For Old Guys Only

Daytime TV is not the sole offender; TV in general destroys neurons,(most of
it anyway). We are targeted to become gelatinous drooling consumers devoid
of will & capacity for reasoning. I loathe TV 'programming'. Much of it was more
interesting before they took it out of the comic book, & the redundancy and
seemingly infinite supply of cop shows is maddening. God forbid they air anything
not hackneyed. I am able to anticipate the next line before it's spoken,&, of
course we all know who dun it before the stupid cops. I was sick of it way back
when Kojak was still on the air. Please, 40 years of this tripe is enough. Will they
ever run out of recycled scripts? Watching baboons pick nits from each others
fur is more entertaining.
"Book 'em, Danno."

Or who remembers Broderick Crawford's closing lines on every episode of 'Highway Patrol' ?

I used to think that the movie "Idiocrasy" was the most stupid thing I've ever attempted to watch. However, it seems to get truer every single day.
So true.
Having seen that movie a couple of times I still can't help but laugh.
'Mondo, it has electrolytes'

What else cracks me up is 'trending' video.
An entire generation that never really watches anything first hand and living life around them via a little 2D screen in their hand while life is happening in front of them in full 3D that can never be captured.

Concerts, sporting events, political events, walks in the forest or on a beach, heck just your kid or dog being cute, all being viewed not live in the absolute grandeur of human perception and memory, but from a tiny little 2D screen to show someone else what they didn't really see in full to begin with because they are watching from a phone!

The cameraman that thought potatoes were grenades?
He was watching life through a camera lens between him and life.
KC, real life is just to scary. Ya gotta bury your face in a video game to escape.
I,m 67 and I can't go to the park & find a pickup game of touch football on a
Saturday. 3 parks not a half mile away & no kids at any of them. At least
I see a few riding bikes in summer, but it would seem they've forgotten how
to play for the most part.

I went to a concert last summer, 96% of the people were watching the LIVE concert looking through their phones.

Oh the horror.
You know that was supposed to be in Oregon, not CA. The maps in the background give it away....somewhere near Bend, Oregon.

I went to a concert last summer, 96% of the people were watching the LIVE concert looking through their phones.
Even the difference between watching an old 8mm home movie on a playing card compared to a super high rez giant sheeck Imax movie doesn't come close to the loss you have viewing life though a phone.
You know that was supposed to be in Oregon, not CA. The maps in the background give it away....somewhere near Bend, Oregon.
You could be right, Joe. If I recall you never saw 'California' on the cars, just 'Highway Patrol'. I don't remember the maps. Maybe I'll do a little search and see what trivia I can find about the show. I do remember that Crawfor's character was 'Dan Mathews'. And his uniform was a trench coat.

Even the difference between watching an old 8mm home movie on a playing card compared to a super high rez giant sheeck Imax movie doesn't come close to the loss you have viewing life though a phone.
I insulted the 30 year old son of a neighbor at a party one night. He was very proud of his new phone and was showing everyone what it could do. He held it up to me and showed me he could watch movies. 'Star Wars' was on it.
I asked "why would you want to watch a movie on a 2" screen". He was crushed and hasn't spoken to me since.

My brother in law, who should know better showed me this 'killer app' where you could hold the phone up to the sky and it would show you the constellations.... I asked him why he just didn't look up st the sky.

His answer was 'wall, this tells you the names.'

The only thing was, I know a lot of the names, and it was looking at the fake stars on the screen over the real deal.

Guess I just don't get technology.
Of course I am using a tablet to post spell checks perfectly good words into nonsensical gobbledygook.
Just a heads up.......I've been alerted that "gobbledygook" is a non-politically correct assembly of letters.


A concerned European/Native American
Serial Number BR549

(Personally, if you're too good to just be an American, then we probably aren't on the same page of a conversation. I think this nation has twisted and morphed the PC tag line into something completely moronic. Crap stinks no matter what you call it.)
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BR549? X you have been watching too many Hee-Haw reruns! That was Jr. Samples phone number for the used car lot on the show.
Just a heads up.......I've been alerted that "gobbledygook" is a non-politically correct assembly of letters.


A concerned European/Native American
Serial Number BR549

(Personally, if you're too good to just be an American, then we probably aren't on the same page of a conversation. I think this nation has twisted and morphed the PC tag line into something completely moronic. Crap stinks no matter what you call it.)

What about 'Absofrigginlootly'?.wee.
I don't believe that term has caught the attention of the PC 4 U&M Congressional Sub-Sub Committee for Wordage Windage.

Safe for NOW........but be careful --- rulings can be enacted without future or past notice.
BR549? X you have been watching too many Hee-Haw reruns! That was Jr. Samples phone number for the used car lot on the show.

Was the only way that I could include "Redneck" into my ethnicity without invoking the "PC Overlords"......

A certain ex-member here accused me of 'political incorrectness' regarding my signature line: "Charlie don't ride". He said it was "Offensive to Vietnamese nationals". Hmmmmm.

I have to wonder what he thought of all the WWII movies where they called German soldiers 'krauts" and Japanese combatants, "Nips".
Me thinks you can carry PC just a little too far.

My advice? "Lighten up!" Fer-cryin'-out-loud!"

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