New Member
I went to Home depot, bought 1/2" hollow stainless pipe, and some.125 3/4" stainless flat stock, about 3 feet of each, remade the top tab with the flatstock, drilled appropiate hole, used 6 support screws with wide washers for support, then radiused a piece of the flatstock around the rear fender moune and used the 1/2" tubing welded to the piece I radiused and then erlded the opposite end to the forkgood top and aft support, OK maybe some overkill there, but they havn't cracked yet, no noise no movement, no getting weT either, did the same for the back fender and rack(Cruiser) so far (1000)miles, so good. It can be done with a bit of work. I painted them black and if you werent looking for 'em, ya'd barely notice.