Getting old is rough

We burn wood also, probably no where near what you do, I’ve still got wood from two years ago that I need to use this winter. I’m not saying global warming is a thing but we don’t use as much wood as we did 10 years ago. I’ve got a couple of trees picked out to cut this year, I’ll wait till a good cool Saturday to start.
We Don't burn as much wood as we did. The woodstove in the house we bought in 2006 was a wood hog. Never burned less than three cords per season.
Replaced the hog with a Canadian Drolet high efficiency woodstove. Never burn more than two cords now, and the Winters here in Southern WI are getting progressively warmer. Our safe ice season for ice fishing is down to little over a month.

I got the wood shed as full as I wanted Tuesday, so I got in touch with Eddie who plows my 300ft driveway.
He got about two of those totes worth of wood loaded.
Claims he will plow five times NC in trade. Now I gotta come up with another exercise routine per Doc's orders. This all started two weeks ago when they think I have some blockage in a heart artery. My LDL is double normal. Then again my HDL is almost off the scale high. It was thought one negated the other.
Nope, that was the old science. I am screwed by the New Science. So I backed off on my drinking as they dose me with a Statin drug now.

Two old guys very close to me went into the hospital around the same time in the past few weeks. My dad was there briefly and an old machinist boss of mine is still there. He will be ok but must alter his lifestyle in some ways going forward. I go to hang with him every day. The tolerance we hope to work with is Vance 2028 +8/-0.
Yeah my old boss isn’t getting out anytime soon. I just hope his family keeps the business running and not lose the two major customers that are their bread and butter.

One of my therapies had me re-organizing and learning to return to regular life. One concept was the Spoon Theory, which per Wikipedia: “Spoon theory is a metaphor describing the amount of physical or mental energy that a person has available for daily activities and tasks, and how it can become limited.”

I realized getting old or in a bad wreck and recovering is just starting the day with less “spoons” or energy. All it means is you have to get better with time and energy management. It’s been kicking my butt.

I found if I do too much in one day like “when I was young” before the wreck, the next day I’m completely floored tired. This was never of concern before now I really have to look and say okay… 8pm… I’ve used all my spoons for the day.

I started going to the gym every day no matter what… it’s like the 90 in 90 of AA but I did this with the gym. Been about 110 days and I’ve missed 9 days I think. The last day I missed was a Sunday around 4 weeks ago.

I’m working hard to prove to my knee surgeon I don’t need a PCL. Tore my PCL, ACL, MCL, got two fixed then another surgery to remove scar tissue and manipulate my bend range another 45 degrees. The PTs after my manipulation back in February said I have to do 100 heel slides daily for 3 months to keep the range. That’s taking a strap and pulling the leg to bend. Before surgery/manipulation I could bend it 90 degrees, then after the manipulation and the hard work of heel slides I can now still bend it 135 degrees. I did over 10,000 heel slides in those 3.5 months. if I missed a day then the next started with a -100 count… one time I missed 3 days in a row and it took me two weeks to get back even from -300. I would have to do my 100 for the day before making up days I missed. Stayed honest did 10k, still can bend my leg 135 degrees.

I still can’t walk without assistance of a cane. I use it to divide the weight of my body between my leg and cane. Thus I’m limping and walk kind of strange. Went to the gym and left my cane in the car yesterday, and boy did I regret it.

My surgeon is pushing me to not do the PCL because it will be another 6-9 month recovery and I’m not sure I have it in me… my life isn’t quite back to normal now after 1.5 years and never will be but it’s pretty good considering what I went through. I’d like to walk normally again, maybe even run again, and just generally be returned to stock. Of course the new stainless and titanium hardware isn’t going anywhere..

On to the second Thanksgiving I didn’t miss.
My spinal surgeon saw the test results from almost a year after my cubital tunnel surgery on my arm, as did the peripheral nerve surgeon who he had referred me to. The newest cervical spine MRI image he looked at and said see him again in 3 months. I asked for physical therapy now on my neck and that is approved and going to see if that helps as the surgery on the arm alone has not stopped numbness and pain in my hand. Surgery on my neck did not seem to him as needed from his perspective.

I got some time scuba diving in the river, but the last time was a bit tricky. You see the level of the water is up on the river when the sand dunes block it at the Pacific Ocean. The flow is very slow until it break through mostly and then it is no good for diving. In all the time over 5 years going in the river, I never had seen it break though at the very time I have all my gear at the rivers edge, that was until last time.

See the picture where the wet gravel is between my gear I am packing out (finished diving) and the waters edge. I checked before hand the current flow before I got ready to go in by throwing a wood stick that did not move very fast at all down stream. When I went out to what I needed, which was hip deep water to have my gear floating and slip into it, I found only 2 foot deep water.

I went further out and then it had a sharp decline to where I could not stand. I also noticed a very fast flow. I still managed to get into my gear, but decided that I would not cross to the other side of the river with such a strong current. The other side has a nice deep spot to get better buoyancy stabilized. Really 25 foot depth is a minimum, but 15 foot is something I knew was all that would be with the river water level as it was.

I messed around not using air in the tank, just used snorkel, but left all gear on and was in two foot deep water looking at the stuff on the bottom. The river now still a week later is even lower level.

The ocean has calmed down and I will just go snorkeling there, as the path to waters edge is a steep foot trail and lead weights and tank I cannot ever do walking with that stuff on ever again. When I can decide to go about 40 miles and back home 40 miles there is a state park that has a nice cove.

My wagon I still have to trudge back and forth many times 300 feet, across a small stream and over sand beach and back. There is a fresh water shower. Disable parking spot. I have 1/2 price discount for Disable state park access. I just would like a forecast to have wave height and period small for a longer stretch of time to drive that distance.

Instead snorkeling close by for this time of year. Rain is back by the end of the week, so good time to spot 2.5 ft even saying 15 second period. Checked it today an it was equating to at this cove on the Pacific to be smaller still only a foot breaking and quite clear water.



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My spinal surgeon saw the test results from almost a year after my cubital tunnel surgery on my arm, as did the peripheral nerve surgeon who he had referred me to. The newest cervical spine MRI image he looked at and said see him again in 3 months. I asked for physical therapy now on my neck and that is approved and going to see if that helps as the surgery on the arm alone has not stopped numbness and pain in my hand. Surgery on my neck did not seem to him as needed from his perspective.

I got some time scuba diving in the river, but the last time was a bit tricky. You see the level of the water is up on the river when the sand dunes block it at the Pacific Ocean. The flow is very slow until it break through mostly and then it is no good for diving. In all the time over 5 years going in the river, I never had seen it break though at the very time I have all my gear at the rivers edge, that was until last time.

See the picture where the wet gravel is between my gear I am packing out (finished diving) and the waters edge. I checked before hand the current flow before I got ready to go in by throwing a wood stick that did not move very fast at all down stream. When I went out to what I needed, which was hip deep water to have my gear floating and slip into it, I found only 2 foot deep water.

I went further out and then it had a sharp decline to where I could not stand. I also noticed a very fast flow. I still managed to get into my gear, but decided that I would not cross to the other side of the river with such a strong current. The other side has a nice deep spot to get better buoyancy stabilized. Really 25 foot depth is a minimum, but 15 foot is something I knew was all that would be with the river water level as it was.

I messed around not using air in the tank, just used snorkel, but left all gear on and was in two foot deep water looking at the stuff on the bottom. The river now still a week later is even lower level.

The ocean has calmed down and I will just go snorkeling there, as the path to waters edge is a steep foot trail and lead weights and tank I cannot ever do walking with that stuff on ever again. When I can decide to go about 40 miles and back home 40 miles there is a state park that has a nice cove.

My wagon I still have to trudge back and forth many times 300 feet, across a small stream and over sand beach and back. There is a fresh water shower. Disable parking spot. I have 1/2 price discount for Disable state park access. I just would like a forecast to have wave height and period small for a longer stretch of time to drive that distance.

Instead snorkeling close by for this time of year. Rain is back by the end of the week, so good time to spot 2.5 ft even saying 15 second period. Checked it today an it was equating to at this cove on the Pacific to be smaller still only a foot breaking and quite clear water.


On Tuesday and Thursday I went snorkeling. Bigger waves were happening on both days than these Monday pictures. Have a smack in the face is not so good. I also opted neither for one upside the head. The back of my head made popular by Car Talk Radio, the dope slap, alright maybe once not too bad.

The wash rock on the near right side had too much air blown into the water column, but on the right side of the cove was nice. A little around the corner to the right also new things to see. Lots of fish, nuabranch, and sea anemone as seen looking down from surface. Thursday I also went over to the other side where what sort of looks like a little island in the shape of a sea otter floating on its back. That rock has a wall that has loads of sea stars and crabs. One tried to hide on the wall from me. Another was grabbing on some palm kelp growing up from the bottom.

The surge had it that if not holding on to anything you moved 10ft horizontally in about two seconds, then a pause for a second and back to where you were. Not always was the surge that much, but it never stopped. You just don’t place yourself in front of a rock that the surge will send you into it. Along the side of the wall, but not too close can generally work well. Just need to be ready to turn and swim away to open water safety though. A few times I need to do just that.

Now it is time to thoroughly clean all my gear. Rain for a week happening, may possibly fill the river up, if at the ocean it plugs up by the dunes.


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Finishing the story beginning 11/8/24. Remember they thought they perceived a coronary artery blockage. Put me on a statin drug and ordered a stress test to look at the blockage on 11/15/24.
Found nuthin, el zippo. Idgit radiologist that saw something on an 8/24 CT Scan made a bad call.
Insurance paid $11,000.00 total rip off . I paid $150.00 for nuthin.
Next up is a telescope up my colon. Been ten years since the last one. (^)

Alcohal causes some of that pallope groth maybe, not sure but I belong to AA, there has been a few people that have had colon colon surgery, including me back in 1995, I went in for that test every 2 years for a while then uped it to 5 years, I am do for another test now. It's a pain in the but, but I don't mind, at 83 I can still ride a bike in the summer.
Seems you are now paying for the privalige to get old. LOL..........Curt
My last physical therapy that lasted about 7 sessions ended about 2 weeks ago.

My intention of getting in my dry suit and going scuba diving and taking underwater photography is slowly making headway.

I only used snorkeling equipment a few days ago, to spend around 45 minutes in a relatively warm river.

For my dry suit undergarments this time of year, I only used the thin caplin wicking top and bottom. It is amazing how much easier it is to get into the dry suit with less lofty material for warmth.

For the Pacific Ocean I would always wear the Polarguard 400 Two Way Stretch lofty jumpsuit.

Since the suit has wrist seals that also accept dry gloves in place of seals, this is what I have been using since a year now.

It still does remain to be seen, if I have enough manual dexterity in my fingers through a dry glove to operate an underwater camera housings buttons. Otherwise, I would put back the wrist seals and use wet suit gloves.

Before the surgery I had done some scuba diving in very cold river water. At that time the temperature of the water in the river seemed colder than the ocean.

At that time, my hands and forehead were so cold, I got the dry gloves and the liners (the inside dry glove undergarment).

The forehead brain freeze pain, if it were to be happening again, would probably be in waters of less than 50 F.

Then I will have to probably get a custom-made hood. Either that or I use some neoprene and glue some extra neoprene onto my existing hood.
For an evaluation of how things went for the snorkeling, I had a period of acclimation to being in the water. Then it was all fine. While in the water I never had any stinging pain in my hand. It has always been that way, anyway though.

It was calming to see the juvenal steel head trout while I was looking for what I had previously seen while on scuba. That is that prior I saw some I-beam steel part from a way long time ago mill.

This snorkeling with no lead weights, had me restricted to only be on the surface. I could still see the bottom around 20 feet deep OK. Just some plant life, though not a dangerous blue green algae, just some other aquatic stuff that lives for a while, it clouds up some areas.

After the snorkeling, where I used my arms for a little extra propulsion doing back stroke, when the wind came up, I later had some delayed pain from that activity.

It was nothing worse than I have from other daily life. After I do some strenuous exercise when I am wearing long sleeve shirt, the elbow get sore at the incision area around the elbow and lets me know it.

Jackets or like the dry suit sleeve, does since the surgery, have my arm irritated if I wear them. My arm does favor sleeveless mostly on the operated side.

So, it was not like that before the operation, but that just how it is, when a surgeon must be able to cut away scar tissue on the ulnar nerve to solve neuropathic hand pain. A year after the surgery I was told it could take for the arm to be better.

Also, in a years’ time, for the neuropathy in the hand to be better. I will be getting along to see about that specifically.

There is issue in my cervical spine for the nerve paths there as well. Just I don’t want to have two operations healing concurrently. And it is always possible in a double crush syndrome, one areas operation might be enough to stop the hand pain alone.

I washed the dry suit and gear to be ready for next time. See attached picture. The 2-liter green plastic bottle with some ace bandage material, seals up the neck seal to keep the inside of the suit dry while I wash it.
The dry suit is a second one, that same model I had to replace when the one I had in use for about 25 years was beyond fixing.

While owning that prior suit, I only washed the inside of the dry suit, or accidentally had the inside of the suit get washed, a total of 3 times.

It takes a long time to dry out the inside of a dry suit, so it is not recommended to wash the inside of a dry suit, unless it stinks. I have the Pete Wader Dryer. I can use it on the dry suit, as air drying alone can have the attached boots never drying without heat.

The undergarments I wash.

Other: The valve job on my non-adjustable valve Briggs 3.5HP, I have put off for some time, due to healing as well.

It is such that wrenching and pulling out valves and grinding the stem tips, to bring back mechanical timing, would be painful as the surgery is still healing.

This is also aside from getting the engine back on the bike fiasco. It is a one-of-a-kind DIY Briggs bike.

Though given the snorkeling being a first after surgery, I am to see about wrenching that bike back to OHV riding trails again.

Windsurfing and using a tight-fitting wetsuit after a year healing could be possible, I suppose. The issue with windsurfing, even using a boom harness that reduces stress on the arms, it could be too much too soon. I’m not tossing my sailing stuff out and look to sailing some more.


PS: the dry suit zipper, I guess I recall as what is the same as in a space suit.
Great to hear you're getting back in the water! Hopefully, the dry gloves work well for diving, but it's good to have options. If you ever need durable gloves for various conditions, this collection might be helpful. Wishing you smooth dives ahead!
I get bored fairly quick, with today being nice with temperatures in the 70’s I’m outside cleaning up the winter limbs and burning them in our fire pit. I built a pit out of stack stones from Lowes that works well, I didn’t buy the metal liner that most people use, mine draws air through the gaps between stones and starts and burns good.
Thought of what I never even clicked on, the hot link for the gloves that AI maybe suggested. But you know my Underwater Scooter should have special drysuit gloves to use, than what I already have?

Still seeing about the Briggs Valve Job to get bike back to do trails. I found my OHV reg and shall see if parks are closed to riding due to mud from heavy rains.

The Ocean has next Tuesday to drop from 12ft 15 sec as it is now, to coming next week down to 4.5ft 15 sec. The river is not plugging up yet, at the mouth at the Pacific, but I saw a fly fisherman trying in the super fast current in waders. Looked impressive, but did not see any fish being caught.

Remote Control Model Land Yacht I got to parking lot sailing in some NW wind a day ago. Something to beat Cabin Fever?

On your flat head briggs, make sure you run descil oil after the valve job. It has the zing additive in that they took out in 1994. They say it was pluging cataletic converters.

Greg, its been the same here -20's up to uper 40's, snow is gone just like that. But only March could get another snow storm yet.......Curt
On a Briggs does the oil splash fork make splash up to the breather area, but also go further to the place where the valve tappet and stem of the valve meet. The oil can get in along the fairly tight fit of valve stem in the engine block? The oil can get to the valve seal and the valve seat in the block? Is this where the oil additive could possible help, even if no lead gas additive were used.

Mostly I though an after market harden seat be a replacement from the OEM seat as well as a hardened valve would be the answer. Need seat remover or have some other way to remove/replace seat. The valve surface and seat that so often needs grinding down the valve stem tip, when total or near total loss of valve gap happens, to get adjusted is quite a pita.

Valve cutting angle that gets lost by just lapping, another thing that was once done, I'm sure the angles have been lost quite a while back, just lap valves in their seat with grinding compound and clean off the paste.

Windsurfing is going to happen, so again a little more time to get this job done.

I'll look at the auto parts stores to see what they have.

On a Briggs does the oil splash fork make splash up to the breather area, but also go further to the place where the valve tappet and stem of the valve meet. The oil can get in along the fairly tight fit of valve stem in the engine block? The oil can get to the valve seal and the valve seat in the block? Is this where the oil additive could possible help, even if no lead gas additive were used.

Mostly I though an after market harden seat be a replacement from the OEM seat as well as a hardened valve would be the answer. Need seat remover or have some other way to remove/replace seat. The valve surface and seat that so often needs grinding down the valve stem tip, when total or near total loss of valve gap happens, to get adjusted is quite a pita.

Valve cutting angle that gets lost by just lapping, another thing that was once done, I'm sure the angles have been lost quite a while back, just lap valves in their seat with grinding compound and clean off the paste.

Windsurfing is going to happen, so again a little more time to get this job done.

I'll look at the auto parts stores to see what they have.

Windsurfing had winds that were truly unruly! Still good to get out. I also got to use my RC Land Yacht in the parking lot after all people left.

I had like a volume 75 liter Advanced Surf Design Epoxy Board and smallest sail in the quiver 3.5 sq meter rigged. Both well maintained hand me downs, but I bummed some sail tape as there was a 4 inch slice in the sail needing repair. I just ordered some to keep case I can help another sailor out.

So much gusts, lulls, holes in the wind, but no rain. Water was not that cold in the harbor. Thought my wind meter (anemometer) / temperature / wind chill meter was not operating right I thought. I was trying to turn it off. Seems pressing on is a short press. Off is like at least 2 seconds. While unit is on a short press turns on back light for display. Press again and light goes out.
