Getting my feet ready for a motorized bike


New Member
Hello all,
A few days ago, by chance on craigs list, I became aquainted with the existence of engines currently available for bicycles, facinating. As a youth in the mid 70's I raced BMX in AZ. In the late 70's I custom built one of the first "Mountain Bikes" on a prototype Voris Dixon frame. This bike was sadly stolen from the barracks at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard in Vallejo, CA in 1985. Reward if found rotfl
My intent is to go with a Honda GHX50 mated to a GruBee gearbox and mounted midframe on a Worksman Newsboy bicycle. It seems that rear sprocket mounting is a developing technolgy. I've found hubs online that eliminate the "sandwich between the spokes" mounting option. I would really like to find or develop a rear drum brake compatible method. Still researching the possibilities but will most likely have to go with a coaster rear.
After research it also appears that kit & gearbox availability is scarce and that there are quite a few dissatisfied customers out there.
I currently live in Wisconsin but ply all of the Great Lake states as Capt of an EPA research vessel. A motor bike is going to be very cool to have onboard.
To the providers of this forum Thanks.
hey DasKapitan, welcome aboard
the providers of this forums do deserve a great big thanks you. there is a ton of info round here, it just takes a little digging to find it
good luck and happy motoring
There are some great hubs available some with drum brakes and some with disk brakes. either are way better than a coaster hub for stopping power and not fading with heat build up. Welcome to Sick Bike Parts has the ticket to allow right side chain drive and use the best brake a disk. The shift kit is so new I have not installed mine yet but am looking forward and others here are telling about their installs.
Welcome to the forum. Welcome to our little slice of motorized bicycle heaven. Glad you joined us......................
lennyharp, Thanks for the link. Their kit design is currently intended for the Happy Time 2 stroke. After visiting Welcome to Sick Bike Parts I'm liking the jack shaft & free wheel front spocket approach. It makes for a very clean rear wheel setup. The NuVinci hub is beautiful. It'll definately become a component of my build.