Engine keeps tilting to the side


New Member
my engine keeps tilting to the left side of the frame and it already cause my front 10t sprocket to break 2 teeth, anyone have some advice?
im running a custom mount up front cause my frame is thick and im using a steel plank and 2 U bolts, there on really tight and when i ride for a bit the engine tips to the left causing the chain to get jammed.
should i just drill a hole through the frame and use the adapter m ount the kit comes with?
my shift kit just came today and really want to get things going smooth.
The shift kit itself will probably solve the problem as it attaches to two points on the seat tube.

But to be certain, it might help if you posted some photos of your set up.
my engine keeps tilting to the left side of the frame and it already cause my front 10t sprocket to break 2 teeth, anyone have some advice?
im running a custom mount up front cause my frame is thick and im using a steel plank and 2 U bolts, there on really tight and when i ride for a bit the engine tips to the left causing the chain to get jammed.
should i just drill a hole through the frame and use the adapter m ount the kit comes with?
my shift kit just came today and really want to get things going smooth.

Here is a solution for you.
Homemade Mods pictures by Ron-Becker - Photobucket

ok thats what i was thinking and i believe it could be tilting because the rear mount isnt that tight because the studs are a bit stripped. and what do you think about the 10 t sprocket missing 2 teeth. should i be ok to run it since the alignment will be perfect using the shift kit sprocket, im planning on ordering another gear but wont be here till mid next week.
ok thats what i was thinking and i believe it could be tilting because the rear mount isnt that tight because the studs are a bit stripped. and what do you think about the 10 t sprocket missing 2 teeth. should i be ok to run it since the alignment will be perfect using the shift kit sprocket, im planning on ordering another gear but wont be here till mid next week.

My bike? If at all possible I'd wait for the new gear to arrive to ride it. Don't know if 2 teeth will hurt or not.
Change the cheap Chinese hardware.
yea i see, and the chinese harware is cheap the mount bolts strip like nothing and the sprocket bolts break to easy.
Well that was my big thing too,shift to left.I bought new stud bolts which help a lot and rough grip rubber between mounts like jar open rubber,regular inner tube rubber is not the call it slips.Now check your chain for bad links the chain gets bad links once the chain comes off just move every links to to see if they move freely.I'm really not a hundred percent if the back sprocket was out of line that was forcing the motor to shift.I do know the new stud bolts have the motor stable now..I have rode it about 50 miles now and its been good.You can get them pretty cheap at ebay I think the seller is boygofast...Hope this helps..
hey the shift kit ended up fixing my problem basically since the chain doesnt have to run all the way to the rear wheel anymore. ended up popping my tire tho so i havnt gotten to test it out, chains are pretty tight so im hoping they lossen up a bit because the instructions said 15links on the drive chain and it was super hard just to get on so yea, ill let you guys no how it runs tomorrow hopefully.
I do not understand all the talk of tight chains with the shift kits ? The shift kit comes with shims to tighten the drive side chain. I would not recommend a super tight drive chain. As for the other side, there is plenty of adjustment, so you do not have to run the chains to tight. Just saying!
well they tell you to use 15 links, i used 15 and it was way tight, could bearly pedal so i lubed the chain and it loosened up a bit. alls good now