Gas Pouring out. Needs to be fixed ASAP please!


New Member
Hi guys, So its Friday night, and I'm looking for guidance to try and fix a problem I'm having by Sunday so I can get to work! :P.

Heres the problem I'm having-

I own a Grubee 48cc engine (fairly new).

the last month it has been working great, Until.... The other day I was riding up a hill, When I made it to the top of the hill I noticed gas was POURING out of the overflow and the back of the filter that comes off the carb. I was like "UH OH", I mean literally coming out of the overflow like a stream.

My first though was "Must be the floats"

I tapped the carb a few times to try and unstick the floats. no good. At this point I was thinking "Maybe dirt got into the carb"

So I went ahead and took it all apart. Come to find out it is perfectly clean and the float seems to be in working condition. (Although I'm not sure how its SUPPOSE to look). I put it all back together and the same problem is still occurring.

PS: I also though.. Maybe one of the holes, (Valves and nozzles) may be clogged, I blew air through all of them and none are blocked :(.

Please help! :(.


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I also forgot to mention, The engine runs great still, I can turn on the gas petcock, let some gas into the line/carb, turn the gas line off, and it will run. I just cant deal with gas leaking all over when I bring my bike into where I work and store it.
the float opens and closes the needle seat probley a small piece of dirt is stoping it from closing. sometimes they bind up. with the carb and bowl off try blowing through the gas line. you shoud bo able too, keep blowing and move the float up it shoud stop like a valve if not the rubber seat might need cleaning adjusting or replacement but they hardly ever go bad. if the rubber is cracked, torn,replace. bad floats [filled with gas] are a more common problem too
Yeah, The floats definitely wearn't filled with gas, But I didn't realize how the needle actually worked. Ill have to take it off again and see how it goes.

I was 100% sure if there was any dirt in it there wouldn't be after I was done with it though... I took the carb apart and soaked it in a steaming bowl of water, then hand washed it, then blew in every hole I could find, then hair dried it, soaked the innards in a bowl of gas, and hooked it all back up! lol. Idk how a piece of crud could have been missed >.<. But Ill check putting the needle in and blowing and see what happens. Ill keep Ill update when I find out what it wrong! thanks!

it slides in that little gruve on top of the float the pointie faceing upwards its rubber so it should seat to stop the gas when the float rises. its kinda like a upside down toilet thank with the rubber flap as the needle seat and the ball the float
it slides in that little gruve on top of the float the pointie faceing upwards its rubber so it should seat to stop the gas when the float rises. its kinda like a upside down toilet thank with the rubber flap as the needle seat and the ball the float
That is a very precise, simple and accurate way to describe the workings of the float/needle/seat to a newbie. Thanks, dmb.
I hope xeno360 can benefit from your suggestion.
I actually have the new CNS Carb, I Already found the link though. Thanks!

I manged to get it to work correctly now.. Must of been something inside of it. I blew air into it again and then clogged it with the needle and all was fine. I put it back together and works fine. Might I add though... The throttle is a pain in the ass to get back in place! I noticed there is a little slide area in the throttle for the idle screw to go into and it has to be lined up perfectly with that.. on top of that.... the long stem thing had to be re-lubricated before putting it back into the carb because When I opened the throttle up with would stay open up full throttle.. Which wasn't fun..

All seems to work fine now. (For the motor and carb, Now its time to find out why my kill switch randomly stopped working and wont work!) Thanks for the help! :)