Grey Iron, my 1943 Westfield bike build

If you're going to go through all the trouble to break down a bike to paint the frame... go the extra step & remove the bearing cups!!! :rolleyes:
I KNEW someone would call me out on that lol. The edges of the cups were rusty so they got sanded and primed with the rest of the frame! They're still nice and greasy inside so paint won't stick in the inside. I'll clean up the grease/paint and pack with fresh moly grease when I re-assemble
The cups should be removed so ya get the paint where it needs to be.
Besides if ya paint the edges of the cups it looks like an amateur painted it.
You should want your 1943 Westfield to look loved - It's 82 years old

While the cups are out - throw them in the trash - Buy new cups and bearings, It's well worth it
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The cups should be removed so ya get the paint where it needs to be.
Besides if ya paint the edges of the cups it looks like an amateur painted it.
You should want your 1943 Westfield to look loved - It's 82 years old

While the cups are out - throw them in the trash - Buy new cups and bearings, It's well worth it
I guess I will take em out then lol. You raise a good point! Today I worked on my ignition module and got everything put together. It was a very tight fit but it's all assembled. Also began shooting the paint. Will definitely be using wet sand paper and compound for the final finish.
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