wrist pin clips have a machined groove they fit in. In the pistons wrist pin hole.
wrist pin clips can fail,come out of their groove and then raise havoc with the piston ,cylinder wall.
these clips are really designed for a one time use meaning once installed then removed they should be replaced. Seeing that we don't have a ready available supply of these parts we reuse them so when you remove them be easy on them doing over stress or spring them. Once install properly they will spin fairly easily in the machined groove in the pistons wrist pin hole.
I do not recommend you put any kind of epoxy,jb-weld etc in the wrist pin hole to try to keep the wrist pin keeper in place. your asking for trouble if you do.
Looking at the above photos I can see the wrist pin retainer clip in place both photos look to be the same side the damage does not appear to be from a lost wrist pin unless it came off the other side of the piston.
I'm wondering if this piston lost the retaining pins for the rings can't tell in the photo as the rings are covering up the ring pin areas.
I also don't recommend you remove the piston ring retainer pins and jb-weld them back
they are a pressed in pin once you mess with them you are courting trouble.
better to replace the piston if your pins are loose or questionable.