Engine starts but wont go

here is a better idea of what is going on, sorry for the video hard riding and video taping lol.
‪Please help motor bike kit‬‏ - YouTube

anyways this is with the idle screw 4 turns from all the way in ( i guess thats about default?) also the gas idle screw is about 4 turns out also. as you can see when i take the choke down it doesnt work as well starts cutting out more, also at the end of the video when it gets black is when i pull the clutch in hoping for it to idle....the video cuts out a little early but it only stays running if its at WOT, also notice i keep it at wot about the whole time im on it thats because thats the only time it really works, when i let go slightly it slows down until it dies. btw found the clip lol, moved it back to default setting, i found it when fixing my other regular bike so i have some sort of transportation haha....random but no complaints here. this video is about the fastest ive had it going also, it was going about 15mph is my guess....but i dont wanna ride this a lot until its working properly i dont wanna ruin the engine during the break in period but its semi working hah. thanks for any help!
It could be:
1. Too much oil mixed in with the gas. (I recommend 24:1 for break in)
2. Major air leak in the intake manifold to cylinder or carburetor to manifold connections.
3. Float height adjustment too low in carburetor.
4. Fuel jet too small.

Have you read up on the CNS carburetor threads?
well i have just under a 32:1 mix for fuel as recommended by norman after reading his posts, as for air leak thats possible but im getting a new carb on wednesday dont really feel like messing with that, float height is pretty high, is it possible its flooding? cause i really dont think its not enough its at about the highest possible setting. and as for fuel jet its at its factory setting as it came and yes ive read hundreds of cns carb threads lol and most of them talk about making the fuel jet smaller which i dont think is the case with this one, i would like to get this carb working just for a sense of some accomplishment after spending hours upon hours of my time on this lol but a new NT carb is showing up wednesday, i am very impatient tho haha
run the idle screw all the way in...once it starts idling...you can back it out.
I still think you need to run it more...

also you are all or nothing on the choke..wot is ok...but try some middle settings on the choke with wot. and get it hot...melt the paint on the muffler at least.
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ok, sorry i am an all or nothing kinda guy lol, but im not gonna mess up anything by running it like this will i? honestly you're probably right i need to just run it more, how long should i keep it running you think? literally all the paint on the muffler melts off? lol, ill do these suggestions tomorrow morning and let ya know
yeah...if you can baby into running...do so and ride it...near your house. (check chain tensioner and other nuts..engine mounts etc)
it won't idle nice till you break it in more....as long as it's smoking a little bit you'll be fine and wont hurt it...I watched your vid...your not an over the top yahoo type.
It sounds like it just needs some time...even the NT will want the motor run some to settle in.
think i figured it out, i think its flooding with gas, which is weird tho because u think it would work better with choke off...not really sure, anyways played with choke not all or nothing, still got worse and worse the less choke there was, however after reading the one post u put up i tried turning off my fuel while riding and within 10 seconds it started taking off, working better than ever before and turning choke down even helped....when it started slowing down a little turned the fuel on again ( all while riding) and started doing well again until it started flooding (my guess at least) then turned it off again and again within 10 sec its cruising....so im not quite sure what to make of this, but now i need help with lessening the chain vibration...cause the master link fell off while i was riding...didnt even bother looking for it, im gonna buy a stronger chain the one it came with was just like a bicycle chain, i feel it needs something more heavy duty...anyways, today was a major improvement and i think i found some solutions, still no idleing though even while it was running good, how far in/out should the idle air/gas screw be? also where do u think i can buy a better chain? autozone?
good for you!
starting to get a taste of where it should be!
Yes get a better chain.
that's why I said stay close to home. this is when you find out what will stay together and what won't.
definitely too rich now....
lower the float...put the needle clip in the top slot.
youre getting closer. ;)
Sweet lol, any ideas where to get a better chain? I was gonna check out home depot autozone said they don't have them. But im starting to get the hang of diagnosing this dang thing lol thanks for all ur help
any sponsor link will work for chain. I stopped using master links.
vise grips a socket and a hammer and punch. oh and part of the old master link just to finish setting the pin in the final link
Also, any good local bicycle store (LBS) should be able to get you a KMC410H chain if they don't all ready stock it.
If it is just a KMC 410 chain without the "H" do not get it. The "H" signifies heavy duty and you need that.
well i dont really have those tools...lol think im gonna try the local bike shops tomorrow morning, i looked at walmart, sports authority, home depot (autozone told me to go there) and target all of which had no chains at all so, there are a few bike stores nearby, update u guys tomorrow, i have a good feeling :)
pretty busy today so didnt get to mess with the bike too much but i did adjust float and then it wouldnt even start...adjusted too much, then put adjusted it a little more...and it gets a little too much gas again but didnt start going like it did last time....those floats seem to be pretty sensitive, also the chain popped off but i figured out its because my back tire is loose, not at the point where it mounts on the frame but i guess in the actual hub it moves around way more than it should...so gotta do that, new carb in tomorrow....so im just keeping my fingers crossed, might mess around with it some more later, this has been quite the little project lol
Hardware stores such as Lowes and Home Depot do in fact sell chains. They sell electric garage door opener chain.
I have read that a few folks have had good luck with it, but I personally have not tried it so I cannot recommend it based on personal experience, only hearsay. Take that for what it's worth....
i ended up going to a bike shop and getting the other one u said except they didnt have the H at the end, i got it anyways, i just need to fix my back tire moving around which is why i think the first chain came apart, new carb comes sometime tomrrow/today! let u guys know how it works, thanks for all your help, i think i am missing a peice on the pin for the float shutoff thingy, not entirely sure though, thanks for all your guys help anyways, ill let u know how it all works out and if/when i get the carb i have now fixed up so i can feel accomplished lol
If you lost the needle clip (holds needle in place), like I did, you can make one. The one I have made has been in the carburetor from day 1... 2 years ago. Take a thin washer as close as the diameter of what will fit in the slide, and cut a grove large enough for the cable to fit through. Cost..about $0.02. Now if it is the clip that slides on to the needle itself (5 adjustments), a auto parts store, like NAPA has a assortment of clips. Most big box stores like Advance, Auto Zone...I doubt it.
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just got the new carb on today and BAM!! no problems works awesome!!! got it idling nice and low, full speed so far was 22mph...at the last bit of throttle tho it starts to kinda bog, any ideas? air leak? even if thats the best it works u guys should see the smile on my face right now lol
do you mean 4 stroke?
do the fuel on off trick.
If it it starts running great just before it dies then you know it's to rich...and you can move the c clip up a notch.
30ish is top speed on these.