Gas Line leaking


New Member
Hi there! Ive had my bike together awhile... and the gas line goes from my tank valve to the engine, The problem is it is a loose fit on to the nozzles and gas will leak out. To solve this I wrapped a zip tie on each end of the hose that connects to the nozzle. This stopped the leak (kinda) it still has a drop here and there. How is properly suppose to be sealed? Nothing came with the kit but some kind of tape was mentioned. >.<
that tape is for the threads on the petcock. i'd say get a thinner fuel hose. alll of mine fit very snug and securely w/o any ties or clamps.
i take it you're using that clear piece of crap line that comes with the kits?

just go to any auto parts store and buy some real fuel line. it's like a buck a foot, and you can buy some little hose clamps while you're there, too.
i take it you're using that clear piece of crap line that comes with the kits?

just go to any auto parts store and buy some real fuel line. it's like a buck a foot, and you can buy some little hose clamps while you're there, too.

i have the same problem as him and mines goodyear fuel line, not the clear stuff.

i used zip ties as well and it leaves a little of an oily residue but nothing major.
my leak is not out of the line its is out of the primer on the carb i thought it was out of the line till 1day i was wearing shorts and looked down and seen fuel coming out of it
i'm not sure what you mean. are you talking about a screw on the lower left side of the carb that leaks a little?

if so i have the same problem but it wasn't a big deal to me.
the little button to prime the carb b4 u start ur bike


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Match your fuel line to the right size squeeze clamps. worm gear clamps at this small of a scale never cut it in my experience. A squeeze in the right size for what hose your using will work awesome!
Yeah, I don't have the clear hose. It came with the nice thick black one. Kinda sucks it didn't come with clamps though!!! I could probably pick up squeeze clamps at a Napa right? Thanks guys!
theres things called E-Z clamps, i just bought em they fit nice and snug, don't need any tools to put on, $3 a 4 pack at autozone.