road...Beatles, or that old country song, the one where they name almost every city in the US. Sorry, don't know the title.
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Maybe It Was Hank Snow From Canada, ?? First, No Matter, Its A Fun Song, And So Is King Of The Road. 2 DOOR,I am not familiar with long winding road. Play them all!! ha ha Ron
Mine weren't very imaginative, bad weather kept 'Happy' and me indoors, but feel free to use mine. As for music, is there any copyright stuff we have to worry about? I don't know anything about YouTube's rules on that. I know a local drama group here that I was doing some writing for almost got into some trouble for the music used in a play I wrote. We were told we had to get permission from the copyright holders to use their songs. Of course that was probably because we were doing the performances for the public and charged admission to see the play. Just cautious, that's all.
Song selection: The Long and Winding Road...Beatles, or that old country song, the one where they name almost every city in the US. Sorry, don't know the title.

Is a point, the copy rights. While not kosher by RIAA or what ever standards, for personal not for profit use, I buy the song. But will look into buying the right to use it in a commercial fashion. Later, I would like to use a similar WMM vid for promotion and need to have it all good. Will just use permission for this as well.

"I've been every where" Johnny Cash....I think.

Is this it, Tom and Joe? Really catchy!

YouTube - Johnny Cash - I've Been Everywhere

YouTube - Roger Miller King Of the Road "King of the road" Roger Miller (AKA Miller Rodger) Is kind of sadate, now that I re-listened to it. Awesome song, just a lil slow for what I was thinking. But again, is a group decision and as you said Ron, We can play em all. Takes lots of pics to fill up even a short song.

YouTube - The Beatles - The Long And Winding Road 1970

So far, I am thinking of voting Johny's "I been every where" Upbeat tempo, catchy and descriptive.
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That's It!!! I was pretty sure Johnny Cash did that song but didn't want to commit and show my ignorance. If there was ever a song that fit 'Happys' lifestyle that one does. That would be my pick...but there might be lots of others too. Thanks, Joe:) The Beatles song is way too slow for a guy like 'Happy' who showed his real self in Vegas.
So far, I am thinking of voting Johny's "I been every where" Upbeat tempo, catchy and descriptive.

I like Johny too, have no ideal who R. Miller is, and Beatles was a little before my time and I am not a big fan.
".I've been everywhere, man
I've been everywhere, man....I've been to:

Can use the CO. Happy pic you made Tom.
That would be kinda cool. Get a pic from every where in that song,... man. (snork. I need a nap)
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I would not know how to start putting something like this together on a computer but a friend and I did a music video using a VHS camcorder a few years ago. We used our cars, my sedan and his five window coupe. We used 'Dueling Banjos' and alternated the scenes from car to car when the music was a banjo or a guitar. It came out great. What I envision is to have scenes of 'Happy' changing as fast as the Johnny Cash lyrics do in that song. Lots of work, I'm sure if it is anything like the dubbing we had to do for our 'Dueling Banjos' video. It took us several nights to put it together. Trying to get that many different photos of the little guy would be a chore but what a great video it would make in the end. I realize 'Happy' will probably not see as many places as the song mentions but even if we got the main cities or states...neat!
Wow Joe. is interesting. Who'ed a thunk that.

On the way to get gas, I had a thought. Just asking here. YouTube - Glenn Miller - In The Mood
Imagaine on every "heavy beat" picture change. With no words, really easy to match up. Only have to match to the beat. (..and is an awesome tune!)

( YouTube - Wingo Star & Feathers : In The Mood Glenn Miller Comedic version)
They just don't write 'em like that anymore.........
Great choice, Dan. I can see it in my mind's eye. Very cool song. :)
If you guys would like i will ask one of our local blues players to write a song for happy.I was thinking about SUPER CHIKAN.Google him and let me know.Go to his web site and take a listen.HD