Fast Eddy/Silverbear on the move

Tinsmith"s wife Jackie sent this photo along from our trip last month, earlier this month or whenever it was...

Not the Pep Boys, but your very own not so Fasteddy with the cane, Silverbear and Tinsmith. Would you buy a used car from these guys? Me either.


  • Fullscreen capture 9272014 71319 PM.jpg
    Fullscreen capture 9272014 71319 PM.jpg
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Tinsmith"s wife Jackie sent this photo along from our trip last month, earlier this month or whenever it was...

Not the Pep Boys, but your very own not so Fasteddy with the cane, Silverbear and Tinsmith. Would you buy a used car from these guys? Me either.

I dunno, you guys look pretty honest too me......I'll take that '34 Ford on the back of the lot! ;)

Take care Steve, hope you're on the mend for good.....

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Looks like a pretty solid crew to me!
Tinsmith"s wife Jackie sent this photo along from our trip last month, earlier this month or whenever it was...

Not the Pep Boys, but your very own not so Fasteddy with the cane, Silverbear and Tinsmith. Would you buy a used car from these guys? Me either.
Thanks scotto,

Getting better slowly. As usual your ill to quickly and well to slowly.


Yeah that's the hard part of getting older, it just doesn't seem fair.....we must remember to be thankful for each and every day. Even a long life is too short when you just want to keep on going...... and the clock never stops ticking.

I am not all that old yet at age 57, but with arthritis, a messed up right shoulder, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, some days I feel older than my Dad......he's 81.

Again, take care and don't rush the recovery.....heal well.