Finishing the Greyhound Build!!!

....and here comes Elmo, down the home stretch. "Home Stretch" I made a funny!

Go Elmo!
Hello Joe It was a stretch when I rode it off this evening without stop collars on the jackshaft. I knew better but just had to try it. Got to push it about 1/4 mile when the jackshaft walked out and derailed the primary chain.
Say Ron you ought to be racking up the miles with all the good weather lately. Every thing ok with you?
Elmo, Trying To Ride, My Titan Is Not Getting Fuel To The Spark Plug. I Have To Pull The Carb Off And See Whats Inside. Wish The Tank Had A Shut Off Valve. Slowly Working On My 28 Ft House Boat (and Lawn Mower`s!!). Ron
I rode it 10 or so miles this morning and nothing fell off or came untied. It is pretty fast and climbs hills well, will gain speed on most. Uses very little gasoline. I am not used to regular bike seats and my rear knows I did 10 miles. Gotta get a speedometer.
Elmo, really like the build. When I finish the sidecar build I'd like to use your idea as a trike. Looks great.

good looking work-horse :)
glad to hear it performs as expected (^)
Thanks Bill. The wheel and sprockets I got from you work well. I used the 48 tooth on this bike. Don't have a speedometer but seems plenty fast to me although I haven't run wot yet. I tracked a ride this afternoon on streets & trips 21 miles & used 24 oz gas. That is about 112 mpg if I figured right.
Elmo, really like the build. When I finish the sidecar build I'd like to use your idea as a trike. Looks great.

Thanks Steve. Feel free to use whatever you like I am pretty certain someone has done this before because there are just so many ways you can mod a frame. This seems to work well. I built it on the cheap to see if it would work before i spent much money on it. I have a 830 and a 930 Trek mountain bikes and am going to build a nice one from them. They were pretty good bikes in their day, chromo frames and good components. I found the 830 at the dump needed tires and a bottom bracket and was given the 930 needed same parts. Neither one had been ridden much.
There were two things that I did not like on the bike as first built, the seat and the bars. I went down to the local bike shop and found just what I needed. Some wide bars and a Bontrager Cruiser seat. That is a very comfortable seat.


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I really am loving this build Elmo. Work bike for sure. Working on 2 thunks for trailers. One is a MB hot-dog cart and the other is a work trailer. Both would look cool on your build. Really like were you went with this. Purty awesome!
I have to re access my gas mileage. I put a speedometer and rode up the Natchez Trace 25 miles and 25 miles back for 50 miles total and it took just over a quart of gas. That is almost 200 mpg no stopping and starting just steady riding at 23 to 25 mph averaged 22.98 mph. It is not broke in yet so I opened it up on a level stretch and let off when it hit 34 mph, it had a pretty good vibration at that speed. I wonder if that is normal for a single cylinder 4 stroke. Comments anyone?
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Natchez!!! In my well spent youth I worked on a cruise ship that stopped in Natchez every Wednesday. The local folk called us the "boat people" (No, he's ok, one of the boat people, lol) Man what awesome folks. The bar over looking the river with the huge furniture and rocking chair, mold growing on the walls. They used to give out wooden stick matches in classic old world boxes with their logo on em. On the ship if you needed a light, you would ask your buddy; "Got any Natchez Matches?"

Man, Happy, happy memories. Thanks Elmo! Life good.....

Straight pipe on the HF sounds awesome! RusticoRay and I did some vids. Really sounds great. Gonna make it a cell phone, ringtone. Will send ya the file if ya want it.
Hey Elmo,
My HF 79cc has vibration at speed too. I have it geared at 12 to 1 with 26" wheels. My bike does a little over 40MPH so I think my RPMs are over 6000. It doesn't vibrate like a 2 stroke but I can feel it in the grips and somewhat in the seat. So far this bike is way better than the 3 2 strokes kits I have. I think more people will be using this engine soon. It's a fairly simple build.