I never think of 'The Band' that 'Easy Rider' and 'The Big Chill' doesn't come to mind.
"And put the load right on me"............:)

Our man Bob Segar did some great, great music too. Bob and motorcycles seem synonymous.

I never think of 'The Band' that 'Easy Rider' and 'The Big Chill' doesn't come to mind.
"And put the load right on me"............:)

Our man Bob Segar did some great, great music too. Bob and motorcycles seem synonymous.


Oh yeah.... gotta love Bob lots of great music and who in their right mind wouldn't like The Band- The Weight.... excellent old song no doubt....

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...So many good bands back in the day when there was still good music and bands didnt try to copy cat each other, they had a unique style and sound that a fan could recognize in about 1-2 seconds, now days one guy or gal makes a radio hit and all the other no talent kids want to sound just like them...... really sad how much creativity has been lost in this country...

Our kids will say the same of today's music, their kids tomorrow's... the only thing that changes really is which generation & what decade lol

Beethoven too was a rebel in his day ;)
I think creativity has reached an all time high in this country. And all the other countries in the world too.

The internet is driving it all. Now the entire book of knowledge is out there for free.

Learn all you can and build all you will.
I never think of 'The Band' that 'Easy Rider' and 'The Big Chill' doesn't come to mind.
"And put the load right on me"............:)

Our man Bob Segar did some great, great music too. Bob and motorcycles seem synonymous.


"The Big Chill" was an awesome movie!!
Our kids will say the same of today's music, their kids tomorrow's... the only thing that changes really is which generation & what decade lol

Beethoven too was a rebel in his day ;)

That is true to an extended but as a musician ai can tell ya, uniqueness has left the building when it comes to what plays on mainstream radio today, Justin Beiber to Katy Perry.... blah blah blah.... if you dont know the song you wouldn't know one from the other almost, hardly any have any msical talent, they can sing bt the music backing them almost all sounds the same and a big majority of it is just beat and synthesized stuff, its a particular sound and arrangement but very little unique sound.

As for the lack of creativity goes I see it everyday, young people in there late teens and up to late 20's are very tech savvy but that is very different from hands on creativity, if they can find instuctions on the internet they can do a lot of things but as far as problem solving ability and common sense when it comes to hands on things without instructions a big majority now days are just a blank slate, im not hating on anyone or saying all in that age group are that way but most are, tv, computers, and video games has had a huge impact and any employer of factory type jobs where mechanics and problem solving is needed will tell you what Im saying is true to a huge extent, I know because I have been training the younger one at the company where I work for several years and its amazing how much he ad knowledge some of them have but when it comes to hands on tehy can barely tie their own shoes and its so hard to get them to understand so many simple things, technology is great but for every plus there is also a minus, why do you think so many companies including the one I work for are hiring so many people from other countries or taking their manufacturing jobs else where.
We have two and three people doing what one guy used to do in some positions at the plant because we. Cant find a single highly educated person that can do what one fella with only a high school diploma and good common sense used to do, just the way it is now days with so many people who have a piece of paper that says they read the book so to speak but dont have the mind for the job when they actually have to do it instead of just reading about it and taking a test. I believe one day this computer driven world is gonna have a big problem and its all gonna crash and nobody is gonna know how to do anything, then what.......!
That would be scary.....

Just the world and country we live in, but hopefully the ones of us who can will help to tach as many of the younger ones what we know and if they do the same it will for sure help because kids just dont have the opportunity to learn many of the things we did in this instant world we live in, so many things are throw away and not many even take time to try to fix things anymore, we just replace stuff or buy a new one because most of the stuff we use now days is foreign made junk that aint worth fixing so wedont really have a platform for teaching with anyway......lol!

Yes, Pink Floyd, ELP, America, Alan Parsons Project, The Who, Rush, Styx, Rainbow, DIO, Metallica, Anthrax, Pantera, Slayer, Black Flag, The Dead Kennedys, ZZ Top, Zebra, Paul Hardcastle, Hiroshima, The Cars, Dire Straits, Peter Gabriel, Chris Rea, Traffic.

Just to name a few (very few) of my favorites in no praticular order.
My musical tastes are vast.
GnR was not bad, but not the best on my radar scope.
I still have Appetite for Destruction on CD somewhere around here.
Yes, Pink Floyd, ELP, America, Alan Parsons Project, The Who, Rush, Styx, Rainbow, DIO, Metallica, Anthrax, Pantera, Slayer, Black Flag, The Dead Kennedys, ZZ Top, Zebra, Paul Hardcastle, Hiroshima, The Cars, Dire Straits, Peter Gabriel, Chris Rea, Traffic.

Just to name a few (very few) of my favorites in no praticular order.
My musical tastes are vast.
GnR was not bad, but not the best on my radar scope.
I still have Appetite for Destruction on CD somewhere around here.

You named off some good ones thre and as far as I am concerned. Appetite for Destruction was the best thing Axle ever did.... all down the tubes from there in my opinion.

I've even saw the Grateful Dead and The Band in concert...........great times!!

Didn't have a chance to see The Band.. but I have over 10 Dead shows, a couple of Further Festivals, Bob Weir and Rob Wasserman (Scaring the Children tour).. It was fun singing happy birthday to Wavy Gravy with Arlo Guthrie.

The first concert/show I went to was BTO when I was 17. They came in to the movie theatre I was working at the night before thier show, traded show tickets at the bar for movie tickets. Cool deal, took 7 of my 16-18 yr old friends with. (Drinking age in Ontario is 19, but since we had tix to the show, we could hit the bar.:))
Since then there have been many... in addition to the above, add a couple of Pink Floyd shows, Neil Young, Neil Young with Crazy Horse, Santana, The Who, Bob Dylan.. and I know I'm leaving some out.. some I can't recall because they weren't the greatest show, others for... other reasons. ;)
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