Daytime TV is not the sole offender; TV in general destroys neurons,(most of
it anyway). We are targeted to become gelatinous drooling consumers devoid
of will & capacity for reasoning. I loathe TV 'programming'. Much of it was more
interesting before they took it out of the comic book, & the redundancy and
seemingly infinite supply of cop shows is maddening. God forbid they air anything
not hackneyed. I am able to anticipate the next line before it's spoken,&, of
course we all know who dun it before the stupid cops. I was sick of it way back
when Kojak was still on the air. Please, 40 years of this tripe is enough. Will they
ever run out of recycled scripts? Watching baboons pick nits from each others
fur is more entertaining.
it anyway). We are targeted to become gelatinous drooling consumers devoid
of will & capacity for reasoning. I loathe TV 'programming'. Much of it was more
interesting before they took it out of the comic book, & the redundancy and
seemingly infinite supply of cop shows is maddening. God forbid they air anything
not hackneyed. I am able to anticipate the next line before it's spoken,&, of
course we all know who dun it before the stupid cops. I was sick of it way back
when Kojak was still on the air. Please, 40 years of this tripe is enough. Will they
ever run out of recycled scripts? Watching baboons pick nits from each others
fur is more entertaining.