EZR's 2nd full suspension Project

This isnt the same bike but this is the closest thing i could find frame wise. It has the same exact rear suspension set up, it has the pivot behind the crank case so it moves up to remove shock. I need something that will adjust for the slack that this will build i was thinking a tensioner that was spring loaded so that when the slack comes into play, the spring releases its tension and pulls the chain back into a taught position, just drawing something that works is my problem. If you can even make a rough sketch of something u have that may work i appreciate it.


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This is the next idea i had, do u think if i put this on the back so that it pushes the chain up, it would work?


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I found what i need :( didnt want to have to buy it but this is without a doubt exactly what i need.

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Depending on how much travel your rear suspension has, I would get two. Make sure you install it on the power side of the drive chain.
That bike is absolutely Sick! I'm sorry if you've answered this already but what is the overall weight do you think? Also, How does the balance feel with the motor mounted high like that?
The dry weight of the orange bike is 59lbs. I love riding it around and doing bunny hops. The placement of the motor doesn't hurt its agility. It handles extremely well just like a himble 125 on the trails.
Here's a picture of the blue one. It weighs 60 lbs. My bike is the blue one in the back round. Still waiting for some parts.

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With a 24" rear wheel

Dean decided to experiment with a 24" rear wheel to see if it would increase the bottom end torque. He was correct. It's amazing how a 2" smaller wheel made the already snappy bike quicker.

nice vid man
that thing is really coming together
makes me want to get back into it

Ive been so happy with the one cruiser I did after working out all the bugs that I havent had the desire so much

have a great weekend
I Have A Morini In Transit. He Thinks It Is 50cc. The Head Fins Are Not All Vertical. I Have Only One Pic. I Will Post This And Edit The Pic In. May Have To Resize It. Roncvlt1


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Ezr, What Can You Tell Me About This Model. Do You Sell The Mounts To Install It In A Regular Frame? Thanks For Any Info Or Tips. The Frame It Came Out Of Had Dual Fiberglas Looking Saddle Bags And Dual Poo Poo Type Exhaust Coming Off 1 Exhaust Port. Ron
Very interesting Neat. I haven't seen this model yet. What type of carb does it come with?
I'm not sure Dean at Pipelyne can make a motor mount for you because when dealing with custom mounts, I know he would prefer to have the frame and motor on sight because he would like to make sure everything is aligned properly. I do have my old mounts and pipe off of my LTS. When you get a chance, I would like to see the exhaust port.
How many miles can one expect to get from one of these gems? Before replacement time.

Your best bet is to call Pipelyne for the prices on the motors. Also I think the mounts are inner changable between the morinis because I think all of the motors are the same except for the reeds, carb, clutch and ignition. My personal opinion on using the pedal chain is "I wouldn't trust such a thin chain for the power train."
As for the motor's durability, All of the motors we own are still running strong and some are still getting stronger and have been maintenance free. I feel these motors take around 1000-1200 miles before they start to loosen up and come to life.