Happy Travels

*cough* yea man, motorized bicycle rider,. :p HappyBalls McGee has a nice ring to it too though, lol Sry, I'm kinda loose with my slang and nicknames, no worries. Glad it finally clicked for you though :)
Doh, and I'll skip to the last page to realize I should be on the short bus too, as long as you're driving and we have beers :)

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Har, snork. Not looking forward to the jokes in the mod section tomorrow morning. Kids can be cruel.

The Keg bike is mega cool! OT but have been thinking of supplementing the new shop by manufacturing similar MBs.
They make some awesome bicycles! Pretty cheap too, for specialty stuff.

Just talked to a guy who has 2 restaurants. Told him I am building a prototype, steam/electric pizza delivery MB with the intent of marketing to Mystic Pizza and a restaurant on Fisher's Island. LOL, he offered to pay for the parts! (not gonna let him. just cracked me up. Good guy)
So? Where is our little friend? I hope Red B66 didn't abduct him. We'll never see him again. :(

Last I heard he was supposed to be heading back to see Dan until his next adventure.


Happy is with me and is really funny you brought it up Tom, the timing. Just yesterday I thought I should bring him to school for some pics with hot,,, erm photo-ops.

Happy in collage! snork.
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This is sad and wrong. I bring Happy with me everyday to school and have yet to get a picture. During the scantily clad, coed spring, I am sure I can be forgiven. (or not, it was awesome! lol)

The new shop still has no doors or windows. I am behind in 2 math classes and a few IOUs. (dang, wish I hadn't of thought about it)

But Happy is alive and well. I promise some fun pictures ASAP.

Who wants to host Happy next? He has been in an envelope for a year and wants a beer and some companionship. lil jigilo....
LOL Dave! Ya gotta stop that. Now I wanna ask NASA. Given this thread and if we can get him around more, gonna write em an email tomorrow. Be too funny if he ends up on Mars. He already hates us. (wut? we keep stuffing him in boxes and envelopes)

But how cool would that be!? "Happy Travels, in outer space? (on a tiny, little MB lunar, lander MB" Snork) Now we gotta make him one. And a happy space suit.

I swear this is from memory. That is Robi the robot. First introduced in 1954 (10 yrs b4 me) In the movie "Forbidden Planit" The plot was that dreams killed every one. But Robi was reborn in the really best and cool sat morning show LOST IN SPACE! My favorite show as a kid. Danger Will Robinson, DANGER!"

Honestly, that was from memory. I am sure I got some thing wrong. Before internet searching. chime in. Be trivial!

Monsters from the id. Oh yeah, I remember 'Forbidden Planet'. And what was that background noise that was in every scene? It would have driven me crazy if I lived there. Sort of like 'ringing in the ears'. Wait, wasn't that a Steely Dan song?

..and how come every thing is grey in 2020? uniforms, plaints, robots, every thing?

(this is why we cant have nice threads. Never on track.
I blame me, global warming and the parents)

Not kidding, am emailing NASA tomorrow. Come on! how funny would that be? "Happy on Mars"
"LOL Dave! Ya gotta stop that." is from Dave suggesting we send "Happy" around to begin with. So if Happy does go to Mars, Blame Dave.....
Spring has sprung and love is in the air! (or Happy is getting randy, again)

But sending him, well, his brother out again.(Thanks red!)

Leaving tomorrow for our host, EricS's home.
For new folks, the idea is ya take happy (mailed to ya) and show him a good time. Take some pics of him around where ya live. He seems to enjoy the seedier sides of life and is a lil yellow skallywag. (jaundice?) And then ya mail him to the next member of your choosing or who volunteered next.

This thread is hysterical. Well worth a read, reread!

Dumb thing; "Happy" is my company logo. (and constant companion) His lil goggles have actual clear plastic in em. When exposed to a lot of sun, they turn yellow. Looks like that 3AM infomercial for blu-blockers" LoL. 'Cept there yellow.
wut? Sunday morning. Do I look yellow to you?

(edit; Thanks Xman! I had lost this picture way back and you posted it some where and I downloaded it)
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Har! That really does work!

It's been a long while since he was with You? Never got a chance to read this thread again. The older threads bum me out with the MIAs. But with your idea, might, gonna have'ta.