Happy Travels

MB Monkey wants him after me. I'll send him to Las Vegas from here and from there...who knows. I'll let Jeff decide where to send him next.
Happy in a box. (Well, I didn't tell him he was soon to be in the box)

Sent from CT to CO. 0308 2690 0001 8085 7012 (USPS confirmation code)

"...even a journey of a thousand miles begins with getting in the box or peddle starting" Confusid


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OH!!! I didn't make a thing or bracket. Is just a top heavy, ping-pong ball sort of thing and can't "sit" for pics. (Ya know how them fancy folks are)

Really meant to, but forgot. Sorry
Hey gang don't forget Canada in his travels.Don't have a bike at the moment but I can take him down to the pier and show him the Pacific ocean and made a mountain.
Should we has a list of people to send it on to with an address and take them off as he gets there until
he's home.
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Happy arrived in time for a cool, rainy/cloudy weekend. You can't even see the mountains because of the nasty weather. Therefore I PhotoShopped him into a post card and will get him in the mail to MB Monkey so he can visit Las Vegas. I'll take the original Happy who rides my Jag's handlebars down to Colorado Springs next weekend, weather permitting, and get a shot of him and Pike's Peak. Not on the peak, but from down in the city where you can see the mountain and the Air Force Academy. I don't think my bike would climb the road up to the summit; I'd need an 80T sprocket to make that grade.


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'Happy is on his way to Las Vegas to spend some time with MB Monkey. I warned the Monk about 'Happy' and his intolerance to alcohol. Maybe he'll survive Sin City and maybe he won't. Time will tell. After Vegas, your guess is as good as mine where the little yellow guy will end up. Good luck, 'Happy'. Have fun. Write if you get work.
we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Happy. Many plans to show him a good time in Sin City. after 3 months of living here there are many things i am sure he will enjoy. What would the trip be without a night at the strip being photographed with scandalous clad women, the seafood buffet, a night of Karaoke. Maybe he can get the last few bugs of my jag build worked out with me. He should be here for about a week or so maybe 10 days. I will start posting his adventures as soon as he arrives. I am honored to be the next "Happy Host"
Good news, Happy has arrived safe and sound. He just flew in today and is already getting froggy. He insisted on me taking a pic of him on the way in from the airport so here it is gang. Many many more to come.


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Well Happy woke me up early today so we could get ready for work. He insisted on me making a bed for him out of my Chucks Lunch box So that's what i did. (See Pic 1)

after some morning coffee we headed off to the bus stop. While the Driver wasn't looking Happy jumped into the drivers seat and took us for a Un Joy ride. I guess he figures it is Sin City after all. (See Pic 2)

Next was a stop at the convenience store for more coffee and Happy claimed he needed to see his "trick" about some cash. (See Pic 3)

and finally we arrived at work Happy jumped right to the keyboard to get motorbicycling.com loaded up (See pic 4)

All this before 8:30AM its gunna be a fun ride with happy. Stay tuned for more this is just the begining


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didn't know happy had a drug problem but that explains the smile

maybe paint the pill bottle body? give him a little pimp suit!
i was going to say he was on pills ( to hold him up ). man, he is small, i hope he flys reduced fare. he is our representative around the world. i hope he behaves. don`t do as i do, do as i say!! lol. ron I DON`T USE CAPS MUCH, GOT IN TROUBLE A WHILE BACK, AS SOME OF YOU MAY REMEMBER. RON......................cvlt1
Ps, Looks Like Mbm Is Giving Him The Grand Tour. Maybe We Should Add Lucky To His Moniker. Everybody Asked Why I Called My Girl Friends All Lucky. I Said, Because They Are With Me. Lol. Ron