For Old Guys Only

Never heard of killing a tree with copper...most are pretty tough.
I am a treelogist, lol.
When I bought my property, there was a big willow and two pines. Now there are over 50 various trees there including black walnut, pecan, different maples, catalpa, and poplars.
99% of them were orphans rescued from gutters, sidewalks and excavation projects.

Two are willows that I planted by sticking cuttings in the ground, which I got from a 100 year old willow that was planted from a cutting being stuck in the ground by the guy my parents bought their first house from.
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Assuming I knew how to do it, I wouldn't tell anyone how to poison a tree. Money grabbing developers are engaged in arboricide on a global scale and we need to keep what we have.

It's going to be a right game hiding them in the cellar though.
Tom, I agree that fruit trees don't belong anywhere near a house and I doubt the copper nail would do the trick. Used to work a good bit with sheet copper and it's a wonderful metal. Been wearing copper around the wrist for many years to chase away the arthritis and I have a nice green ring to prove it.

Raking leaves only qualifies if you jump into the pile afterwards
I'll post a picture tomorrow. I have most of them blown into piles. Before I start picking them up I'll jump in a pile, just for Otero.

I have a 12hp shredder that will grind limbs up to 4" diameter and it has a leaf shoot. It pulverizes leaves with a 15:1 ratio. Char hates it because of the noise and dust but it makes short work of leaf piles. My trash pick-up guy will appreciate it. Instead of 25 bags of leaves I might only have three or four. But I'll need a shower when I'm done.

I gotta say, Tom, there have been times I've had wicked thoughts about some of the things my wife planted too. My house has roses nearly all the way around. Hedge roses, briar roses, medieval eglantines (at least I think those are the medieval breed). They, also, look real pretty when blooming. But sometimes I have to mow the lawn. That's the fun part. One rose I avoid like the plague has thorns that are nearly an inch long and blood red. Another, "Constance Spry" is just chocked full of thorns everywhere and seems somehow able to reach out and snare me. There have been days when I got back in from mowing the lawn, and I looked for all the world like I'd tried to break up a cat fight in a dark alley.
But as I watch Sarah don her thick leather gloves and tend each bush with great care, I find myself going "Awww" and realize I'll never actually take the trimmers to them. (Although it's probably too late for that anyway; some of the hedge rose trunks are so thick and hard, I don't even think my bolt cutters would work on them.)
Good grief. Where does it end? Another extension of 'Interest Based Advertising'.

Just saw a news story about another invasion of privacy. Our friends at Google have adopted a new advertising scheme. Cell (smart) phone users who search for an address can now expect to get phone calls from Google telling them what's on sale at a store or stores near or where they are going.

If they look for the address or a map to a shopping mall or a particular store they can expect to start getting phone calls on their way there. Like we don't get enough advertising shoved down our throats...:(

Another reason I don't own a smart phone.

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One more reason I've never owned a phone. Given all the B.S. ads that have
snuck into my PC, I probably won't have that much longer either. I'm a the
brink of going dark
I understand that once you do, you'll never go back..........don't exactly remember where I picked up that tidbit of info.....
Thing is, advertising is out of control; you can't escape it. Popups obscure even
the closed captions. It's a never ending bombardment. Even with TIVO, you're
assaulted at a subliminal level every time you fast forward. Most of those products
would be 25% cheaper without advertising cost. Just think how much the ad men
are actually bleeding from the American public. I'm old enough to remember TV
with no more than 4 one minute commercials per hour. Now they stretched a 2 hr.
move to 3 hrs with an hour of ads.
I couldn't open this site just now because they slid a popup in just as I clicked
my mail that redirected to their ad. it's just too much.
Farcebook have now started thrusting Your Memories from a year ago at me. A, I can bloody well remember a year ago, I'm not gaga yet, B, sometimes people really do not want to be reminded of something. Suppose a person is the victim of an assault or a person important to them has died, or some other misfortune has befallen them. Buffoons, the lot of them.
Facebook. Another prime example of Social MEdia. It's all about ME! What I'M doing, where I'M going, what I think. We are cultivating a culture of narcissists. Why do so many people today think that everyone else is interested in what they are doing, saying, thinking, where they're going and feel it necessary to share it on the Internet?

Who cares? Nobody, because they're too interested in posting their own lives where everyone can see and read about it. For the life of me I don't understand this fascination with ME!

You see it everywhere. I, ME, MY, ME. It's all about ME!. What a shallow outlook on life these people have when they believe the world revolves around THEM! Televison and advertising is part of the problem with their use of the word, MY. Everything has to be MY. A local news station has a seperate news channel in Denver called, MY20. Oh, so that channel is all about YOU? That should attract a lot of those who subscribe to the belief that the world couldn't exist without THEM! A local car dealership has one; "MY Toyota" Yeah, like YOU are the only one who drives a Toyota?

There's a Google ad that I see here on the forum for a bracelet that you can order. It has all of your personal information on it; name, phone number, address, email, etc. The add says, "It's who I am." Like anyone really gives a hoot.

Social MEdia...Ugh:(

Once again, you guys are bringing to light the thoughts I have about what is going on around me all the time. Like Buzz says, I don't ask folks about much, I just observe and wonder where in the heck all this "nonsense" is gonna take these folks who are so hung up on this social media stuff. I don't even have a cell phone so I'm not one to speak with authority on this topic, but you guys talkin' about it let's me know I'm not alone in my parallel universe. Thanks!

My using internet and virus protection software keeps a lot of it out, but I know the sound of self-driving electric cars as they go by, by heart. I expect them not to have wheels soon and levitate as they glide down the road. They have to make these levitating cars that not only not pollute, but filter the air and remove harmful air particles as they transport mindless people around. Well maybe they would be writing novels or something great while they ignore the road.
I was promised bubble cars and jet packs, and all I got was this lousy social media and 16 minutes of commercials in a half hour show!
You've got them, they just aren't the shape you thought they'd be.



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This should be required on every Smart Car ad. Not so smart now, is it?



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