H Whizzer on Schwinn-Older Restoration

Got the bike up on the table, cleaning cleaning cleaning, waxing waxing.

The Whizzer didn't have an air filter and original units are very hard to find, so I made one from brass automotive freeze plugs, 10-32 stainless all thread and misc. other hardware, plus a Techumseh engine lawn mower air filter element. Topped it off with a shiny acorn nut.

A little larger than a Whizzer filter, but same basic shape. Shined up real nice and my customer will appreciate the use of soft plugs.

Thanks Ray and Jeff, always good to hear from you.

I took the fuel tank to the owner with a new mounting bracket to attach. He said he has some super strong compound used to hold corvette bodies on their frame and will hold it securely.
While I'm waiting on the tank i'll address the rear wheel. The pulley was missing hardware and, like the front hub, the rear was locked up with old grease. I made a tool for removing the retaining ring on New Departure hubs that reveals the outer bearing so I can clean it.

Upon disassembly I found the brake pack was totally worn out, probably because the front brake was not usable. Everything cleaned up nicely.
The rear wheel is back on and the engine is in the frame.

Lots of stuff left to install and adjustments to make. If the tank is ready tomorrow and I get it on the road without too many bugs, I'll ride it to Donut Derelicts Saturday.
Dale, you are a treasure to this forum as far as I am concerned. I am very grateful for your knowledge, extensive pictures, and basically schooling the rest of us on bike and motorized bike restoration.

You have quite the collection of spare parts as well.

Thank you for this thread and countless other threads that you have contributed to this forum.

Your home made air filter is super cool. The use of freeze plugs and a different air filter element go beyond kit building.

I am glad you are a member of our forum, and I am excited that now you have retired, we can look forward to much information and how-to's regarding our hobby.

You da Man,

Well, thanks for the kind words Gilbert. You know over the years I've learned a lot from you guys as well. And what's knowledge, parts and experience good for if you can't share it with your friends.
I broke out my "Z" bend pliers for the control wires. I bought them 35 years ago for RC car servo linkage. Been using them on Whizzers and such ever since. The wire that came on this Whizzer is way too stiff, so i went a couple of gauges smaller music wire from McMaster Carr and everything works a lot easier and smoother.

Then I put the chain guard on and lubed her up with racing oil with zinc. Ray says zinc is the way to go. Got the belts all adjusted up and I'm just waiting on the gas tank for a test run. I guess I can pedal it and check for spark.

She runs. A little gas down the hole and fired right up. Echo pipes sound great. I wrapped the pedals to keep them clean until I give it back to the owner. He said the tank will be ready later today.

When you use a 2 wire point eliminator, they're marked + and -. If the spark is weak they may need to be switched.


That's what I ran into with this unit. I have a spark tester with an orange light that is brighter with better spark.

Looks like the tank won't be ready tonight in time for me to install it and get a test ride in, so I'll take my orange Whizzer to the donut shop tomorrow.

I took a couple of weeks off working on the Whizzer to get caught up on other projects.

I got the new sediment bowl gas filter installed as well as a new Schwinn front brake lever I found on ebay.

Ray pointed out this H motor has a J Cylinder, so I exchanged the Tillotson carburetor for a larger Carter to accommodate the larger ports and valves. Now I need to find the proper air filter as my homemade one only fits Tillotsons.

Couldn't make it run consistently and suspected the coil. Upon removing the old coil I saw my splice on the plug lead looked a little shaky. Sure enough the strands broke and were only giving me spark when it felt like it. after a good repair it started right up and ran great. I've been riding around the neighborhood for a few days and really enjoying it.
If everything works out with the weather, I'll ride it to Donut Derelicts Saturday. They say it may rain. I'm sure my customer is looking forward to getting it back in running condition.

Went to Ron Houk's place and picked up the last part I needed for the Whizzer. A new original style air filter. Now I can call it complete and finish the test rides. Of course we all know they're never done. Always some accessories to add.

I finally got the Whizzer to Donut Derelicts and it was a big hit. Then took it to Chip Foose's shop and he test rode it. Chip's real happy with the way it turned out and was glad to have it back.

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I saw Chip at Donut Derelicts this morning and he said he has a bunch of Whizzer parts for me to inventory and evaluate. I'll post what I find out when I get done. He has an S-10 Schwinn that I may put a motor in. Looking forward to working on another one of his projects.
Wow Dale, having Chip Foose as a customer , that's a big deal! You da Man, Dale!

As always, you do the toppest of top -notch work, fabricating, and restoring machines back to as-new, or improved condition. I am sure Mr.Foose feels lucky to have you helping him. That bike turned out flawless to my eye.

Some day, I will ride down to Donut Derelicts in the dark to arrive near sunrise, some day......

Thanks Gilbert. Yes, it was quite an honor to work on Chip's bike. He knows all the top Whizzer guys, but for some reason trusted me to do the job. I'm just glad it all worked out. We have some mutual friends and maybe they put in a good word.
It will be fun to go to the car show any Saturday you want. I don't always ride a bike, but will plan to with you.