Getting really frustrated with my EBAY purchase

I recently purchased a 49cc from PowerKing off ebay and had the same problem. I called PowerKing and they had me turn motor on its side and put my full weight on clutch lever. (By the way, I did this before mounting the motor) It worked! Was stiff for a few more tries but then loosened right up and is free as a bird now. I think maybe they just seize up from setting on the shelf. GOOD LUCK! P.S. check for air leaks around the intake, as that was another problem I had with the PoweKing. To fix, I removed the intake and put on Black RTV and replaced intake. Works like a charm now.
At least he GOT instructionsrotfl Mine were in Klingon. There should be a chain tensioner between the pedals and the rear axle somewhere. If he doin' what I think He's doin' the chain is going to be too short(?) Happy Birthday America(^) A rather Belch... Loaded Tramp. DON'T Drink and RIDE(c)
Good luck Papabear . You might have more trouble wiping that silly little grin off of your face after it fires up for the first time .

Hi Cookie . It's been a long time . Welcome . .... D.J.

Hay D.J. this is great it seems like a lot of us ol timers are here.

Papa Bear sorry I live in LA near Baton Rouge that would be a long drive.....
on the clutch arm once I have the motor mounted I use a strong leather thong looped around the lever and a screwdriver as a handle to pull that darn lever some times having to brace my feet on the bike but once the lever is drawn in tight it is easy to adjust the cable

Update time,

I got the chain links taken out - they used a grinding wheel. Wow.

Got everything going and was tooddling along when my throttle quit responding. Of course it quit recognizing my signals after I twisted it all the way back. Part of the cable broke!!!!

Back to the bike shop, off with the head, and a piece of wire was in the engine. They are ordering a new assembly for me.

I am optimistic about getting to ride the thing this week.
make sure your getting the throttle cable in the right way if it dosent just slid in and screw on you have done it wrong there will be notches on the brass piece that need to line up in the carb once you get this right you need to adjust the tension on the cable at the carb with the adjuster and the round nut when you have it right run the round nut all the way down on the adjuster also invest in a 415 chain breaker it will be nice to have around 14 dollars on ebay ive never seen a throttle cable break before thats new to me