Full Custom Built e-Cruiser

Sheesh, that's enough to give ya a good jolt! Impressive to say the least. Just head East to Kalgoorlie through the wheatbelt....across the Nullarbor Plain...you'll be in Adelaide in no time! No hills!

Awesome job mate....keep it coming!.elec.auflg

Cheers, scotto-
Some years ago I was crippled from initially being struck by lightning and consequently developing Guillane Barre Syndrome, similar to polio. As a young man I had been a cross country runner and competitive swimmer...got hooked on roadster sports cars and as a boy always rode a bike pretending it was a motorcycle. I liked the sensation of speed and having the wind in my face. It was a blow when some days it was hard to stand without falling down, walking to the mailbox was an exhausting marathon and I went everywhere at snail's pace with a cane or walking staff. That's when I needed to find out if I could still ride a bicycle without falling. I could, but not far at all since my legs at that time had little power. So I started looking around at antique friction motors like the kind I had seen in the back of magazines as a boy. Got an old Tanaka (Bikebug) motor and made it run. Now I could ride with the wind in my face again... woohoo! Gradually things shifted to more powerful, chain driven motors for more speed. It helped my outlook on life so much and spurred me on to practice walking, strengthen my body with swimming, etc. I still have the nerve damage, still have GBS but am much stronger now and can walk pretty good.
I look at your build and think I have an inkling of what it might mean for you. It is your legs which allow you to go where you want... not just walking and not at a jog, but running like the wind. Wow. I'm so glad for you. Your bike is beautiful, a reflection of your determined spirit. As Misamigo Mike has said, we are "Brothers In The Wind".
Some years ago I was crippled from initially being struck by lightning and consequently developing Guillane Barre Syndrome, similar to polio. As a young man I had been a cross country runner and competitive swimmer...got hooked on roadster sports cars and as a boy always rode a bike pretending it was a motorcycle. I liked the sensation of speed and having the wind in my face. It was a blow when some days it was hard to stand without falling down, walking to the mailbox was an exhausting marathon and I went everywhere at snail's pace with a cane or walking staff. That's when I needed to find out if I could still ride a bicycle without falling. I could, but not far at all since my legs at that time had little power. So I started looking around at antique friction motors like the kind I had seen in the back of magazines as a boy. Got an old Tanaka (Bikebug) motor and made it run. Now I could ride with the wind in my face again... woohoo! Gradually things shifted to more powerful, chain driven motors for more speed. It helped my outlook on life so much and spurred me on to practice walking, strengthen my body with swimming, etc. I still have the nerve damage, still have GBS but am much stronger now and can walk pretty good.
I look at your build and think I have an inkling of what it might mean for you. It is your legs which allow you to go where you want... not just walking and not at a jog, but running like the wind. Wow. I'm so glad for you. Your bike is beautiful, a reflection of your determined spirit. As Misamigo Mike has said, we are "Brothers In The Wind".

That is deep and touching...truly. Thanks for sharing that SB, honestly.
+1 Yes indeed scotto-, Thankyou for sharing that with us silverbear hit by lightening damn! how unlucky and lucky at the same time...i.e un-lucky to be hit and truly lucky to survive! I am glad for you that you have made steady progress and can also ride with the wind in your face once again ... You absolutely would understand the thrill I get from being able to ride a two wheeler again mate ;-)

scotto- I have some new data i broke the 10 000watt mark yesterday 280amp pumping through the controller designed for 160amp LoL ... So lets see, if 748watts=1hp 10 000/748=13.3hp...not bad for a motor rated at 8hp and made to run a toy plane is it LOL..

I think i have found the limits of this setup but to keep it reliable i have to back it off In order to prolong the ESC releasing "Magic Smoke" LoL I have set current limit to 160amp which
in reality lets the esc hit 200amp before adjusting throttle input until the current is acceptable level...What does this mean from a ride point of view surprisingly nothing LoL its really not noticeable when riding only when you view the data log post ride and see its not pumping out the same current... top speed is the same and acceleration feels the same but i am under 200amp and the pesky ESC destroying voltage ripple is down to and acceptable level..Still pulls 8 000watt (a lazy 10 horses hehe) so enough to smoke any ICE bike on forum on a 1/4mile strip anywayz, as i have it geared not for top end but for torque to tackle the hills here where i live...& yes that includes the Morini motored bikes gents :-P

Thanks for the kind words fellas ... keep on riding silverbear!


p.s have attached proof of 10 000watt effort below ;-)


  • Watts.JPG
    111.6 KB · Views: 159
  • Current.JPG
    107.8 KB · Views: 160
That is just CRAZY man....awesome!!! Be careful with that stuff (that's some serious amperage), it makes my hair raise just thinkin' bout it... Cheers, scotto-
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That is just CRAZY man....awesome!!! Be careful with that stuff (that's some serious amperage), it makes my hair raise just thinkin' bout it... Cheers, scotto-

Yes it is, remembering though i am not doing crazy top speeds i only have this bike geared for 55 km/hr (~35mph) presently, it gets there in 3-4 seconds mind you haha...I have the gearing here to bump the top speed into the 80km/hr (50mph) bracket with same acceleration...also have a 2 speed dog box being made for me which will allow full throttle fast changing...this also all means reverting the final drive back to chain, at the moment i am liking the quitness of the belt so i can hear the scream of the ourunner uninhibited hahaa that & 50clicks is speed limit on local streets here anywayz and the ol wheelchair in tow starts to get the side to side up on one wheel motion at this speed LMAO.. This cruiser is doing what i made it to do atm, and thats climb any hill at near to top speed and make my arms hurt after a good thrashing due to the acceleration from ~2-55 clicks...i know though i will get used to this with time.. this is when i'll up the gearing put on the dog box haha and add another outrunner to keep this one company, if you look at the rear of the frame, i already have the motor mounts on it...yes, this bike was always destined for twin motors over 20hp anyone? MUST get this front wheel up and that rear slipping on dry roads feet up bum on seat...then i will be content :-P

Cheers mate...i'm off for a blat to the bakery for a freshly made chicken and salad roll...

Gosh !.......will you hop on a boat....or a plane....and show us dweebs in the states ?...apparently you'll smoke us all.....GOSH ! :)

Gosh !.......will you hop on a boat....or a plane....and show us dweebs in the states ?...apparently you'll smoke us all.....GOSH ! :)


I'm sorry but when exactly did i refer to you as 'dweebs" i haven't put anyone here down simply produced factual information of performance..I have no disrespect for anyone on this site or their rides. Besides , they're alot faster electrics than mine already there, Thud from Endless Sphere will be at the next Death Race with his his high H.P electric that uses same motor as mine, He has a thread here on Motorbicycling to IIRC, so if you want to see how high end electrics perform i suggest you toddle off to that race and see for yorself.... :-) .. there are already several 20hp plus electrics floating about on Endless Sphere heck, i linked to video of one in this thread, checkout recumpences 28hp trike doing doughnuts. Unless i am mistaken the highest h.p bike floating about here is in the vacinty of 10hp? less than half of what the high end electrics put out and also heavier...If i am mistake my apologies.

This is a very nice build. great to see what others get done here in Aus

Millsy "It all takes time to get things like this done but its a great trip"
I'm sorry but when exactly did i refer to you as 'dweebs" i haven't put anyone here down simply produced factual information of performance..I have no disrespect for anyone on this site or their rides. Besides , they're alot faster electrics than mine already there, Thud from Endless Sphere will be at the next Death Race with his his high H.P electric that uses same motor as mine, He has a thread here on Motorbicycling to IIRC, so if you want to see how high end electrics perform i suggest you toddle off to that race and see for yorself.... :-) .. there are already several 20hp plus electrics floating about on Endless Sphere heck, i linked to video of one in this thread, checkout recumpences 28hp trike doing doughnuts. Unless i am mistaken the highest h.p bike floating about here is in the vacinty of 10hp? less than half of what the high end electrics put out and also heavier...If i am mistake my apologies.


Perhaps I should have clarified this....I was putting MYSELF down...LOL :)....I was simply stating how superlative your bike is ! I never said you were putting anyone down when in fact you're clear, concise and respectful with your postings.
Again Kim....that really is one of the best bikes on the planet...period....gas or electric !

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Well... i was going to save this till i received it but
its ready early and looks outstanding, what you ask?
I have had an extremely talented fella in Terry Jones, make
me a custom head badge to fit to the front tube of my ride.


Terry charges $33 dollars plus $us15 for freight for brass
head badges, mine was a lil extra as i wanted it plated also aaand its larger than usual, the badge is 5in height needed to cover some welding vent holes in the head tube, the
price for this badge was 55 dollars including delivery still IMHO very good price for hand crafted head badge from a picture you provide!

Anyone interested in having a custom badge made from your own artwork can contact Terry at the following email address

[email protected]

He also has many pictures of previous works if you would
like to see examples of this blokes amazing talents!

Off to the lounge knackered after todays fishing outing...

Cracking head badge Kim, I seen Terry's thread about the badges the other day and was thinking that that is something that Mr Recumpence should fit somewhere on his fantastic trike builds. I think once they get wind of this over at ES Terry will be flooded with orders ;)

How did the bream fishing trip go? I remember watching a fishing program many years ago with a couple of guys fishing for trout on lake Pedder in Tasmania, the trout they were hauling out were as big as your leg! If I ever win the lotto thats one of the places im heading for. Then it'll be over to your house to see this joelopy of yours close up :D

So i have succumbed and gone to a complete chain
setup, the good news its more efficient when cruising along @ 30-35 clicks takes
in the area of 20-25amp to maintain this (wheelchair in tow) After riding it for last
couple of days it is apparent the initial belt drive was a lil to low geared for the motor, as yet
though i have not been able to get someone here while i take it for a blat without the chair
as such 60km/hr is as fast as i am game to go with the chair in tow as it starts swaying like a
caravan in the wind around 58clicks, i have tipped it on its side once already when one of
the wheels hit a honkey nut
they are all over the road in some areas this time of year.

The swapping in of the chain on the final drive has definitely improved the performance, i am
used to the look now after sitting perving on it for a few days :lol: and the noise haha there
is no difference whatsoever the motor once past idle is louder than the chain... :-)

Few final pics to show the completed instal...and a lil spin up video to :-)


click for higher rez pics

Video Of Spin Up with Chain Drive

Shall post some ride video in a few days :-)

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Chain looks great ,and I really like the tow hitch,could hold a seat,,,,,,,,,,I would add some color too the new front sprokets matching,,Still think its the best
Chain looks great ,and I really like the tow hitch,could hold a seat,,,,,,,,,,I would add some color too the new front sprokets matching,,Still think its the best

Cheers mate :-) initially i had a aluminium adapter to screw the chrome sprocket onto
but the adapter and sprocket had differing pitch threads as such the sprocket chewed the thread out on the adapter so this was a back up plan using an adapter mate turned up a month or so ago on the lathe, drilled and tapped it, then welded the sprocket to it-->


It should of been nice and bling haha i have another sprocket and adapter on the wayz when landed it will be fitted. I will then have the one in picture chromed as a back up...

As to a rear seat on the tow hitch assembly, could prolly fit a 'b*itch pad' type seat
but anything substantial or any one with some weight would likely bend it, was designed to be pulled on not sat on lol, the support brace would need to be angled back to proved better structural support for downward pressure...


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My electric bike buddy Matt.P dropped around this lovely afternoon for a ride! I literally taped the camera to my handle bars and we set off for what i planned a loooong ride which i would film the entirety there of...unfortunately about 1/4 of the way the camera turned off :? Was such a fantastic day, nice roads
and two bikes that performed outstandingly well on some pretty serious long drawn out hills, some video of the first part of the ride anywayz-->

YouTube - Matt_&_KiM_Hills_Ride.wmv

You all seen my cruiser here's a few pics of my buddy Matts electric GIANT MTB





Matts bike is fitted with a MAC geared frock motor, powered by 15ah worth of A123 prismatic cells from Cell_Man on Endless Sphere Forum ...Fantastic build very professional Matt...

The vid shal give you fellas an idea of the noise levels of the outrunner, the high pitch whine is full rpm, anything under it doesn't make that noise and while obviously not "silent" it's by no means deafeningly loud...Also obvious by the video is the superior power of the outrunner, considering the MAC Frock motor is 'officially' a 500watt motor it did a pretty good job! I'm disappointed the camera switched off though the best parts of the afternoon ride were missed, we went through some very picturesque parts of the hills, and also extremely hilly which would have showed nicely the ability of the electrics on some serious long drawn out hills.

Thankz for an awesome ride Matt we shall both camera up for the next one and venture a lil further out, IIRC Matt used around half his pack myself ->||<- <--that much over half, the ride length was 22km of which alot was spent above 1/2 throttle. Same ride ridden more conservatively would see waaaaay less battery capacity used.

Back with more laterz...

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Does your blue electric free-wheel when you let off the throtle ?

Certainly does, i run a White Industries ENO freewheel on the rear hub, i don't believe in re-gen
on electric bicycles they are simply to light to benifit from rengen the amount you get back coasting IMHO is less beneficial than the ability to freewheel greater distances.



p.s top speeds in the video were moderate at 62km/hr I have turned all my settings on the speed controller to low in an effort to minimise voltage ripple which is dangerously high, end result is cooked HV160
Kim, How does the shock work on the seat? is it too stiff? i have a noleen shock i want to incorporate into my build
yes it is a bit stiff, its just a spring to no dampening unfortunately, better than
not having it though takes the hard jarring out, this combined with the big 4.25in wide rear makes the bike very comfortable.
