Front Disc Kits?


Ive been riding my Trek cruiser MUCH more now since getting it registered with the DMV and I recently had a guy take a right hand turn directly infront of me, cutting me off. I was forced to use my coaster brake to try and skid, stop from 28mph.

It happens to the best of us I suppose, but it left me considering a brake upgrade.

I much prefer the longevity and wet weather stopping of DISC brakes, not to mention, I have large front fenders that Im not getting rid of.

Anybody whos used a front disc retrofit kit and where you got it please post up. Thanks usflg
Well heck maybe I should just throw one of my MBs in the back of the truck and drive it up there after work one of these days. Thanks for the call back by the way. Nice speaking with you.
Thanks, Norm.
Good advice on the aluminum suspension forks. You might want to tell guys here what you told me. I wasn't aware that most of them are cast aluminum and caliper brackets would be a challenge on those. I'll be back in touch.