Sangesf - wtf are you talking about?

Yes, we're aware that paulapaxton 98% isn't Paula Paxton, but you're just confusing now.

Well.. It's kinda OBVIOUS, that "paulapaxton" is Jeff Arnett posing as her..
The dead giveaway was the "manner" in which "paulapaxton" posted..
(No sentence structure, no breaks, etc). Exactly the same as "Arnett Motor Bikes"...

Either way.... Where are any documents with the word gas in them?
Just an odd way of going about it Sangesf, that's all.

Very good chance it's Jeff - really, it could be anybody trying to stir the pot.
LOL, right on. It would be nice if Paula actually did register up out here and share some of the documentation with us though.
How about just POSTING the document that states, "Your GAS powered bicycle does not require a license". And please don't try to show the no information letter or the ticket because as I've stated before, that's NO help to the guy that has to go to court and wants to use "your" case as part of his defense.
i beg to differ with you i am very much real look me up on facebook

paula, don't worry about the doubters, you're the one everyone wants to hear about. Anything you can tell us about what happened when you showed up in court would be interesting.
ok to ride bicycle.jpg please read the following
We've seen that before... Where's the word gas? Have anything else? That no information letter is USELESS!!!

I agree the verbiage including gas would be better, but why is this document useless?

Its better than going into court empty handed.

Just saying.
It may as well be going in empty handed if that's all you had. What would work would be actual court records - like the stenographers report or audio recording of the court appearance and all evidence used by the prosecution for them to come to the determination of a no information case.

Really, it's a shame a mod can't take a look and see if the IP used by arnett and "paula" are the same.
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I agree the verbiage including gas would be better, but why is this document useless?

Its better than going into court empty handed.

Just saying.

Well, let me put it to you this way....
Let's take a purely hypothetical example...
Let's say, you get a ticket for loitering around a CircleK and you say, "Well I was just walking past it"..
And you want to use another person's case that got dismissed before it went to court, and the info the person gives you says nothing about "walking past" when it was dismissed, BUT that person also has been arrested for drug dealing at the CircleK, drug use while walking past the CircleK, drunk driving because the person had just left a bar drunk and wanted coffee and gotten out of their car and had solicited someone for sex as they went to go into the CircleK, WHEN they got the loitering ticket as well..
Would you want to use that person's court document (for the loitering part) in your case? Probably not, because very possibly, they didn't care about the loitering part, because they wanted to get that person on the "felony type" charges and the loitering would have been nothing in comparison to all the others..

Just saying...
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1.)It may as well be going in empty handed if that's all you had. What would work would be actual court records - like the stenographers report or audio recording of the court appearance and all evidence used by the prosecution for them to come to the determination of a no information case.

2.)Really, it's a shame a mod can't take a look and see if the IP used by arnett and "paula" are the same.

1.) Exactly my point from the beginning of all this...
2.) It's a moot point... Still no documents with the word "gas" motor.

It's funny too, because I said, please don't post the no information letter, we've seen it already and what's the FIRST thing "PP" does? Posts it! LOL.
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Let me ask paulapaxton this...
Do you still ride the gas bike? Have you been pulled over since then?

i still ride my bike from greenhead to panama city im currently a student at gulf coast state college 25 miles each way and i have been pulled over 9 times since my ticket