Full Custom Built e-Cruiser

Walk-a-Round Video

Did a short walk-a-round video today it's nothing spectacular i can assure you
it's mainly for those that view it on youtube and haven't seen the
bike in the forum and/or only the ride videos.

YouTube - Chopper Electric Bicycle

I attached yet another cap onto the hv160 input
leads today, that makes it 4 right before the esc itself
plus 3 in Mr Fechters throttle interface, all settings
on the esc turned to low, showers this arvo have not permitted
a ride to see if it has helped with the ripple... Forecast
for rain most of the week after a week of sunshine, ah
well, have to have some Winter...in Winter...i guess
:roll: least its not 4 foot of snow outside :P
I'll wait a few days and it be sunshine again...:mrgreen:

So where to for now? well...time to save some pennies
again then i'll order another Infineon and some of the same
hall sensors Burtie and GWhy are using and see if i can't
get this Outrunner happening on 66 & 88v using the
e-bike controller. Hoping a supply of motors will hit
HK in the intrim. As mentioned previous i will also grab
me one of Matt.S fancy CnCed reduction drive covers, this
will flashen the left hand side of the bike up nicely!

Until then though, i shall attempt to tone down the abuse
to the hv160 in order to prolong its life, at least till i can afford
another Infineon setup. Back then...

Don't you love it when the postie comes and gives you boxes of stuff
you weren't expecting hahaa...Mr Recumpence SiR :: shakes head:: -->

(Checkend of post for pic...hard to seein this pic, will see tomorrow though, this cover is
cnced from ~4 in thick billet of aluminium its freaking schweeeet)

AS can be seen i not only have the original M.S reduction drive cover BUT
also the custom hand crafted head badge from Terry Jones,
absolute masterpiece can't believe the detail...

The loudest chain on the bike imo is the #25 higher pitched than the cycle chain
i think this will be just the ticket to knock the chain noise on the head!

Thankyou again Matt, much appreciated.... shall arrange payment as discussed in p.m i sent...

Back with some pics of it fitted tomorrow!

OH...what you guys think , should i spray the recessed area and lettering with the candy blue paint i did
the battery enclosure with? I thought it might look trick make the lettering and recessed areas 'pop' a lil...?

Ok..back soonz



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So I decided not to wait till first light to fit the reduction drive cover
initially i was to pull the left hand side of the drive off and drill it on the drill press as
my hand drill gave up the ghost, luckily one of the lads that came around
last night had a drill in his car! turned a long job into a short one!


^^as can be seen i had to 'mod' the cover slightly, the top fastening 'lug'
i guess you could call it had to go, there was no way i could make the top
sprocket clear it i simply don't have enough shaft length I drilled out the two
remaining holes to fit a 5mm countersunk cap screw in tapped the holes and called it done,
i believe these two are more than enough to hold the drive in place, it is rock solid no movement what
so ever. Now i have bling on BOTH sides of the bike, above shots were taken at night
with flash, i went out this morning in the day light and maaaan it just looks
so sexy ... :wink:

Big thanks to Matt, for this very kind donation to the project, i should re-name
the bike the Matt_Shumaker_inspired_cruiser...damn lot of parts on it come from Matt
i tellz ya! Thanks you again buddy, your one of a kind Matt...

New Bike Build Imminent

Time is near, a new thread will be made very soon to document the next
build! YES i have decided i shall be making a new bike to fit the 2 Speed ThudSTer
box into!

Last few days i been pottering around in the workshop making a
frame jig, here's a peak at the near finished jig sitting on
my new workbench (have asked Mick to put aside next table that comes in for you Matt...)


As mentioned before (and pictured IIRC) i have used old exercise equipment to make the jig
it is fully adjustable so it will be kept and used for this and future frame builds :-)

I am not going to do a carbon fiber frame this time round, with recent 'expenditures' i simply
don't have the ~500 bucks for materials chromo is also out at this time as there are no
local steel suppliers that sell it all chromo comes ex-east. Only place i can get hold of it here is from fabrication
shops that tack a sizeable sum on top for themselves :-S So..i shall stick with mild steel however i am dropping
wall thickness from 2mm to ~1.5mm to reduce weight but still have more than enough strength.

What style frame i hear a few asking...Do any of you know what a BasMan frame is? no need to hit up Google-->


^^this is a Basman framed bike, i will be basing my frame on this with the exception of the
bottom bar/ground clearance, i shall be raising this 3-4in ...I will be using mtb forks whether
they are triple trees variants or not will depend on what comes up on Ebays, i will also be
using 24in x 3in tires as per pictured on the bike above... The battery enclosure(s) will be made
from carbon fiber. I hope to get the bike 15kilos lighter than the rc motored Cruiser
and am confident this will be easily achievable.

The RC Motored Cruiser will remain untouched, the M.S Reduction Drive will be fitted with the Turnigy motor rewound by Thudmiester until
either the new bike is ready/and or I can pick up a replacement HXT or Colossus motor, either way motor aside NO PARTS will be
(permanently) robbed from my cruiser this will be geared down slightly to put less strain on the motor when
towing thw wheelchair up hills. It will be my 'daily rider' and thus not thrashed to the extent it has been, i expect it to
be alot more reliable as a result...

Look for a new thread in the non-frock motor section of the Endless Sphere Forums soon!

Why is there 2 extra wheels coming down just in front of the back wheel ? Is this to help stabilize the bike ?

From page 1 of Endless-sphere.com • View topic - Turnigy HXT Powered Custom Cruiser Worklog

The e-bike i have in mind is a low slung stretched cruiser design with linear actuators raising
and lowering a set of stabiliser wheels too keep the bike upright whilst transferring to
and from the bike from my wheelchair. The bike will have operational pedals
as such my feet will need to be strapped to the pedals and the stabiliser wheels used
when starting and stopping...


Kim is now in a wheechair (paraplegic) after a motorbike accident in which he broke his pelvis in several places.
I personally think he does amazing work, he puts his mind to something and just does it, the fact that he's in a wheelchair doesn't faze him in the slightest.

Actually broke my pelvis in more than a couple of places...16 to be precise...broke my back in two places also :-S Cheers for answering
Mopedamauter79 question BossCat :-)

LiL update on proceedings-->

I just got pmed from ThudSTaR 8) The 2 Speed Thudster box is nearing completion...Thud has actually made a complete new unit :shock: due to some alignment issues with shafts and bearings i believe...this has been rectified in the plans also IIRC Thud?

... I have been sent a lil clip of the 2 speed box showing the gear changing lever in action-->

^shot with one of the 808 remote control look-a-like spy cameras ...still waiting on my 2 to be delivered grrrr...

I am so pleased with the whole thing, as i have said to Thud it is alot smaller than i had envisaged after viewing the plans of the box
only requires some polishing and anodizing before its shipped my way! So excited .... Awesome work Thud :D

I have about 1/4 left of this surf ski to sand, i have my spray painter buddy coming tomorrow to spray it seeing he offered and will likely do a better job than i... Is coming up nice anywayz.

I will get back to the bike as said in previous post over this weekend....My hv160 should also be here any day, 2 speed box and rewound Turnigy on route early next week will see the blue cruiser mobile again very soon WOOOTz so missing the bike the weather has been beaudiful...

Big thanks to the ThudSTaR 8) for his efforts...back soon chaps

Posted in wrong thread please gotto 2 speed cruiser thread for updates
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all that room,like a private loft the whole top floor,looks great

Cheers corgi, we are getting there slowly but surely haha.. haven't worked out range with that many lipos suffice to say i use 8 lipo packs now in a 44v 20ah (880wh) config, this gets me upto 50clicks so i will be looking at well over 100 kilometer range if i filled the bike with packs...I wont be however, i will setle for 12 packs 66v 20ah (1320wh) config eventually...I will have some serious range either way :-)

Posted in wrong thread gotto 2 speed custom crusier thread for updates
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Posted in wrong thread gotto 2 speed custom crusier thread for updates.
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Such a cool and well done thread, let alone the project. What is the software which allows you to do the step by step photos as you did? That is excellent and so clear for the reader. Thumbs up on all counts, Kim. I noticed your notes on the wall and thought about the film of Burt Monroe & his Indian. (My favorite movie, "The World's Fastest Indian:.) He'd find what you're doing very interesting, I'm sure. Maybe in spirit he's looking over your shoulder as you work, Kim, kindred spirits. Hey to Thud...
Cheers Silverbear ;-) The software i use is Paintshop Pro 11

The worlds Fastest Indian is a fantastic movie, i have been trying to find the documentry online Offerings to the gods of speed but haven't been able to find a copy on bittorrent unfortunately...His records still stand today for the class he ran! Huge achievement.

Cheers Silverbear ;-) The software i use is Paintshop Pro 11

The worlds Fastest Indian is a fantastic movie, i have been trying to find the documentry online Offerings to the gods of speed but haven't been able to find a copy on bittorrent unfortunately...His records still stand today for the class he ran! Huge achievement.


The DVD I had also had the documentary Offerings to the Gods of Speed included, plus footage on the making of both. I'm sure you can find a copy. Mine burned up in a truck fire, so must get another copy. Such a good story. I'm no mechanic as Burt was and as you are, but I find myself living a build as it progresses... waking in the night and mulling over how to solve a problem, waking in the morning full of enthusiasm for the day's work ahead. So in that respect at least, I think I understand Burt a little bit. When I am in building and creating mode I feel like the light is on inside me and I burn bright, giving off light. I feel sad for people who have no light. We are lucky, those of us who generate our own, a brotherhood of kindred spirits or varying abilities... you and Thud and so many here on this forum and at Endless Spheres. I'm so glad. We are on opposite sides of the world, yet is is all one spinning wheel, eh? G'day, mate.
Ahhhh i never had the dvd dont by or rent download all my movies free online haha...

I sit in my garage for (literally) hours just staring at my bikes thinking what i can improve before
i ever lift up a grinder or welder, i like the planing stages but much prefer the hands on, hence my lack of effort to learn modern CAD programs that Endless Sphere posts are often full of, i love looking at some of the pros over there (Thud included) that can design and produce some fantastic stuff. Forums definitely are a blessing uniting those with common interest yet far differing skill levels...

G'day Mate..to you too hehe

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just a pop in to say hey to Silver bear & ask a question....
.......shouldn't all these jeeper keen updates be in the 2-speed custom build thread?
But seriously, yes. I have found 3 forums now I feel comfortable speaking up in. 1st was a backyard metal casting site where we build anything we need from scratch & scrap. Then ES where I am a tiny fish in a sea of intelectual giant sharks....electricly speaking, my only saving grace there is, I am a do-er....not a talker. (like KiM) & I am not afraid to fail. the 3rd one would be here.
After meeting Camlifter (1st at ES then in person)& silver bear (who reminds me of one of my best friend in the world) I thought i would check this place out....True there is a LOT of really "bad" advice going on in some threads but I am happy with the level of good info & the moderators. I am a long time 2 stroke racer from the old school & far more confident wrenching on an engine over the mystical invisable workings of these "weirdo" electric bike gizmo's them tree hugger freaks think will save the world.......but my 20" bmx is so far superior to my 49cc HT it is embarasing.....destroys my honda spree in every way but range, I still have hope for the Morini. Enough for now. T
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just a pop in to say hey to Silver bear & ask a question....
.......shouldn't all these jeeper keen updates be in the 2-speed custom build thread?

HAHAHA oh crap thanks Thud i didnt even realize...obviously shall rectify that now ...

I noticed the other day the boomerang shaped pivots were severely bent, like
they couldn't be anymore bent, thing is, i have absolutely no idea how it happened
it wasn't done by the actuator it simply hasn't got the power to bend them, only thing
i can think of is, i have lent the bike over few times, all the weight of the bike and my
beefcake -gorgeousness must have done it.... :mrgreen: Needed to wait for $$$
to buy some material to fix it, today i did :-)

Picked up some 5 and 10mm aluminum plate to make mounts for the ThudSTaR 8)
2 speed on the other bike, so i decided i would whip up some new pivots out of some
nice 5mm aluminum plate

Cost me 60 bucks for the aluminum, will be enough for a few jobs, the first being -->


I know I known it REALLY could do with some lightening holes, i haven't added them
simply to keep the pieces strong OH ..Mr Goodrum please
note i have purchased a new fine line pen and retired my trusty old fat blue pen :mrgreen:
as a result hehe i didn't even need to bolt the two piece up and 'match' them they were both near identical :-P
As you can see also, the old arms took a nice chunk out of the powdercoat, so i masked it up
gave it a few coats of primer filler and then a light sand before some Lamborghini candy blue
paint and a few spurts of clear lacquer to finish the fix, its not perfect but it can't be seen anywayz
and ... will stop any rust :-)

Will be back onto the 2 Speed Cruiser motor mounts first thing in the a.m now
this is sorted, as said previously had to wait for pay day :: sigh:: Hyena is working hard and i must thank
him i got a $15 dollar raise in my pension for all his hard paid taxes ...cheers bud :-P

ciao for now...
