Some years ago I was crippled from initially being struck by lightning and consequently developing Guillane Barre Syndrome, similar to polio. As a young man I had been a cross country runner and competitive hooked on roadster sports cars and as a boy always rode a bike pretending it was a motorcycle. I liked the sensation of speed and having the wind in my face. It was a blow when some days it was hard to stand without falling down, walking to the mailbox was an exhausting marathon and I went everywhere at snail's pace with a cane or walking staff. That's when I needed to find out if I could still ride a bicycle without falling. I could, but not far at all since my legs at that time had little power. So I started looking around at antique friction motors like the kind I had seen in the back of magazines as a boy. Got an old Tanaka (Bikebug) motor and made it run. Now I could ride with the wind in my face again... woohoo! Gradually things shifted to more powerful, chain driven motors for more speed. It helped my outlook on life so much and spurred me on to practice walking, strengthen my body with swimming, etc. I still have the nerve damage, still have GBS but am much stronger now and can walk pretty good.
I look at your build and think I have an inkling of what it might mean for you. It is your legs which allow you to go where you want... not just walking and not at a jog, but running like the wind. Wow. I'm so glad for you. Your bike is beautiful, a reflection of your determined spirit. As Misamigo Mike has said, we are "Brothers In The Wind".
That is just CRAZY man....awesome!!! Be careful with that stuff (that's some serious amperage), it makes my hair raise just thinkin' bout it... Cheers, scotto-
Gosh !.......will you hop on a boat....or a plane....and show us dweebs in the states ?...apparently you'll smoke us all.....GOSH !![]()
I'm sorry but when exactly did i refer to you as 'dweebs" i haven't put anyone here down simply produced factual information of performance..I have no disrespect for anyone on this site or their rides. Besides , they're alot faster electrics than mine already there, Thud from Endless Sphere will be at the next Death Race with his his high H.P electric that uses same motor as mine, He has a thread here on Motorbicycling to IIRC, so if you want to see how high end electrics perform i suggest you toddle off to that race and see for yorself...... there are already several 20hp plus electrics floating about on Endless Sphere heck, i linked to video of one in this thread, checkout recumpences 28hp trike doing doughnuts. Unless i am mistaken the highest h.p bike floating about here is in the vacinty of 10hp? less than half of what the high end electrics put out and also heavier...If i am mistake my apologies.
Chain looks great ,and I really like the tow hitch,could hold a seat,,,,,,,,,,I would add some color too the new front sprokets matching,,Still think its the best
Does your blue electric free-wheel when you let off the throtle ?