Fuel does not go down fuel tank!


New Member
Hey guys, I have another question making me scratch my head...

The fuel tank is connected to carb and when I used to open gas valve and pressed the tickle button 5-7 gas went down to carb and kept on going to the carb until i turned gas valve off (motor worked fine).

However, now the gas does not go down to the carb even when I press tickle button so when I turn on motor is sputters "brr-brrr-brrr" and then turns off.

Sorry 4got to mention info:
66cc engine
NT carb

Problem: I can see the gas not going down to carb/carb not sucking in gas even when I press tickle button
Do you have an in-line fuel filter? You should install one.
Okay start here: Remove the fuel line from the carburetor and with the fuel petcock open, see if fuel flows from the end of the fuel line. If not, blow into the fuel line up into the tank. You don't need compressed air for this, your mouth will do. It's a good bet your in-tank filter is clogged. Did you clean the tank before you installed it. Most kit tanks are really cruddy inside with rust and dirt that will quickly, or eventually clog the little filter sock on the inlet of the petcock. If that filter isn't there, the petcock passages might be clogged. Blowing into the line should free it up.
Please get back to us with what you find.
I would do the basics on the exterior (check line and tank, and vent) And then move on to the carb. A basic disassemble. If you haven't done it before and don't know what to do search it up. Also if you have an inline fuel filter check that.
Alright, So I have an inline fuel filter and the fuel does come out from the other end.
However, it seems the pump that is supposed to make suction and pull the gas in is not working...
-And I just noticed the twist idle screw has fallen out... Could this be why?!?

sorry I am still a rookie :P
There is no pump. It is all gravity fed. You do need to get a new twist idle screw or find yours because it can cause other problems. Time to open up the carb. Yay! It is really simple so don't worry about it. Look it up in the search bar and get back to us with any problems/success stories. Another thing that could be wrong is that it has nothing to do with your carb but it is something to do with your magneto/wire. Check to see if you have a good spark.
Alright, So I have an inline fuel filter and the fuel does come out from the other end.
However, it seems the pump that is supposed to make suction and pull the gas in is not working...
-And I just noticed the twist idle screw has fallen out... Could this be why?!?

sorry I am still a rookie :P
Sorry I just deleted your other post asking the same question. Please keep your questions in one post so we don't have to chase you around the forum.

1. There is no "pump". The spring loaded button, sometimes referred to as a tickler, or primer does nothing more than push the float down so fuel flows into the carburetor past the needle valve and gives you an over rich condition for starting.
if that is missing you have a problem. If you're talking about the idle speed screw, the knurled screw with a spring under the head, then you still have a problem. If that screw is missing you will be drawing in too much air through the carburetor. Replace it or plug the threaded hole where it went until you can get a replacement.
If fuel is flowing with the fuel line disconnected from the carburetor then you might have a clogged fuel inlet valve, or needle valve which the float controls. Previously I told you to blow into the fuel line, up into the tank. Now blow down, into the carburetor. If there's crud in the needle valve, air pressure should blow it out.

Do exactly as 2door has instructed........and know one gets hurt...!

Just kidding around, 2door knows his stuff here so follow his lead on this and you should have that puppy going in no time.....good luck.

By the way.....Hello Tom, Glad to see your still here dealing out all the great advice.....

Peace, map

2door your suggestion works but when I go full throttle same thing happens engine sputters "brrr-brr-br" then dies... and I see once again gas does not go down. :(

I would take off your gas tank, drain & strain the fuel out of it by placing a piece of cotton cloth like maybe an old pillow case over a funnel that you have placed in the mouth of a gas container, pour the fuel through the cloth so if there's rust and scale in the fuel you wont be pouring it into your container.

After you have emptied the tank if you noticed any junk coming out of the tank with the fuel you know this is likely your problem just as 2door had suggested.

I would go to wally world or a dollar store and buy 3-4 bottles of just plain old Isopropyl alcohol (it's cheap) and a small bag of (GLASS) marbles while I was there, leave the shut off valve in the tank and pure one bottle of the alcohol into the tank, put 5 or 6 marbles in the tank, put the gas cap on it and then shake the crap out of it for a couple minutes rolling the tank around as you shake it........., take off the cap and drain all of the alcohol out along with the marbles and repeat the alcohol and marbles technique until the alcohol comes out clean, then remove the valve from the tank and clean it by spraying either carb cleaner or brake cleaner through it both ways real good.

Now put it all back together and you should be flowing fuel real nice, put a good inline filter between valve and carb also, just a small amount of rust or trash of any kind will cause you troubles with these little NT carbs, fuel has got to be clean.

Hope this helps and adds a little extra to what has been recommended thus far.

Peace, map
I clean my tanks the same way 'cept I use pea gravel and soapy water.
Rooz, are you sure that the carb isn't too rich causing the engine to stutter?

Try adding a little choke next time the engine falters under power. If it helps, then the engine is starving for gas. If it don't help, the carb might too rich.
Another thought, try loostening gas cap next time. Lotta people have trouble with caps not venting, and the engine symptoms from that are similar to yours. Engine quits and no gas flow.

Otherwise, I would check the float level, maybe adjust the fuel level a little higher in the bowl and try it.
Check and see if fuel flows when you remove the gs cap. if so, the vent in the cap is pluged.